Gutter Cleaning Safety Advice You Should Always Remember

Most housework is considered to be completely safe. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. There are different tasks that are dangerous and you need to put in some effort if you want to stay safe. Gutter cleaning is one of the tasks that seem simple but can be very dangerous. This is why Summit Gutter Repair Denver recommends the following vital safety tips. 

Properly Use Ladders

The best thing you can do is have someone with you when you use the ladder. This is important in the event that you fall. That person can quickly act to help you out and even call emergency care whenever necessary. 

Make sure you set your ladder right into the ground in a way that it is really sturdy. You can do this by finding level, solid ground. When you start to climb the ladder and you feel wobbling, just go down. Put your ladder somewhere that it is really sturdy. 

Clean The Roof First

Rubber soled shoes should be worn and you want to use a rake or a broom in order to remove debris from the roof. This should be done first so that debris does not end up falling on you during a gust of unexpected wind. 

Always Use The Appropriate Tools

It is always helpful to have a bucket near you so that you can put some debris in it. At the same time, you want to use scooping tools that are created to clean the gutter. They can extend reach and allow fast task completion. Also, you want to use a hose that has a pistol handle attached. This helps control water pressure while also allowing you to stay sturdy. 

Clean Based On A Specific Routine

Your gutters have to be cleaned especially during fall and spring. When you have messy trees near the home or there are frequent storms dropping leaves on the roof, gutters also have to be checked during summer. Blockage is avoided through consistent cleaning. Also, if you follow a maintenance schedule, it is so much easier to clean the roof. 

Always Protect Yourself

Whenever you clean your gutters, be sure that you wear eyewear and gloves. Just think about the following things: droppings coming from squirrels, birds and many other creatures. These can be present right on the leaves that are present on the gutters. Glove protection is also needed as it offers a clear buffer when the hand is run along sharp metal pieces. 

Final Thoughts

Always remember the fact that responsible home ownership means that the home is maintained as it should be all while being completely safe. Also, it means that you keep the home insured with a proper coverage.

Cleaning gutters is always dangerous, no matter what you might initially think. Even if you did this for a long time in the past and there was no problem, it does not mean that problems are not going to appear in the future. You should always clean your gutters with supervision and you need to have safety in your mind.

The Truth About the Weed Killer Cancer Myth

By now, you’ve probably heard about the lawsuit against Roundup’s weed killer. This popular choice for eradicating invasive and unwanted plants is now allegedly linked to cancer. With a federal jury finding manufacturer Monsanto guilty in a California lawsuit, there may be more to this cancer myth than meets the eye.

While Bayer AG, who purchased Monsanto after the lawsuit, plans to appeal the ruling, this isn’t the first time Roundup was linked to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. So, is there any truth to these cancer claims or are these just frivolous lawsuits with no factual backing? Here’s everything you need to know.

Enter Glyphosate

The most popular herbicide in the world is known as glyphosate. This chemical is used to treat corn, cotton, and soybeans in the United States aside from home gardens and lawns. The controversy around the weed killer cancer myth is that this substance has yet to be banned here in America.

Over two dozen other countries, however, have already banned or restricted glyphosate in their products. The chemical itself is not carcinogenic, according to Monsanto, but recent studies suggest otherwise.

Is Glyphosate Dangerous?

For a long time, people assumed it wasn’t. Glyphosate is used in weed killer because it inhibits a growth enzyme in plants. Humans do not share that enzyme, which makes it seem safe at first. It would be over three decades before any agency consider the possibility that this chemical was a carcinogen.

Recent European and Canadian studies that came about as a result of the various lawsuits against Roundup found a direct link to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma as well as increased miscarriage rates. The issue is that it isn’t just glyphosate in the weed killer consumers use, though. It’s what the chemical is combined with that makes things dangerous.

