Educators Teaching Finance in Elementary School

Although many educators believe that teaching students the importance of finance is too much for them to handle, some disagree. When children are developing, their brains are basically equivalent to sponges. Learning different languages is easy for them. So why not teach them to finance too? Ken Kurson is a financial professional who has written thousands of articles about his knowledge in media and on the economy. He has taught many young professionals how to be financially stable. Why not kids too?

Of course, children aren’t going to pick up financial literacy overnight, but having a seminar once a week or even once a month can help them be more financially independent as they grow older. This allows them to gain a higher knowledge of concepts that usually aren’t taught until college.  If children develop these skills in elementary schools maybe the economy would be better equipped. When the financially literate students are placed into the real world, they will make better financial decisions. Thus, leading to a healthier economy and even government. It may seem like a dream come true but it can be a reality. Ken Kurson doubts that this will ever happen because children have enough to worry about as it is. There may be lots of controversy on the subject, but it’s worth the debate.

How to Market Your Business Better

In order to be successful in marketing your business, there are few things to check over. First, the business has to be reliable. In other words, stick to a schedule. If you run a coffee shop and choose hours that tend to fluctuate, customers will take their business somewhere else. Entrepreneurs such as Shalom Lamm, express that a new business has to prove themselves to a customer. 

Next, build friendships with the clients. Especially as restaurants and bakeries, where consumers learn to love and cherish your food. Networking is a great way to market any business. The same goes for someone working in retail or finance. People talk and reviews are very easy to find online. Making sure they are beneficial to the company is a way to market the business. On the other hand, by doing some advertising the business may get more traffic. It’s very rare for a business to do advertising and then have no peak in sales. That being said, doing the steps listed above whilst advertising can ensure customer satisfaction and increase traffic in-store. Shalom Lamm makes a good point and although marketing business it’s easy, it’s necessary for any business to flourish.

Differences in Voting

2020 is definitely a wild year. So much has happened in the United States, it’s flabbergasting. Voting is no outlier when it comes to drastic changes. As of now, this year, the election will be very, very different. With the polls closing due to the pandemic, mailing votes will have to suffice. It’s important to adapt to the current climate of the world, according to Ken Kurson.

As we discover new ways to protect ourselves from the virus, we must still remember that the political world is also in need of our support. It doesn’t matter who you choose, it matters that you do. Voting is an instilled right given to us so that the true leader of this country can be found. We must unite as a nation and mail our vote in. Another difference in voting is that it will be harder to leave to the last minute. Just because the voting day is the same as always, does not mean that mailing can be saved until that day. Mail-in ballots have to be sent a few days so that the vote can be verified and valid. Sending it on the actual election day is equivalent to throwing your vote into the garbage. It’s important to stay on track and use your right as a citizen to share your political opinion. Ken Kurson suggests that registering to vote now is an easy way to remember to do it. The sooner, the better.

Is The Media Hypocritical About Renewable Energy

As the media preaches about renewable energy and finding companies who don’t use sustainable ways, they seem to forget about themselves. It takes an overwhelming amount of electricity to run a broadcast/newsroom. The number of kilowatts used, the heat used, and bulbs used as lighting is actually ridiculous. Ken Kurson, a journalist, thinks that newsrooms should become more sustainable. 

Yes, the current set up of newsrooms is very practical for everyone in them. The lighting is great, teleprompters are always active, and electricity seems to be running twenty-four-seven. Well, that’s not environmentally friendly at all. During the day, reporters should use natural lighting and not as much makeup. All the plastic bottles, hairspray, and other makeup containers aren’t recyclable. So many active changes could happen to newsrooms if the dedication and directorship were found. The hundred and thousands of newsrooms around the world could really help with environmental change and support the climate. As Ken Kurson says, it may take a lot of convincing, but the world’s climate will be better off.

Developing Healthy Eating Habits for Dummies

When starting a health journey, it’s important to remain positive and not to disturb how the body chooses to change. For some, losing weight might be the ultimate goal. However, our bodies take some time to adjust to new health changes and may even gain weight before losing. For example, Helen Schifter states that the biggest virtue one can have with their body is patience. 

