The Benefits of Deep Cleaning Your Home

Keeping your home clean can actually benefit your health and the health of the ones you love.

1. Benefits of Cleanliness

Here are just a few ways in which you and your entire household will benefit from a clean home.

Mental benefits

Cleaning and house chores actually reduce anxiety.  A clean and clutter-free space can improve your mental health. Many psychology studies have been performed that show an uncluttered, clean space can help us focus and feel calmer, less depressed and less anxious in general.  

On the other hand, clutter can be overwhelming and can actually contribute to stress, anxiety, and depression. When all that your brain sees is the untidy mess, a part of it ticks is as unfinished business. A Princeton University study found that clutter can actually overwhelm the visual cortex, making it more difficult to process the task at hand.

A consistently tidy home saves money

By cleaning and up keeping your appliances regularly, they last longer and run more efficiently and therefore consume last energy, helping to lower your Reliant Energy bill. When you keep your home clean, you will have less of a need for more expensive and extra-strength cleaning products, as the dirt and grime won’t be build up.

Healthier food choices

It’s been well established that cluttered, dirty and even off-smelling spaces make us feel anxious and stressed and we tend to make poor food choices under pressure. Studies showed that people in a clean environment made smarter, healthier snacking choices than those attempting to work in messy spaces. A messy kitchen is not inspiring to cook or eat in, so those who have neater kitchens may be more likely to make healthier food at home as opposed to ordering a pizza or eating out.

A clean home can ease allergy symptoms whereas a cluttered home is a haven for viruses and bacteria

Whether you suffer primarily from seasonal outdoor allergies such as polen or “indoor” allergies like dust, keeping a clean home can greatly reduce your symptoms. Outdoor allergens like pollen can be brought in to your household if you don’t wash your clothes and just keep your home clean. If left to accumulate, dust, animal hair, and other allergens can wreak havoc on your nose, eyes, and sinuses, leaving you feeling miserables, with an itchy nose being the least of your worries.

Even if you are free of allergies, the more dirt accumulates in your home, the more likely it is that your household will harbor viruses and unwanted bacteria.

2. Deep Cleaning Tips

The key to deep cleaning your house is setting a schedule. This isn’t a chore you can conquer in one afternoon, so plan accordingly. Make a list of each room and the things you need to do. Work from the top of the room to the bottom so you can vacuum any dirt that falls as you make your way.

Cleaning surfaces and mirrors is a weekly cleaning job. But cleaning corners as well as every single object head to toe are a job for Cinderella as this is what  ‘deep cleaning’ is all about. Go through your kitchen cabinet and deep clean your oven.

Move every object so you can clean below and behind it. This is also a great opportunity to clean your closet and organize it while also getting rid of things you no longer need. This is the time when both indoor and outdoor decorations and furniture should be cleaned and vacuumed with a special attachment.

The first stage is decluttering, the second is cleaning and then there is deep cleaning where you get to move all your furniture and maybe even reorganize the space entirely.

Tossing unused or expired items takes time we never seem to have so this is the perfect occasion. The deep cleaning goes as deep as washing your trash can for every inch of your home to be spotlessly clean. A deep clean is the time when you clean windows and windowsills along with waxing floors. It is the time for your castle to shine in all its splendor. The better you do your job, the easier it will be to maintain the magic.


There is no single way to maintain a healthy home. But, one of the proven ways is to keep it clean. Having a consistently clean house brings many benefits, from protecting residents from germs to making them happier. Moreover, deep cleaning your home will last longer than a simple weekly clean-up, requiring little maintenance to keep the house impeccable throughout the year.

Simple Ways to Go Green

As the people are adjusting to going green, it’s important to do little things around the house that will help the overall process. For example, Rachel Harow, has been teaching her kids to not use as much water. For drinking purposes, her husband has installed them a Brita filter that attaches to the sink. That way, it’s easy for the kids to get unlimited water and disregards the use of plastic. Another way to get rid of unnecessary plastic is by using reusable water bottles. If the kids are ever at school or need to carry water with them, it prompts them not to use plastic and is more beneficial for the environment. 