Chemical Cocktails

Glyphosate is the active ingredient in weed killer, which is paired with an inert ingredient known as POEA. When active, POEA damages embryonic cells, placentas, and umbilical cords. Monsanto and other manufacturers claim that this chemical is harmless to humans while inert.

Unfortunately, the two play on each other’s toxicity to create a deadly combination. Studies found that farming communities who rely heavily on these chemicals experienced increased miscarriages, forms of cancer, and birth defects. That’s not including the devastating effect they have on wildlife.

Joining those chemicals is one known as 2, 4-D. This chemical is heavily used in Louisiana, a top producer of soybeans. With the capability to shut down the body’s organs and directly cause cancer, it wasn’t long before headlines read, “Louisiana lawyers file a claim against Monsanto for Roundup exposure.”

All three of these chemicals are paired with dioxins that are known carcinogens in both the UK and Canada. The end result of decades worth of exposure from crops and water systems on the public remains unclear, but workers who have used Roundup all this time are at an incredibly high risk for developing non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. It’s unfortunate, but the myth is true this time.

Athlete Fatigue? You May Have Celiac Disease!

Working out makes everyone tired, but long periods of fatigue could be a sign of a more serious issue. If you enjoy athletics or fitness of any kind and are more tired than normal, you might be suffering from Celiac disease.

This disease causes negative reactions to gluten.  It is more common than you might think. One in every 100 Americans has it, but many go undiagnosed or are diagnosed late.

If you have a family history of Celiac disease, you are more likely to have it. It is important to speak to a doctor if you have any symptoms indicating you might have the disease.

There are many symptoms that could point to Celiac disease; most go unnoticed. It is also common to only experience one symptom at a time which does not always lead to a diagnosis.  It is hard for doctors to diagnose Celiac disease without a little help.

It’s important to know the signs of Celiac disease if it is to be treated before causing lasting damage to your organs.

  The only known way to reduce the symptoms is to completely cut gluten from the diet.

Common symptoms

There are several symptoms you might want to watch for if you suspect you might have Celiac disease. Some are more obvious than others, but all could point to the same diagnosis.

Stomach pain

Any pain in the abdominal region is typically abnormal. If you are experiencing constant digestive discomfort and serious bellyaches, this could be a sign of Celiac disease.

Ingesting foods with a high amount of gluten and feeling ill shortly after is a good sign that you should cut gluten from your diet.

Stomach pains often go hand in hand with bloating and cramping when it comes to a Celiac patient’s response to gluten.


Frequent headaches are no fun for anyone. They can make the passing of days long and painful and your sleep very uncomfortable.

Headaches are common after stressful days, but if you have other aches and pains in addition to frequent headaches, cutting out gluten might solve the problem.

Although having a headache is typically not a sign of a serious illness, it can be when it is present alongside other abnormal sensations.

Diarrhea and Nausea

Stomach upset in the form of either nausea or diarrhea is a common symptom of many illnesses or drug interactions. In combination with serious stomach pains and bloating, this could point to Celiac disease.

Frequent trips to the restroom or irregular bowel movements are both associated with Celiac.


Feeling tired is normal, but feeling fatigued can really put a damper on your life. You might have no motivation to get out of bed and constantly feel like you need a nap.

Between 60% and 82% of people with Celiac or other gluten intolerance conditions experience fatigue. That’s well over half of Celiacs, meaning your fatigue could be a sign of the disease.

Fatigue as a symptom makes Celiac disease hard to catch because it isn’t easy to differentiate from just feeling tired after a long day.

When in doubt, talk to a doctor about all discomforts you are experiencing as a help to diagnose the causes sooner rather than later.

Did you know these were symptoms too?

Many Celiacs suffer from common symptoms like headaches or nausea, but few realize that other serious issues could also indicate the presence of Celiac disease.


Having healthy blood is vital to a healthy body. When the contents of your blood are compromised, more issues are likely to occur.

