Stream Energy Discusses the Power of Clean Living
The idea of clean living has hit the world by storm, with clean living essentials offered to people at every turn. Everywhere you look, there are people, products, and services promoting the positive effects of clean living. With all of this talk about clean living, we talked to Stream Energy to learn more about what it is and what we gain when we buy into the practice.
Clean living is more of a lifestyle than a movement. It’s focused on living a life that is healthy and natural. Instead of mindlessly going through your days, paying little attention to what you eat, use, and consume, it’s a practice of being mindful of the choices that you make. As a leading provider of affordable energy plans, Stream Energy experts explain that clean living doesn’t just have enormous benefits for the environment and our economy but also for your wallet and overall health.
Economic and Environmental Effects of Clean Living
You make choices every day when it comes to how you live. From the foods you eat to the clothes you wear to the mode of transportation you use, your lifestyle is primarily based on your personal preferences. In the 1970s, a clean-living movement developed when a surge of health-reform crusades emerged to “clean up” society. From anti-alcohol and social purity to diet, public health, and energy consumption, reform campaigns became the prime concern of millenials looking to create better living environments for themselves and future generations. Coined the “Clean Living Movement” by Professor of Applied Health Sciences at Indiana University Ruth C. Engs in 1990, clean living has become a lifestyle across the world.
It should come as no surprise that clean living has continued to remain a popular way of life for the past five decades. That’s because it’s not only good for the environment and the economy, but it also delivers excellent results for those who practice it. Let’s break down the benefits of clean living and ways that you can make small changes in your life to join the movement.
Positive Impact of Clean Living on the Economy
According to a Forbes article from 2019 titled “Renewable Energy Job Boom Creates Economic Opportunity as Coal Industry Slumps,” clean energy creates employment opportunities in the green job sector in the U.S. In 2018 alone, the renewable energy industry added 110,000 new jobs.
Clean living brings development to rural areas, where renewable facility locations often take advantage of ample space and resource potential, Stream Energy explains. Furthermore, building renewable energy is cheaper than running existing coal plants. That’s why states and utilities across the nation are setting 100 percent clean energy goals, inspiring workers to build solar panels and wind turbines and creating new economic opportunities as they go.
The truth is that we make choices every day that affect our ability to live clean, from wasting energy to using products that contain harmful chemicals, but there are several small shifts that you can make to live a cleaner life. When you commit to clean living, you open yourself up to the power of healthy choices. That power doesn’t just lie in the effects that clean living has on you today. It also lies in the change that you’re making for future generations by living a healthier life that bolsters the economy and the planet we call home.
Stream Energy Tips to Shift to Clean Living
Clean living doesn’t necessarily mean you need to make drastic, loud changes in your life to see progress. According to Stream Energy, there are several small things that you can do every day to live a cleaner life:
- Avoid Toxins, Chemicals, and Synthetic Ingredients: The best rule of thumb is “if it doesn’t exist in nature, avoid it.” Unfortunately, the toxins and chemicals used in everyday household cleaners, beauty products, and hair styling products contain a long list of harmful chemicals and toxins that aren’t just bad for the environment but for your health as well.
- Stay Hydrated: Your body runs best when it’s fully hydrated. Drinking water is great for your hair, skin, physical well-being, mental health, and more. When fueling up with H20, you must do so consciously. Not only should you drink a lot of water throughout the day, but you should also carry a reusable bottle with you to fill up on thirst-quenching water in an environmentally friendly way.
- Go Green: From the foods you eat to the clothes you wear and the food you consume, there’s plenty of ways that you can go green. Check out the Stream Energy Green page for more facts on how going green can change your life. For starters, look at your diet. Plants contain protein, fiber, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals that keep your body running like a well-oiled machine. When you take care of your body, the rest falls into place. The healthier you eat, the more focused you’ll be, leaving you ready to make better living choices as you go.
- Give Power Back to the Grid: The more renewable energy that’s created, the less dependent we become on harmful energy sources. That’s why Stream Energy offers renewable energy plans and upgrades that you can add to your current plan to help offset your carbon footprint. When it comes to energy-saving ideas, it’s not just about the extra money in your wallet; it’s also about the positive environmental effects of reducing energy consumption.
Protecting the Environment
Clean living doesn’t just create a better economy; it creates a healthier environment and a healthier life. Choosing a clean energy plan helps avoid the emission of harmful pollutants, such as carbon dioxide, mercury, nitrogen oxide, and sulfur dioxide. And, unlike fossil-fuel extraction, clean energy plans don’t damage the land. Simply put, clean energy plans are made from unlimited renewable sources, concludes Stream Energy. Many of these sources use little to no water at all.
Clean living is a powerful movement that’s created a healthier, happier lifestyle for today’s generations and future generations. Its impact is felt around the world, from the work you do to the air you breathe to the food you eat. If there’s ever a reason to join the clean-living movement, there’s no better one than that.