Next, bringing reusable mugs or thermoses to places like Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts can help eliminate the use of plastic as well. Given that the coronavirus is still a common threat to people, maybe ask before giving a reusable cup to a franchise. However, once things go back to normal, it’s highly recommended. Furthermore, it’s very easy to save money and the planet by conserving water and reducing intake. By showering two minutes less than your average shower time, a person can really help save the earth. Gallons of water gets wasted by over flushing or over showering. If kids prefer to play in the water, have them take a bath so that the amount of time spent in the bathroom isn’t affecting water intake. In addition, planting outside is very important for sustainability. Rachel Harow enjoys planting strawberries for her children. This is a great activity for the whole family and can reduce plastic and waste. Pesticides that can be found in almost all store-bought fruit and vegetables are also not going to be harming the earth in any way.

Appliance Maintenance Tips

Homeowners often don’t think about their appliances until something goes wrong, and they are no longer able to use them. Repairs usually end up costing you more money. Avoiding appliance problems is not always possible, but there are ways to help prolong the situation as much as possible. This is why performing regular maintenance on your appliances is vital.

 Benefits of Maintaining Your Appliances 

Think of regular maintenance as the best way to protect your investment. Good maintenance habits will not only decrease the risk of negative surprises and safety hazards, but they will also:

  • Prolong the Life of Your Appliance

The better you maintain your appliances, the longer they will last. Maintenance involves cleaning appliances regularly, inside and out.

  • Lower Your Utility Bill

Maintenance will prevent any filters or pumps from messing up. When these get clogged, the devices have to work twice as hard and end up using draining much more electricity. While you’re at it, track your usage so you can identify ways to reduce your bill. It’s always a good idea to browse through the many energy companies in Dallas, as choosing the right deal can save you several hundreds of dollars from your annual bill.

 Maintenance Tips 

Believe it or not, some straightforward tips can make a big difference in how your appliances perform and the length of their lifecycle.

  • Place Your Fridge Away From the Wall

Your fridge runs more efficiently when it has airflow behind it.

  • Clean the Fridge and Prevent Ice Buildup in the Freezer

Doing this every once in a while will keep your fridge running more efficiently. Moreover, it will also work better if you fill your freezer.

  • Clean Your Kitchen Appliances With Lemon and Vinegar

Just by microwaving it for a few minutes, you will loosen the stains that you can easily wipe afterward and keep your microwave running optimally. As for the oven, it’s best to make a paste with baking soda and leave it overnight to work its magic. You can use the same ingredients to clean your kitchen elements, kitchen sink, etc. You don’t have to worry about any toxic cleaning agents.

  • Change the AC Filter Once a Year

A clogged AC will not only run less efficiently but also consume twice as much electricity. However, most importantly, you do not want to inhale the polluted air.

 Other Ways to Practice Energy Efficiency 

  • Eliminate Leaks

Check your faucets and caulk leaky windows. If you live in an older building, you likely have single-paned windows that are much less effective in insulating your home from exterior temperatures than their double-pane counterparts. If replacing your windows is not an option, at least get dark and thick drapes, which will help a bit.

  • Insulate the Water Heater

If you cannot afford to insulate the entire place, you can at least get a water heater jacket and install it yourself. It will reduce the time and energy it needs to heat the water.

  • Wash Your Laundry in Eco-Mode

Don’t worry; your laundry will be just as clean in cold water as eco-mode goes up to 30 degrees Celsius max. Today’s detergents do all the work.

Consider Replacing Your Old Appliances  

Energy Star certified appliances have been created to help consumers save money on operating costs by reducing energy use, yet without sacrificing performance. For example, an ENERGY STAR certified clothes washer could cut your energy costs by about a third and your water costs by more than half. So, it is a no-brainer as these investments practically pay for themselves.


The more love you show to your device, the longer it will last and the better it will perform. Just like changing the oil is essential to maintain your car’s engine, appliances need to be maintained to function optimally. It’s always better to prevent than cure. Bad habits will cost you, and good habits can save you thousands of dollars.