Celiac disease can cause anemia and, in combination, the two can cause a world of suffering. Your stomach will be upset, you will feel tired, and could experience chest pain and serious dizziness.

Check with your doctor to determine whether your signs of anemia could be related to Celiac disease.

Anxiety or depression

Celiac disease could also be the cause of some mental health issues, like anxiety and depression.

You may have been diagnosed with one of these mental illnesses, but the underlying cause might be Celiac.

Many don’t realize that poor mental health in addition to abnormal body aches or fatigue might not be just a mental health concern.


The skin can also be affected. Rashes that are itchy and uncomfortable sometimes accompany Celiac disease.

The most serious form of rash that can appear as a result of Celiac disease is known as dermatitis herpetiformis. This causes burning blisters in different areas on the body that eventually scab over.

If you notice a painful, unsightly rash beginning to form, it could be a sign of Celiac disease, experienced by some patients.

Fragile bones

When any organs in the body are affected by a disease, other body systems could be affected as well. Most people don’t realize that osteoporosis can appear when Celiac is present.

Brittle and weak bones might be a sign of Celiac disease in the body. This can be dangerous, because it can lead to fractured bones.

Athletic performance with Celiac disease

Any intense athletic activity could make the Celiac disease worse if you aren’t on a gluten-free diet.

The increased heart rate and higher blood pressure from athletics could cause inflammation in the digestive system.

Serious damage to the small intestine and other internal organs is more likely to occur.

Not treating Celiac disease and continuing to work hard will likely cause a more rapid decline in health because the body is suffering more frequently and at a higher rate with the added strain of athletic activity.

How to find out whether you have Celiac disease

Not knowing whether you have Celiac disease can be very dangerous. Don’t let the symptoms affect you more than they have to if they can be alleviated.

If you wish to learn whether you have Celiac disease, the imawareTM at-home test is a promising option. This quick test recognizes certain biomarkers in the body that indicate whether you have the disease.

Deter worse health issues by talking to a doctor about the possibility of Celiac disease. It could make a positive difference in your life.

Why Sexual harassment Training is Essential in the Workplace

The issue of sexual harassment has slowly made its way into the forefront of social conversations over the past few decades, with the #MeToo movement bringing the realities of this creepy occurrence to life in the forefront of the media.

As states pass new legislation to protect workers and make training mandatory, companies across the country are heavily reevaluating their policy surrounding the issue. Some argue that it isn’t necessary, while others praise the progress America’s businesses are making. So, is sexual harassment training essential in the workplace? The answer is yes, and here’s why.

Culture is Strengthened

Choosing to incorporate training communicates your business’ values to employees, supporting and strengthening your company’s culture. This motivates employees to act ethically, protecting the reputation of your organization.

A report from the EEOC found that active prevention of harassment begins with workplace culture. Creating at least one inclusion that discourages this kind of behavior is paramount to any organization.

Drawing a Line in the Sand

Workplace harassment is nothing new, with recent allegations and court cases showing its continued prevalence. No employer can prevent harassment with a 100% success rate, but your employees can help when your policies clearly define unacceptable behavior.

Sexual harassment training sets your expectations for your workforce by identifying both obvious and subtle forms of harassment. Knowing where boundaries are drawn clarifies any gray areas while encouraging employees to step forward and report any occurrences.

Taking Charge

Requiring your employees to undergo training sends a strong message from the top levels of your business. Regular training sessions communicate your stance on the issue, clearly illustrate your commitment to thwarting harassment in the workplace, and show your dedication to creating a respectful work environment.

Empowering Employees

When employees know that leadership has their backs, they’re more likely to report negative instances they witness. According to California sexual harassment attorneys, bystander intervention training is an essential part of thwarting harassment at the source.

This form of training helps employees know how to diffuse and stop situations when they occur. It also helps them support their co-worker and gives them incentive to come to you with the situation afterward.

