Latest Flavorless Socati Water-Soluble Ingredients

Technological advancements in research have caused growing awareness about the benefits of cannabinoids, leading to a rise in demand for products containing CBD. However, since most plants that manufacture CBD also produce THC, removal of these intoxicating chemicals from hemp extracts has been a challenge, even with the help of chromatography on a larger scale.

Austin-based Socati is quickly becoming a key player in the booming CBD and cannabinoid industry. The company produces broad-spectrum hemp extract that contains high percentages of CBD, along with a special water-soluble CBD product, both of which are supplied to CPG manufacturers directly.

The company has gained recognition since its inception in 2018, leading to the funding of $42 million from just two rounds of investor funding. The team is continually researching and testing out new development techniques, including chromatographic processes, extraction procedures, and proprietary genetics.

As a supplier of hemp-derived ingredients for manufacturers, Socati was the first company in the CBD industry to develop large-scale chromatography processes intended to reduce the THC to undetectable levels.

Comprised of chemists, agronomists, industry executives, and geneticists, the Socati team can develop the next level of natural ingredients through revolutionary technological advancements. The company’s success is attributed to the team’s years of specialized experience and expertise. They are also credited with founding and running biochemical, healthcare, agribusiness, high-tech, and medical cannabis companies.

The two products developed by Socati contain high levels of CBD and CBG (cannabigerol), along with non-detectable levels of THC. As an ultra-high purity CBD oil product, this ingredient has targeted terpene profiles and low cannabinoid ratios. It is recommended to product brands and manufacturers who are looking for a scalable source of broad-spectrum, non-detectable THC extract. The water-soluble product consists of a stable water-soluble powder that has a high amount of CBD, providing reliable consumer experiences.

Flavorless Water-Soluble Ingredient

The company recently unveiled its latest ingredient, a water-soluble CBD powder, which is completely flavorless. The unique properties of this component enable manufacturers to add hemp-derived cannabinoids directly into their products without having to use surfactants, additional flavoring agents, emulsifiers, or other complex treatments.

The creation of these unique formulations was made possible by advanced micro-encapsulation technology. This process includes flavor solutions to make comprehensive ingredients for the development of a product and integrating natural antimicrobials and antioxidants to lengthen the shelf life.

According to Josh Epstein, chief executive officer of Socati, the hemp and CBD industry has long faced significant problems when it comes to adding cannabinoids to food, topical formulas, and beverages without changing the texture or flavor of the finished products. However, he speculates that the problem has been solved by this new flavorless ingredient, providing exactly what manufacturers need to meet the increasing demand for CBD and CBG products.

By taking advantage of the most advanced technologies in the food and beverage sector, this flavorless water-soluble ingredient also utilizes the chromatographic process to make sure that the finished product contains active CBD and CBG components while the THC content remains undetectable.

Additional Information

All Socati products are thoroughly tested by certified third-party laboratories that give a verified analysis showing THC is at a non-detectable level along with results of CBD and CBG levels. The company’s processing facilities observe GMP standards and are certified by SQF.

Work of Jonathan Cornelissen Shows Impact of Education

Education is a key part of what makes any economy function. As the population grows, jobs become increasingly specialized, requiring new and unique kinds of training to maximize effectiveness. One area in which this has become especially relevant is in the field of data science. To further explore this topic, we looked to the work of Jonathan Cornelissen, who has dedicated a large portion of his life to helping improve educational resources in the field. Read on for a look at this work and how these types of educational efforts fuel the modern workforce.

Company Creation

Much of the work of Cornelissen stems from his efforts to create DataCamp, an online resource aimed at educating people on issues related to data science, such as specific programming languages. The founder came up with the idea when he was pursuing his doctorate in econometrics. During that time, he was required to learn the programming language R, which he found difficult. Once he was teaching courses of his own, he saw that his students had similar difficulties with the programming language, so he sought out additional resources to make it easier for them to engage in their studies.