Changes are a constant variable. Our homes can change, relationship status, and financial status. That being said, our bodies adjust to stress in many different forms. As of late, research has concluded that in order to actually be successful in losing weight and keeping it off, one must be cordial with the body and not hate it so much. Every person is beautiful. No matter what. It’s important that in order to start a health journey, that notion stays in the back of your mind. It takes time to figure out what goods you like or what exercise routines work best for your body. Helen Schifter believes that everyone is beautiful and eating healthy starts with feeling healthy in our minds.

Commendable Acts Earn Good Karma

It doesn’t cost anything to be a good person. Showing kindness in any way that we can is a commendable act. Yes, it’s obvious that hardships come in all shapes and sizes but it’s important to stay above the negativity in any way possible. Shalom Lamm enjoys being a kind person and does this by giving back to his community. It’s hard to find people who have the truest intentions nowadays. 

In order to have good things happen to you, one must put positivity out into the universe. If someone purposely hurts the feelings of a friend, something worse might happen in return. Almost like a boomerang. Although the result of a bad deed might not occur for even years, it’s still out in the universe. Being a benefactor for nonprofits is a great way to help boost one’s morality. Or, by doing acts of kindness that require extra care or attention. Having the right motives and intentions is the only critical part of being a better person.Reflecting on past mistakes can make individuals melancholy, but it’s important in the development process. By gaining a sense of responsibility for past actions and an understanding point of view on how those actions affected others, can help develop a kinder heart. Doing actions that better oneself will ultimately lead to the betterment of others. With situations like these, a domino effect is very popular and leads to a brighter future for many. Although it’s not always easy, Shalom Lamm recommends that anyone willing to even try participating in kinder acts is on the right track.

Chicago V. New York City

Chicago has an infinite number of fun activities to do and so many natives that grew up and changed the world. Some include Kanye West, Jennifer Hudson, Michelle Obama, Ken Kurson, and Hillary Clinton. So many political figures and talented musicians grew up on the beauties the windy city had to offer. Having the midwestern charm is something New Yorkers could never do. Rather than giving a cold shoulder, natives of Chicago are just more willing to strike up a conversation and smile. 

New York City is the most popular city in the world. That being said, their food there is undeniably rich with flavor and history. It’s also crazy expensive. Compared to Chicago, New York City is luxurious. Something many misinterpret is how hard it is to be a homeowner in New York. Renting usually ends up costing more money than home-owning, to begin with, and for a fraction of the space.  New York City tends to be slightly more filthy then Chicago. There is always trash piled up on the sidewalks and there is definitely a certain smell the streets poses. However, both cities have lots of pride. Usually, whoever lives in either city loves it, and calls it their home. Ken Kurson has had the opportunity to see what living in both cities was like first hand and he will always choose Chicago over New York. Home is home for people. There are so many memories associated with our upbringing which is why it’s hard to decide which city is better in a non-biased fashion.

The Media Plays a Critical Role

Media analysts like Ken Kurson have always been passionate about the value that the media plays in our vibrant democracy. The checks and balances that it ensures as a system is pivotal in order to ensure our lawmakers and elected officials are held in check.

Indeed the importance that the media plays cannot possibly be overstated. When one looks at the Coronavirus health pandemic for instance, it’s been critically important for the media to be providing consistent and regular updates to the public about the ways in which the pandemic has evolved and developed over time.

Some of this information has indeed proven to be life-saving. Information that public health officials are providing concerning social distancing and other important safety protocol has to be communicated en masse in a responsible fashion. It is indeed the case that some members of the media have comported themselves in a responsible fashion in ensuring this important duty is carried out. It’s therefore no wonder that Ken Kurson and many of his peers have always been adamant about the value and important role the media plays.