Open Lines of Communication

Speaking of reporting, training helps employees come forward about instances that do occur. Allowing them to be open about harassment situations improves morale as well as productivity. Training also helps to explain your company’s process for making formal complaints, eliminating more gray area around the subject.

Doing Your Part

While training is paramount to the operation of your business, it is equally vital that you and your organization become a model for your employees to follow. Training helps you in the same way it does your employees, while also putting you in a position to put your actions a head of your words.

So, is sexual harassment training essential in the workplace? The answer is yes. Before you need a California attorney to fight a pregnancy leave suit or find your business on the wrong end of harassment claim, you can take action now to eliminate these instances altogether. 

Jeunesse Global: 3 critical skincare rules you should observe every day

As you probably know, there are thousands of skincare tricks and tons of skincare products that promise to give you a smooth and glowing skin. But even the best skincare tricks and products won’t work if your beauty routine isn’t right. This article highlights three basic skincare rules that will make a difference to your skin if you follow them every day. 

1. Double cleanse your face

When we were young, our mothers made us wash the face every day. Most of us hated it, but it turns out that our mothers were right. Cleaning your face regularly is critical to maintaining healthy and glowing skin. The most crucial benefit of facial cleansing is to remove dirt, oil, makeup, and other unwanted substances from the skin. Washing your face daily removes these impurities and gives your face a fresh look. 

When you clean your face the first time, it removes the surface dirt, some makeup, and other pollutants that stick on your skin all day. But washing your face for a second time helps to remove all the leftover makeup and sebum. Double cleansing helps water to penetrate the skin pores hence boosting hydration. But how do you double cleanse your face?

Start by cleaning your face with an oil cleanser. It helps to dissolve makeup, sebum, and other pollutants. Then use a water-based cleanser such as foam, gel, or cream to remove impurities such as sweat, dirt, and leftover makeup. 

2. Apply skincare products in the correct order

Most people fail to accomplish their goals of having a healthy and smooth skin because they don’t layer their skincare products the right way. The rule of the thumb is to apply the lightweight skincare products first and then the thickest formulas in your beauty routine. For instance, the correct order would be; cleanser, toner, spot cream, serum, eye cream, moisturizer, and oil. 

3. Exfoliate your skin

You should exfoliate your skin regularly, at least once a weak. Exfoliation helps to remove dead skin and also to open up the skin pores. Exfoliating your skin will not only help to remove dead skin and dirt, but it will also brighten your complexion. Some products used for exfoliation contains ingredients that can help clear fine lines and improve the appearance of wrinkles. 

Your skin type will determine how often you can exfoliate your skin. Individuals with oily skin can exfoliate up to three times a week while those with sensitive or dry skin can exfoliate once a week using gentle exfoliators. 

About Jeunesse Global 

Jeunesse Global is a direct selling company that focuses on improving peoples lives by encouraging healthy living and youth enhancement. Randy Ray and Wendy Lewis founded the company in 2004 as a multilevel marketing company. They have penetrated the beauty industry by manufacturing high-quality beauty products and supplements that are sold in the U.S and distributed by their agents to other countries. 

Jeunesse Global has designed most of their skincare products for youth enhancement. Some of their popular products include Luminesce, Instantly Ageless, NV foundation, primer, and bronzer. Besides skincare products, Jeunesse Global also manufacture and distribute supplements that helps our bodies in many ways. One of the most popular supplements from the company is the AM & PM Essentials. This supplement is packed with multiple vitamins that enhance energy production during the day and helps the body to relax at night. 

6 ways CBD will help you live to 100

Cannabidiol (CBD) has reportedly tripled in sales from 2014 to 2017, working its way from $108.1 million to $358.4 million in just three years according to Hemp Business Journal.  By 2020, CBD sales are predicted to reach $1.153 billion.

More than 64 million Americans now use CBD oil on a regular basis for a whole range of benefits, which, in the long run, are hoped to make us live longer and healthier lives.

