Are People Only Looking for Sustainable Housing?

As housing marketers and realtors become more aware of people’s wants, they have to adapt. In recent years,more and more buyers are searching for sustainable housing because of the climate change crisis. Solar panels are a large investment, according to Shalom Lamm, but they are very beneficial to the envoirnemtn. 

The technology many are searching for can be found by professional realtors. Most houses in the United States still have gas power or unsustainable ways of maintenance. It can be very costy to the individual, either way, they choose to buy. Yet, many younger generation couples are only taking out mortgages where they see green energy. With the climate crisis, renewable energy sources are making millions in profits because their energy is soon to become a primary source. Housing markets reflect the economy heavily, so only professionals like Shalom Lamm will fully understand what will happen as everyone turns carbon free.

Do Solar Panels Make Real Estate Selling More Difficult

Indeed, with the world becoming keen on reducing carbon emissions the housing market might have to restructure its selling process. Shalom Lamm, a realtor, believes that solar energy is then the next big thing for housing. Millions of people have homes powered by solar panels and won’t settle for anything less. 

When buyers look for modern homes, they are looking for something that isn’t damaging to the earth. A lot of homes in Iceland use geothermal energy to support the homes. It’s very plausible that soon, the United States will also be fully powered by renewable energy since major companies like Google and Amazon are planning to be zero net carbon in the next twenty years.Homes use so much gas and electricity that the housing market is starting to look for a way to represent energy efficiency in sales. By telling prospective buyers certain reusable qualities the home possesses, they might be more persuaded to purchase. Shalom Lamm says there is so much room for the housing market to grow however, there is also room for failure if realtors don’t market properly.

Mom Tips: Buy Plane Tickets Now

Thanks to the horrific pandemic, airfare has never been cheaper. As a consequence of the lack of travel, especially in the United States, flight companies are reducing how much they charge per trip. Rachel Harow, a mom of four, is thrilled that these rates have been reduced but still isn’t keen on traveling anywhere. 

Many people use sites like Kayak or Expedia for their travel research. As locations and destinations open up again, families should start looking into purchasing tickets now. If one has a large family, that means large bills. Booking round trip tickets for six people under three hundred dollars is unheard of predicament. Thus, moms should be purchasing tickets for future trips now more than ever. This could save thousands of dollars in the long run and ensure that spots are available for family members. Although the world may seem very different from what it used to be, countries have fully recovered from coronavirus and can travel willingly. Rachel Harow believes that unless there are no cases recorded, families should remain safe and at home. However, it never hurts to plan and have a hopeful future.

Should Journalists Be Required to Use Blue Light Glasses?

All of those who spend any time on a digital screen should be wearing blue light glass. Journalists such as Ken Kurson view that it’s a great way to keep the headache at bay and production constant. It takes a lot of work to produce a column or when editing other journalists’ writing pieces, so having a way to protect the eyes from strain is very important.

When an individual starts the day, they should be wearing the glasses. Blurred vision is a consequence of not wearing blue light glasses and so is dryness. With younger generations now starting glasses online, it’s important to protect their eyes since they are developing. The beauty of the glasses is that they can be stylish. Many people are opposed to glasses because they don’t match certain outfits or even personalities. Luckily, blue light glasses come in all shapes and sizes. Journalists need to wear these protective glasses because they will spend years in front of a computer screen. It might be difficult for some writers to get used to but it’s highly recommended by Ken Kurson. Writing doesn’t have to have negative side effects if the right precaution is taken.

Are Journalists Overwhelmed by 2020 Events?

2020 has been a whirlwind for everyone. There are breaking news stories constantly being reported to mass media audiences. Editors like Ken Kurson, believe journalists have their work cut out for them. It takes a lot of work to cover stories that are so vast in topics. 

Many broadcasters have to rely on top outlets and journalists to get their education. There have definitely been battles in the press room on who gets the best story the fastest. Think about how each media outlet wants to release a breaking news story to get as much traffic to the domain as possible. With that being said, it can be difficult to undertake that much information at once. There are scientists, country leaders, astronauts, and literacy professionals constantly erupting with information.It is up to the journalist to filter through the overload of information and run with a story. This can be a lot of pressure for many of them. Are they supposed to choose what is important and what’s not? Sharing such vast details with the world is a very high stake operation. A lot of journalists fear that they will give the wrong information or their interpretations will be misunderstood by various audience members. Ken Kurson says the best way to be a successful journalist in 2020 is by doing your best and showing respect.