To his surprise, there weren’t any effective and engaging tools at the time for students looking to increase their understanding in this area. For that reason, the data scientist decided to build just such a tool that could help students grasp some of the more difficult aspects of the field. After developing the prototype with a small team, he partnered with existing educational platforms, such as those offered by universities, to provide access to the software. The results were immediate and encouraging, as students found the tools useful for furthering their abilities. Since that small beginning, the company has expanded to assist millions of additional students.

Education and Opportunity

The ability to build on one’s existing skill set, such as through the company’s offerings, provides learners with increased access to opportunity. This is one of the clearest ways that education can improve quality of life, since that opportunity can improve one’s job satisfaction, earnings, and general happiness in a work environment. When these aspects of a person’s professional life are maximized, they tend to perform better and make more impactful contributions.

These benefits have effects outside the workplace as well, with plenty of studies pointing to the profound effects that our experiences in employment can have on other aspects of our lives. One way that this manifests is through our social interactions. Many studies have drawn a connection between a person’s general happiness and their willingness to engage in social activities. Since education can increase a person’s happiness through professional opportunity, it also has an effect on a person’s ability to engage socially and connect to friends. This principle extends to all other areas of life as well, such as satisfaction with family and romantic partners. The ways that education improves one’s happiness at work can have sizable impacts on nearly every aspect of life.

Data Science

The educational work by the company founder is especially impactful when you consider the ways that the field of data science is expanding to touch many areas of modern life. This is evident in the nomenclature that we use to describe this period in history. While the recent past has been dubbed by many as the “Information Age,” many have taken to labeling the present period as the “Data Age.” This can be attributed to the many ways that data availability has increased starkly with the continued maturation of the internet and related technologies.

As a result of this increase in data availability, businesses and other organizations can now focus on data science in a manner that was never before possible. New data collection and analysis methods are illuminating paths toward increased efficiency and even entirely new methods of operation. While these changes are fueled by the general increase in data availability, they are equally driven by the ability of employees to work with the data at hand. In other words, without educational efforts to increase data literacy, the effect of new data flowing into organizations would be severely limited.

Expanding Effect

Due to the widespread need for data fluency, the data scientist’s company has seen its reach grow steadily over the years since its inception. This stands as a testament to the priority that people are placing on data and the need for individuals to fill more and more roles in the field. While the early days of the company saw it partnering with educational institutions based on the strength of its initial prototype, its current work is largely based on its independent platform that draws learners from all walks of life.

These students sign up with the company to learn basic data concepts and programming languages related to statistics and data analysis. With these tools, they can go back into the workforce and increase their ability to contribute to their organization’s goals. With that in mind, the company’s effect on the greater workforce has been expanding precipitously over the years. Now, as one of the go-to organizations for those seeking to improve data fluency, it contributes a sizable amount of talent and expertise to the overall economy.

From the above analysis, it’s clear that education is intricately connected to the viability of any economy. Without the ability for individuals to learn new skills, the potential for an economy to grow and change is extremely limited. This is relevant to the work of Cornelissen, as the economy once again makes a profound shift in focus. With the emergence of advanced data collection and analysis techniques, the work that the data scientist has done in creating new learning methods in the field is invaluable. For those interested in data science or the effect that a singular idea can have on others, the founder’s work makes for an interesting area of study.

New York Presents A Large Field of Nonprofits, But These 5 Organizations Have Separated Themselves From the Pack

New York City is home to one of the largest collections of nonprofit entities that can be found anywhere in the world. The city’s nonprofit sector is out there doing some outstanding work and making a real difference both locally and globally. Those who are interested in working for or supporting a nonprofit will have no problem finding a great organization if they are looking in the New York City area. With this in mind, these are five suggestions for nonprofits that are well worth looking into. These vital organizations have worked hard to separate from a dense pack of nonprofit sector entities that operate in New York City.

1. We Are Family Foundation

Launched in September of 2001 and doing amazing work since then, We Are Family Foundation has a mission to educate today’s youth about the benefit of understanding and respect. The organization works hard to help provide education to young people that will give them a true understanding and appreciation of the value of diversity. This outstanding New York-based organization was founded by renowned musician Nile Rodgers and it continues to this day to work on issues important both locally and globally.