However, if we’re going to describe this as being a great way to live to 100, then first we better explain what it actually is.

What is CBD?

CBD is a chemical compound that is extracted from the cannabis plant. It’s now used widely across a whole range of products, including vapes, creams, gummies, brownies, and even smoothies.

Unlike smoking cannabis, CBD doesn’t contain tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which means you won’t experience the psychoactive effects from taking it – the ‘high’.

In fact, it’s illegal to sell a product that contains more than 0.3% THC, because then you’re selling the high. However the FDA currently struggles to regulate CBD as it is such a huge market – so before taking, you need to practice self-caution. 

So why do so many people choose CBD oil to cure medical conditions?

Here are 6 ways CBD can help you live to 100.

Helps to stop smoking

We are all aware that smoking is terrible for our health. As a matter of fact, smoking is responsible for 480,000 deaths in America each year.

CBD is considered by the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health to have ‘better’ side effects than other drugs, meaning it is better for a smoker to switch to a CBD vape nine times out of ten.

CBD is also considered to have a similar effect on the body as it produces dopamine. This relieves the body of anxiety and leaves smokers feeling fulfilled. 

Weaning off the cigarettes can significantly reduce a smoker’s risk of developing serious health issues such as lung cancer, throat cancer, respiratory diseases, anxiety, high cholesterol, and cervical cancer, helping them to live longer, healthier lives.

Manages diabetes

A five-year study  found that people using CBD on a regular basis had fasting insulin levels that were 16 percent lower than those who had never used cannabis.

It is also suggested that CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties could reduce insulin resistance, which is a key cause of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.

Other studies have shown that CBD may help to delay β cell damage in patients with Type 1 diabetes, preventing the immune system from weakening and the patient relying so heavily on insulin.

This can massively improve the strain put on a patient’s health, giving them the chance of a longer life.

Relieves pain

According to Healthcare Weekly, the use of CBD-rich cannabis to alleviate or manage pain is something that goes way back.

It can actually be traced as far back as 2900 BC when the Chinese used it for a variety of medical conditions.

CBD can help to influence our endocannabinoid system, which looks after bodily functions such as our appetite, sleep, immune response, and pain. It can encourage the production of more serotonin and melatonin which give make the body feel happy and soothed to alleviate pain.

We’re not just talking about bumps and bruises, either – CBD can seriously help people living with chronic pain to have a better quality of life.

Makes for a better night’s sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep is a  key part of a healthy lifestyle and can benefit your heart, weight, and even your mind.

It’s vital that you get enough of it, and if CBD can help, it may be worth trying. 

Boosting serotonin in the brain through the use of CBD is fantastic for reducing symptoms of depression, reducing anxiety and alleviating chronic pain, inflammation, seizures, and digestion problems. 

These are all known causes linked to insomnia, so by deflating them, you’ll be able to have a much deeper and longer sleep. 

Not only that but the production of the hormone melatonin can actually aid sleep to make sure you wake up feeling well-rested and ready to start the day

Reduces the risk of heart disease

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in America. According to CDC around 610,000 people die of heart disease in the United States every year–that’s 1 in every 4 deaths.

Cool Things Chicago claims research has indicated that both phytocannabinoids and endogenous cannabinoids can reduce vascular tension to reduce the risk of heart disease.

CBD oil studies have shown that the substance can actually be great for the heart, blood flow, and circulation system, and is most commonly linked to regulating blood sugar levels and blood pressure rates.

It is often concluded that this is down to the anti-anxiety and anti-stress properties of CBD.

It is also considered possible for cannabidiol to prevent the death of cardiovascular cells and reduce inflammation around the body, often linked to heart disease.

Helps to burn fat

Obesity is a growing issue across America. It is preventable, however, some people find that medical conditions make it hard to lose weight.

CBD oil has been proven to shed the pounds through the conversion of bad to favorable fat and antagonizing effects which help to curb appetite.