Red Flags of a Loveless Marriage, According to the Relationship Experts at Relish

All relationships experience rough patches that can stretch months and years. If you are in the middle of a rough patch, it can feel like there is no end in sight, so this is an excellent opportunity to evaluate your needs within the marriage. In many instances, more than a perspective is required so it is important to look for red flags. The following is a list of several important red flags to look for in a loveless marriage. When reviewing each of these points, do so with an objective and honest lens. This will be a difficult task, but it is easier than staying in a relationship in which neither of you is happy.

Cannot Remember the Last Date Night

Dry spells of a month occur because you are on a tight budget, cannot find a babysitter, have a packed calendar, are exhausted, or are going through a home renovation, to name a few. However, simultaneous dry spells are beyond what is acceptable.

Constantly Criticizing

Nagging your partner to fold the laundry or get a haircut is one thing but attacking their sense of self is another. If nitpicking has become involuntary, you must distance because you are criticizing too much.

Have Sex Less than Once Per Month

While you will not experience the same sex as the beginning of the relationship, abstaining completely brings the relationship to a halt. Sex is a physical expression of love so if it has moved to the back burner for too long, you must reprioritize intimacy.

Preoccupied with Other’s Issues

A great replacement for your issues is reviewing and criticizing the problems of others.

Pulling Away from Friends and Family

If you have canceled more than a single dinner last-minute because you do not want to face them then this is a red flag. If you are afraid of not liking the person in the mirror, then this a problem that cannot be ignored.

Unable to Fill the Silence

If you realize that together time passes in silence and nobody attempts to fill the conversation, there is a problem. A flowing dialogue will not occur every time you are together, but the opposite is unhealthy.

What is Relish?

Relish is the leading relationship training app that thousands of individuals and couples have joined to experience more affection, an improved connection, and more intimacy with their partner. The app features unlimited 1-on-1 coaching with a qualified coach, customized lesson plans, interactive quizzes, and tailored activities for couples and individuals. Relish is highly recommended by marriage therapists and relationship counselors and can be used as a maintenance tool or as a complement to therapy. Each week, you received a new lesson plan related to the topics you need to focus on.

Top Tips for Novice Motorcycle Riders

Riding a motorbike is one of the most exciting things you can do, the sense of freedom when you hit the road is like no other. If you have never ridden a motorcycle, or you are thinking of purchasing one, it is never too late to learn. You can have a friend show you the basics or you can join a motorcycle instruction class. Here are some useful tips for novice riders who are trying to master the basics.

One Step at a Time

If you have just bought your first motorcycle at, you should take learning to ride one step at a time. Look for open spaces where there aren’t many distractions or obstacles in your way. If you cannot take part in a motorcycle training course, you can ask someone who is an experienced rider to give you lessons. When you want to take your motorcycle out on the road, remember these tips:

  • Avoid peak driving times when commuters are coming from & going to work.
  • Never drive in heavy, rush hour traffic.
  • Find a quiet road or area with no vehicles or obstacles.
  • In the beginning, learn to drive during the day.

You need to get comfortable on your motorbike before you even think about riding in traffic.

Consider Other Drivers

When you are on the road, it is vitally important to learn how to read other drivers. If you can predict what they are going to do, it will keep you safer on the road. As the weather improves during the spring and going into the summer, there are more people on the road and the accident rates increase. It is always good to remind yourself of safe riding tips before you venture out on your motorcycle. Drivers get distracted by all kinds of things, so drive defensively and always be aware of other road users.


When you are on the road, you cannot be a selfish rider. You must be aware of your surroundings and take steps to reduce your chances of being in an accident. You are in an elevated position when riding a motorcycle, so use this to scan other vehicles and pedestrians around you. For example, you should be able to look into a car when stopped at a red light to see if they are distracted by a passenger or an electronic device.

Be Visible

Being visible is not just about wearing the right clothes, it is also about not hiding in traffic. If a vehicle is in front of you, do not stay in their blind spot. Make sure other road users can see you in their mirror, but never assume you have been seen.