The Financial District in Chicago

Chicago, Illinois is an amazing place to visit and explore. Many natives have grown up to become some of the most influential people in the world. For example, Michelle Obama, Hilary Clinton, Walt Disney, Harrison Ford, Ken Kurson, and John Cusack have all been raised on deep-dish pizza. One of the most affluent areas of Chicago in the Loop, also known as, the financial district.

Corporations stretch the 35-block area and many are now finding home in The Loop. The reasoning for that name is because back in the 19th century, the Chicago Union elevated Railway looped around this district. Thus, the name will stand strong today and the beautiful views of Lake Michigan never disappoint.  There are so many fun places to attend when in the financial district. At the Money Museum, there is a revolving spare filled with a million dollars. Touring the Burnham Library is also a great place to stay indoor if it rains. Most buildings allow for visitors so getting some great photo ops is never a problem. Documenting a financial district tour is a great way to remember facts learned throughout the day. Ken Kurson enjoys blogging about his travels and recommends it to anyone he knows!

Why Be Sustainable

There are currently millions of reasons why individuals should be sustainable. With climate change being a serious issue, we must do everything we can to support the planet, not destroy it. Fashion icons such as Helen Schifter use sustainable fashion and products to help lessen her carbon footprint. Ice is seriously melting and if the world gets any hotter, we will all eventually be underwater. 

Investing in sustainable fashion, products, cleaning items, and other things that can be reused is critical. The earth is predicted to be one-point-five degrees Celsius warmer in the next twenty years. The next generation of people will have a much harder life and a much harder time fixing the problem if something isn’t immediately done.Sustainability isn’t as hard as it looks. By going green billions of carbon footprints can be erased and the next generations would have a much healthier future. Being kind to the planet is no joke. Companies are doing their best to produce clean products and use the least amount of fossil fuels as possible. That being said, everyone has to collaborate in order to make a substantial difference in the earth’s climate. Like Helen Schifter, starting by changing daily tasks and making them sustainable is step one to living a greener future.

Infographic Provided by Rock Solid Stabilization & Reclamation, Inc.

The Impact Traditions Can Have

The history of the human species makes it very easy to see that traditions are very culturally appropriated and continue through generations. Traditions can vary between food preparations, prayers, clothing, and even dances. The many beautiful ways different cultures build traditions is why Shalom Lamm, a historian, enjoys reading about them.

We all have our own family traditions that impact us in one way or another. Changing locations for a Thanksgiving Dinner is untraditional to some and can lead to debacles between family members. By someone breaking a marriage tradition, family’s could be torn apart or even separated. There are so many impacts traditions have on our day to day lives.Most traditions affect us in positive ways. Celebrating holidays like Hanukkah or Christmas give families so much joy. Traditions give us opportunities to grow family relations and even create new ones. By transitioning and teaching younger member about different practices, they will continue developing traditions as they grows older. Shalom Lamm highly recommends that following traditions rooted deep in one’s own personal heritage. So much can be uncovered by doing research into traditional practices.

Is Peer Review Overrated

Many think that peer-reviewing literature is overrated because it’s time-consuming. In fact, those who don’t approve of peer pressure are usually the ones who don’t take criticism well. Editors such as Ken Kurson urge students and writers to peer edit their work. Gaining insights from other points of view can be very beneficial to someone’s work.

Some ways to gain momentum on peer review is by doing writing in parts. When doing so, it allows those editing enough time to look over the work and comment on it. No peer reviewer should never directly make edits without permission. This can be very disruptive to the flow of writing. In major journalism companies and news outlets, peer revision is a necessary step in order to be published. Peer reviewing will never be overrated or unneeded. It’s extremely beneficial to both parties involved. Learning how to edit a paper will only enhance abilities to catch personal mistakes down the road. It’s also a great way to collaborate on ideas that can push both writers to be better and more significant. Ken Kurson says it takes time to develop a peer revision routine, but in the end, it’s all worth it.

Why Children Should Have Diaries

Self-expression is something that all people have to go through. By developing a sense of establishment for oneself and other children can grow into more distinguished people. Writing is a great way to express oneself . Children should utilize their writing skills to create diaries or stories that help them conquer certain emotions. Ken Kurson, a dad and journalist, encourages his children to express themselves through literature.

Diaries are very personal and shouldn’t be read by parents. However, if a child is in therapy, sometimes the diaries help gage a better perception of where the child’s head is at. Children are ultra-sensitive and produce content straight from the heart. By doing this they can reveal struggles they’ve been through and how they overcome it. Everyone seems to forget that adults were children once too. Some of the most famous writers have developed extremely throughout stories about childhood traumas and other events that they consider life-changing. By starting at a young age, children can develop techniques and parts of literature that some adults don’t even access. Ken Kurson loves introducing his kids to the Magnificent world of writing and reading, and you should too!