Some studies have even shown that CBD could help to tackle metabolic disorders in a similar way.

Losing weight is crucial to living longer to avoid type 2 diabetes, strokes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and variations of cancer.

Perfect Position – How The Right Office Location Will Lead To New Opportunities

If you are in the market for a business base if operations and you search the internet for ‘office space near me’, you might be overwhelmed at the number of results you get back. The right location plays an important role in any business, but how can you choose one office location over another?

The right location can make or break a business and the same can be said about where you choose to locate your office space. If your office is located in an obscure, hard to find area of a town or city this may be off-putting for potential clients. On the other hand, the right location can really help your business ventures get ahead.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the ways in which the right office location can lead to new opportunities.

Prestigious Address

When you have an impressive downtown address on your business cards and promotional materials, people will know that you really do mean business. By choosing an office space with a premium provider of coworking spaces and executive suite hire, you’ll gain instant access to a prestigious address located in the most sought-after locations and buildings across America. This is sure to impress potential customers and clients, making them trust in your business.


If you are working out of your garage or a home office, which many startups with humble beginnings have done in the past, unfortunately, people may not take your business ventures as seriously as an already well-established competitor. If people look up your business and see an obscure residential address or they need to call and reach your personal mobile number, this might cause them to have less faith in your enterprise. With the right address and office location, your clients will be suitably impressed when they meet with you in a 5-star, unbranded, fully-furnished office fit-out with unique artwork adorning the walls. The right office location means your business will gain the credibility and trust that your hard work deserves.


By choosing an office space in your chosen city’s top financial district or even a shared workspace environment in the downtown area, you will have the chance to rub shoulders and network with like-minded individuals form a diverse range of backgrounds. These networking opportunities are invaluable as everyone knows that to get ahead in business, it’s not about what you know, it’s who you know. They may even be open to potential collaborations which could help to propel your business even faster.

Ease Of Access

By locating your office in the right area with more foot traffic, there is the potential for more customers to discover your business. The right location will be easy to get to by all modes of public transport and will have ample parking, meaning you’ll never miss out on bagging a potential client due to being too awkward for them to find or get to.

Greater Work/Life Balance

If you locate your office in an area that has ample amenities nearby, you and your team can easily pop out for a business lunch or grab a few drinks together on a Friday evening. If there are gyms and yoga classes nearby, you can fit in a quick workout on your way to or from work or even on your lunch break. After all, a healthy body breeds a healthy mind.

The Right Location Plays An Important Role

With added exposure to potential clients, the credibility and respect to be gained from a prestigious address as well as the opportunities to network with others in your field, and a greater work-life balance – the opportunities are endless. By choosing the right location for your office, your business will benefit in more ways than you could imagine.

Books That Give Back

If you love reading and also giving back, you’ll be happy to know that many authors set up their own charitable contributions. Some books help a reader through a specific and sometimes debilitating problem while others provide philanthropy from a portion of the purchase price.  Some of the most successful authors even set up a foundation to deliver aid to multiple non-profits. While other authors give back by providing free services to readers.

If you’re looking for a great book that has the added benefit of giving back to people in a powerful way, here are a few highlights. Each book below contributes in a different way, but is equally effective in impact.

Next Therapist Please – by Laurie Finkelstein

What a fun and inspiring book! Next Therapist Please combines the pure joy in Laurie’s storytelling with a real understanding of what it’s like to suffer from anxiety and OCD. How does this gem of a book accomplish such contradictory goals? Well, first of all, it’s based on the author’s real life experiences.

Janie is a wiz as an artist and home bartender. She makes killer cocktails when her OCD doesn’t prevent her from making a market run. Attending art receptions stretch her social anxieties to the stratosphere leading her right into the ladies room to hide. If only her OCD and issues with public bathrooms didn’t send her right back out into the art-collecting shark infested gallery. Is there no reprieve from awkward situations and devastating interactions for our heroine? Follow this compelling if not tortured woman as she hops from one therapist to another in search of a meaningful, functioning, lifestyle.  Will there be romance for Janie? Maybe, but nothing is typical in her world.