As a novice rider, it is important that you practice a lot before going out on a busy road. It is advisable to take a training course for motorcyclists or get some lessons from an experienced rider. To ensure you are safe on the road, wear the right type of riding equipment and always be aware of other drivers.

Importance of a Home Energy Audit

A home energy audit is essential as it helps homeowners realize their energy flow and residential consumption. It determines all the parts of your home where energy goes to waste and where usage can be controlled to save money. The whole process of the audit involves visual inspection of your home using special test equipment. This equipment helps in identifying problems and conducts a detailed analysis of energy flow.

If you are familiar with the process many people have conducted their own DIY energy audits otherwise the process can take at least an hour, depending on the size of your home. If you are not sure about the rates charged by a professional energy auditor, some tools can help you online. Furthermore, the tools can also help you make your assessment. Despite it not being thorough as a professional audit, you will get an idea and a basic understanding of the process. Whether you do it yourself or hire a professional, there are many benefits of doing an energy audit. They include:

  Boosting Energy Efficiency 

This is the primary role of conducting an energy audit. An energy audit helps you come out with a clear plan of home improvement. By conducting the exercise, you are going to identify energy drains associated with leaks and HVAC systems. An energy audit can help you discover leaks that emanate from the ceiling, walls, or floor. Additionally, you can also identify heat loss due to poor insulation.

For your HVAC systems, an energy audit would also involve checking whether the thermostat and air conditioner are functioning well. If functioning well, the units can save more energy. As such, the audit comes in handy, and you can determine if you can clean the systems, replace them, or do simple filter changes. You can also conduct a test for your electronic appliances to establish the units of electricity they are using.

  Lowering Bills 

A professional energy audit is not all about energy efficiency but saving money that accumulates from bills. Equipped with basic knowledge from your electrician, you can conduct small measures and significant improvements to save your money.

If you hire a specialist for your work, you will get good advice on government rebates. If you qualify for them, you can save more money incurred by bills due to exclusive deals and discounts.

 Reduce Effects on the Environment  

Due to different forms of energy we use, an energy audit is unique as it helps you save energy and reduce your bills. While doing this, you are also saving the environment. This is because you can implement processes that reduce carbon emissions to the environment. As such, you can lower pollution released to the environment. This can be achieved by ensuring a comprehensive energy audit that can take at least two hours.

 Energy Audit Adds Value to Your Home 

After conducting an energy audit, you are certainly going to adopt changes that are going to make your home energy efficient. You are going to add features or systems that can boost the value of your home. This will increase your home’s value if you are looking forward to selling or lease your home.

Some additions may include extra insulation and hot water systems. Even though you might not be planning to sell your home, the features will upgrade your home to a better value if the need to sell arises. To add some energy-efficient features to your home, you can consult for apples to apples Ohio to understand how the features will affect your electricity rates.


An energy audit not only enables you to save energy at home but makes your home better and increases its value. As such, you should capitalize on the right information for your home improvements to make your home livable and efficient. Besides, it would be best if you considered the impact of the changes in the environment.

Motorcycle Crash Awareness Refresher for Spring

Spring is officially here, which means it’s time to enjoy some much-needed warm weather. It also means that motorcyclists will be hitting the road again, but doing so at their own peril. Each spring, the number of motorcycle accidents in the U.S. rises dramatically as other drivers are unprepared to share the road with these vehicles. 

In 2017, 89,000 motorcyclists were injured while another 5,172 died as the result of an accident. So, this is a spring refresher for riders and drivers alike to help bring these statistics down and keep everyone safe. 

Why So Many Accidents?

Motorcycles are a lot smaller than their automobile counterparts, which can make them difficult to spot while driving. It isn’t uncommon for a bike to seemingly come out of nowhere since motorcycles can fit right inside a driver’s blind spot. 

If you’ve ever wondered why motorcycles are so loud, that’s the reason. Since you can’t always see them, a louder engine gives you the ability to hear them. Regardless, not noticing a motorcyclist is the main reason behind the high number of accidents. 