Rachel Harow: How to Keep Your Kids Positive

It’s important to focus on the triumphs your family makes rather than the mistakes. Children are bound to be testing at times, it’s their job. Being a patient parent is something that takes time to acquire but is a necessary skill for raising children. Rachel Harow, an outstanding mother, has been put through many tests and nevertheless, still keeps the hope for her children high. During the pandemic, many may feel lost or disconnected. Kids, more than anyone, are bound to have questions about why they must stay home and why. For younger children, wearing a mask will become something they are taught to do as soon as they step into a school. The educational environment is doing its best to adapt to the given circumstances. Harrow recommends a few ways to keep the spirits of your loved ones high during the pandemic. 

Rachel enjoys spending some time on Pinterest. This app allows her to be much more creative and lucrative with her decision making. There is an infinite amount of activities she has gathered from the app that her children find pleasure in doing. Art and crafts are a great way to distract young ones from the harsh realities of the world. Whether it’s creating slime, coloring their favorite animated characters, or baking sweet treats, it’s bound to help children feel more at ease. Harow also suggests that taking time away from electronics is very important for the development of young children. With schools taking incentives to remain online, kids get about eight hours of screen time a day. That’s so much! Harow tries to focus the attention of her children on something that doesn’t involve screens so that their eyes can catch a break. Creating slime is a way for them to get their hands dirty and away from devices.

Many people undervalue how important it is to notice how a child expresses themselves. By throwing tantrums or crying episodes, it may be a sign they are in some form of turmoil. Having kids journal about their thoughts or communicate how they are feeling at any given moment is highly recommended. Harow uses a technique that almost tricks them into expressing their emotions. By giving each child a little piece of paper, Rachel tells her children to draw a face. By face, she means simile, frowny, or angry. Honestly, it doesn’t really matter what the draw is because there are endless emotions they could be feeling. According to Corporation Wiki, Rachel has used this technique for years and recommended it to all her friends. 

Moreover, if a child draws a frowny face they are more inclined to talk about how they are feeling. The fact they are willing to collaborate on what their true feelings are is paramount. Some children would just draw a smiley face even if they were truly sad. Thus, that’s why there is much more opportunity to help a child who admits to sadness than not. Harow would pull her child aside if they ever presented a sad face, and talk to them one on one. She would ask them if something happened with their siblings, friends, or something online. As the virtual world grows, it’s important to remember how prominent cyberbullying is. Almost 90% of people have been cyberbullied in some way, shape, or form.  Of course, if a child is ever being harassed or bullied it’s up to the parents and peers to fix the issue. It is a difficult task to be an educator, especially online. Bullying can happen on any platform and in many ways. That’s why it’s crucial to do research about an institution before sending a child there. Katz Hillel Day School is a great example of a school dedicated to ensuring all children are happy. It allows students to be transparent about any issues they might have and ensures a positive outlook on any problems. Harow enjoys being part of the team there because of how positive they are about social change and community incentives. Keeping kids happy is a parent first job. Although it may not be easy, once a child grows up, they will be thankful for the bond they have with you and the help you’ve given them to flourish.

Simple Ways to Go Green

As the people are adjusting to going green, it’s important to do little things around the house that will help the overall process. For example, Rachel Harow, has been teaching her kids to not use as much water. For drinking purposes, her husband has installed them a Brita filter that attaches to the sink. That way, it’s easy for the kids to get unlimited water and disregards the use of plastic. Another way to get rid of unnecessary plastic is by using reusable water bottles. If the kids are ever at school or need to carry water with them, it prompts them not to use plastic and is more beneficial for the environment. 

Next, bringing reusable mugs or thermoses to places like Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts can help eliminate the use of plastic as well. Given that the coronavirus is still a common threat to people, maybe ask before giving a reusable cup to a franchise. However, once things go back to normal, it’s highly recommended. Furthermore, it’s very easy to save money and the planet by conserving water and reducing intake. By showering two minutes less than your average shower time, a person can really help save the earth. Gallons of water gets wasted by over flushing or over showering. If kids prefer to play in the water, have them take a bath so that the amount of time spent in the bathroom isn’t affecting water intake. In addition, planting outside is very important for sustainability. Rachel Harow enjoys planting strawberries for her children. This is a great activity for the whole family and can reduce plastic and waste. Pesticides that can be found in almost all store-bought fruit and vegetables are also not going to be harming the earth in any way.