Not only has this book been instrumental in helping families of those suffering with anxiety and OCD, understand what their loved ones go through on a daily basis, but with every sale of Next Therapist Please, Laurie Finkelstein donates 10% of the proceeds to NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness).

The Divorce Recovery Ladder – by Susan Shofer

No doubt about it, divorce can be challenging. From thorny legal issues to emotional, mental, and financial wellness, divorce seeps in and impacts every part of life. Wouldn’t it be great to find a book that walks you step by step through the process and is a guide on how to handle the frightening and isolating experience of divorce?

The Divorce Recovery Ladder: Your Step-By-Step Guide to Successfully Climb Out of Your Divorce is the book that gives back. It answers in a straightforward and pragmatic manner your most burning questions regarding all aspects of divorce. Along with Susan’s personal divorce, her experience in the financial industry and a twenty-five-year career as a private investigator bring you sensible ways to navigate the divorce recovery journey.

Here’s the best part. The Divorce Recovery Ladder Guide is interactive and includes downloadable PDFs that will help you stay organized and on-track, understanding and taking control of your divorce process.

Author Susan Shofer is passionate about helping those dealing with parental alienation, an issue many divorcees experience. She has set up a free webinar for those looking for guidance on the topic.

Susan truly gives back in a way that’s helped many people get through a very challenging time in their life.

Vision in White – by Nora Roberts

Nora Roberts is a New York Times bestselling author and highly acclaimed philanthropist.  The Nora Roberts Foundation gives vast resources to support and promote literacy, education, youth services, arts & culture, animal rescue and humanitarian aid. The foundation, funded by proceeds from her book sales, makes grants to about 140 organizations each year. From ProLiteracy to Habitat for Humanity, Nora exudes the giving spirit.

With all this great work it’s easy to forget that Nora Roberts is an amazing author. Vision in White is a compelling and warm novel of love, friendship, and family. Wedding photographer Mac Elliot is most at home behind the camera, but her focus is shattered moments before an important wedding rehearsal when she bumps into the bride-to-be’s brother.

A stable, safe English teacher, Carter Maguire is definitely not Mac’s type; however, a casual fling might be just what she needs to take her mind off her troubles. Of course, casual flings can turn into something more when you least expect it. Mac will have to turn to her three best friends and business partners to see her way to her own happy ending.

Next time you go looking for a new book to read, check below the surface to see if you can find one that’s trying to improve the human condition. Pick a book that can entertain as well as do some good in the world.

5 Ways the Tech Industry Is Helping Fight Addiction & Mental Health Issues

Technology has helped make our lives easier in several ways. While the first that may come to mind is the advancement with electronics and apps that improve efficiency, one way you may not think about is how it is changing how we address mental health and addiction. Many doctors and researchers are increasingly relying on technology to combat drug and alcohol addiction. 

Recovery Assistance

Recovery apps are available to addicts to help them manage their conditions. Sober Grid is one example that allows recovering alcoholics find a support network while traveling. Other recovery apps can help track alcohol consumption. Some can connect addicts to their sponsor through voice and video functions. The importance of a post-treatment support system is paramount in helping addicts overcome their disease. Recovery assistance is available at the touch of a button, no matter how far away rehabilitation centers might be. 

Neurofeedback Therapy

Technology is being embraced in treatment and recovery centers, too. Neurofeedback therapy is a means of helping a patient’s brain stay centered when feeling cravings. Doctors can reward positive interactions and create positive associations, assisting patients in changing their cravings to positive rewards. Neurofeedback therapy is controversial in some health circles, but many see it as a form of cognitive-behavioral therapy. 