2. Alliance for the Arts

New York City’s Alliance for the Arts has built a strong reputation over the years as one of the region’s top nonprofit entities. The organization works hard to promote cultural events and offerings that provide valuable educational lessons. This forward-thinking nonprofit is also notable for the way that it has embraced emergent forms of technology over the years to help in its mission. Through technology and a program that emphasizes the value that is present in personalized learning, Teach to One has made a dramatic impact on the lives of countless math students across the New York region since the nonprofit was first launched in 2009.

3. Urban Justice Center

The Urban Justice Center is another outstanding New York regional nonprofit that has made a significant impact on the community that it serves. The organization focuses its efforts on New York residents that live in poverty and has placed a large emphasis on finding ways to help minority groups across the city. The Urban Justice Center is known for providing key legal support in many critical issues that face vulnerable groups across the New York City region.

4. Phipps Neighborhoods

Phipps Neighborhoods has a special place amongst New York nonprofits as the city’s oldest entity working toward providing affordable housing to qualifying individuals across the region. The organization runs valuable campaigns aimed at helping New York City youth from underprivileged backgrounds to get the education and opportunities that they need to be able to thrive. This outstanding organization recently received a huge financial boost to the valuable work that it is doing. This came in the form of a contract from the city of New York that has a total value of $3.5 million. This valuable funding will go toward providing housing and emergency shelter.

5. Teach to One

It is no surprise that Teach to One has made it into this list of New York City nonprofits that are having a truly profound impact through the work being done. In this case, the focus is squarely on the education of today’s young people and specifically on today’s math students in middle school.

Jeffrey S. Dallenbach, AIA Has Learned The Ropes Of Leadership

Leadership forms an essential quality in any kind of work. Leaders are a necessity. People need guidance that enables them to think carefully about the work they do each day. A really good leader brings a great many qualities to the table with them. They know how to work with clients and listen to exactly what they are saying when they are speaking. They also know how to find the right people for any project and get them on board. Leaders are also those who can help people at any workplace do their best and even go beyond it. They know that it is imperative to be there for their workers and for their clients with skilled advice and careful help. This is one quality that Jeffrey S. Dallenbach has embodied over the course of his life and his chosen career in the difficult and demanding world of construction.

Building a Career

A career has been very much on the mind of Jeffrey S. Dallenbach, AIA from the very start of his life. He rapidly developed a love of buildings and how they are put together. Architecture understandably appealed to his love of order and his desire to make his mark. This is a field that has continued to capture his full attention and keep it there. He began his formal education at Texas A&M. This university is one where the emphasis is on creating a well-rounded student who still has what it takes to go above and beyond in any vocation they see fit to choose. At this university, he set his sights on becoming an architect. Architecture is a difficult and demanding field. Yet this did not daunt him. Those who are planning to enter the field in Texas must meet certain stringent requirements. Jeffrey S. Dallenbach, AIA was more than able to show off his innate ambition. He quickly took the exams to become a licensed architect and set about making his mark in this field.

Not Content

Dallenbach was not content to sit on his laurels and merely be part of a firm. He wanted something more. It was this sense of ambition and his ability to lead that lead him to seek out others who could teach him well. He chose to work closely with the respected firm of Marmon Mok Architects. This is one firm that has created a great many different projects all over San Antonio. In the process, he began to work closely with some of the most important projects in the entire state. His particular field of expertise at this firm was that of education. This is where he began to show off exactly what he could to create better places for Texans to get an education.

Forming His Own Firm

As true leaders know well, it is not enough to work for others. People who feel a burning sense of ambition are those who want to break free from the constraints that bound them and create a space of their own. It was this sense of having more to give that led Dallenbach to found his own firm. At DALLENBACH·COLE ARCHITECTURE, Dallenbach has continued to take a leadership role that benefits his firm and his many clients in the San Antonio area. DALLENBACH·COLE ARCHITECTURE is a firm that has taken on many varied projects. This is a firm that is in full command of the field of architecture and fully committed to creating impressive projects for their many clients. It is a firm that Dallenbach hopes to continue leading as he heads to a great future.