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is another form of psychotherapy to help people heal from emotional distress. Often triggers that create the desire for drugs and alcohol are a result of trauma. EMDR helps remove blocks that can facilitate emotional healing. EMDR therapy sessions show that 84% of single-trauma victims no longer felt PTSD symptoms after six sessions. Another study found that 77% of combat veterans were free of PTSD symptoms in just twelve sessions. EMDR is one of the most innovative treatment techniques for mental health and addiction. It may become the future of trauma treatment soon. 

Virtual Reality

Virtual reality may soon help play a broader role in addiction treatment, too. Scientists in South Korea are working on a method to use VR to create negative associations with problem substances. Test subjects watch three scenarios, including one with unpleasant side-effects from drinking. Results show an increased lack of desire to engage in drinking after viewing in VR. Virtual reality development is still in its nascent stages of technology development. Still, it is promising that researchers are discovering positive effects through using the technology with addicts and those with compulsive behaviors. 

Gene Therapy

MIT scientists believe gene therapy could help fight alcoholism. A genetic mutation found in East Asian populations increases the adverse side effects of alcohol consumption. Researchers were able to reduce alcohol cravings in rodents using the therapy. While this study has not been performed on humans, researchers are hopeful it may help. Gene therapy is just one extreme that technology could produce in the near future. From recovery apps to helping PTSD patients address their triggers, technology is helping address addiction in new ways. Advances in virtual reality and alternate reality may be the key to helping address mental health issues in a safe and controlled environment. 

How To Change Dual Rear Shocks on a Motorcycle


The reasons for modifying a bike are as complex and mysterious as the human animal itself. Riders are in search of better performance, killer looks, supreme comfort and heightened safety. What excites one rider may be a turnoff to the next biker. The same is true for replacing stock shocks with a modification. In the case of dual rear shocks, you can go with OEM motorcycle parts to keep the bike in line with the original, or modify your ride with aftermarket parts.

The process of changing dual rear shocks takes a little know how, but the more you learn the more options you have. Equipping your bike with the best motorcycle shocks is a great way to improve the comfort and safety of your next ride. The quest for a better bike is a tough one, but someone has to do it.

The Process of Changing Shocks

The job begins with a tough task: elevating the rear of the bike. This can be done with chock blocks, a motorcycle lift or an overhead suspension system. Since many people don’t have these capabilities, this may be the most difficult aspect of the job. The next steps are as follows:

  • Support the wheel and swingarm assembly
  • Remove the stock shocks by loosening the bolts
  • Attach the new shocks
  • Adjust for proper height
  • Secure the new bolts

A few tips will make the job easier. The rear wheel can be supported by using a wooden block and wedge-shaped shims. When loosening the bolts, it makes more sense to remove the lower fasteners first. In most cases, you will reuse the original hardware to attach the new shocks. Also, work from the top down on installing the new shocks.

Depending upon how much the new shocks have altered bike height, there may be a few additional tweaks to get your bike in riding condition. This could include adjusting the kickstand and checking ground clearance for foot pegs and the like.

The Benefits of New Shocks

If you have chosen properly, the new shocks should give you a smoother, safer ride. They will increase your comfort level as well as change the riding height of your motorcycle. You may experience better handling on the corners and even improved traction. The bumps in the road will be better absorbed so you don’t notice all the knocks on the dirt or pavement.

It pays to look closely at the stocks available to you. You can shop for shocks by Burly Brand, Drag Specialties, Factory Connection, Moose Racing, Pivot Works, Progressive Suspension and other top brands. Look for rear shocks from standard coil-over designs to gas-powered models with external reservoirs.

The Joy of Replacement

Whether you ride a cruiser, a street or an off-road machine, quality replacement parts keep your ride strong and tough. OEM ATV parts allow you to get mirrors, handlebars, exhaust systems, brake systems and more that are designed to keep your machine in the best condition.

Buy your items online for incredible deals and a massive selection of premium parts. The more options you have the better your ride will be with OEM motorcycle parts.