Tips for Riders

The best way to protect yourself as a motorcyclist is to always wear appropriate safety gear and obey every traffic law. If an accident does occur, the last thing you want is to be held liable. Keep in mind that different counties often have their own regulations for motorcyclists. That means you would need a motorcycle accident attorney in Orange County if the accident occurred in Santa Anna and one in Cook County if you wrecked in Chicago, for instance. 

The next best thing you can do is learn to ride defensively. Never assume that a driver can see you. Instead, always ride with your headlights on and stay out of their blind spots every chance you get. Don’t swerve between vehicles, and give yourself plenty of room between cars on the road. 

Part of driving defensively also includes anticipating driver’s moves, keeping an eye out for lane changes and turns. You can keep an eye on a car’s back tires to give you a heads up when they’re about to move, even if they fail to signal.  

Tips for Drivers

For the driver, it’s vital that you monitor your blind spots as best as possible. Positioning your side and rearview mirrors to give you the broadest viewing range around your vehicle is an excellent start, but you also need turn your head when changing lanes. 

Like riders, drivers should also give themselves plenty of space between other vehicles on the road. It also helps to slightly reduce your speed when driving behind a motorcycle, giving you extra time to react and avoid a potential accident. 

Finally, be careful when making a left turn. There are more blind spots on your left than on your right, making these turns more dangerous. Keep an eye and an ear out for motorcycles while driving and you can help cut down the number of accidents that take place each spring. 

3 Ways To Get Yourself To Cook At Home More Often

While most people know that cooking their meals at home is a healthier and cheaper option than eating out all the time, many people find cooking at home to be stressful, monotonous, and unenjoyable. But if you’re trying to save money or maintain a healthy lifestyle, cooking your own food can help you accomplish these goals at a much faster pace.

If you’re someone who wants to cook their own food more but just can’t find the drive to do it, here are three things you can try to get yourself to cook at home more often. 

Make A Plan

One big reason many people fail to be consistent with making meals at home is because they don’t plan effectively.

To help you with this, Shaunacy Ferro, a contributor to, advises that you spend time each week or month writing down a menu or meal plan for the following week or month. If you write it down and have a plan, you’ll be much more likely to stick to it. Even if you plan to still eat out once or twice each week, having a plan for the other days will help ensure that you don’t wind up eating out three or four times. 

Additionally, by writing down what your plans are for meals each day, it will make grocery shopping much easier too, as you can craft an effective shopping list based on what you’ll be making for meals the following week or month. 

Choose Easier Meals

If you’re just starting out with cooking at home for yourself or your family, it’s a good idea to start with some simple, easy meals. Even if you have a gourmet kitchen with all the upgrades, if you have a hard time getting yourself to prepare meals, you’ll have a much better chance at succeeding with this is you start off small.

Ideally, Anna Monette Roberts, a contributor to, advises that you start with meals that only require one pan. This will help you keep everything contained to one area and will make it easy for all your food to combine for one great taste. 

Stretch Your Meals With Leftovers

One great way to eat homemade meals without having to cook a new meal each day is to make enough food when you do cook to save for leftovers

According to Alan Henry, a contributor to, this can easily be done by creating meals in a slow cooker. Whatever you don’t eat the day you make it will easily be freezable and can be broken back out on days when you don’t want to cook but still want to eat at home. 

If you want to make cooking and eating at home easier for you, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you accomplish this.

Crunch Time: 4 Situations That Can Tear A Family Apart Or Make Them Stronger

Families all struggle at certain points with the struggles being different for each individual family. The strength of a family can be tested either tearing the family apart or making them stronger. Specific situations are far more common than others which will be covered below. Taking a proactive approach at healing or solving these issues needs to be done. Problems simply do not go away and at times they fester leading to a family resenting each other. The following are scenarios that can strengthen or tear apart even the strongest of families.


Addiction is a reality for millions of people with many people ending up dying due to their addiction. This can be difficult within a family as there might be some people enabling the addict while others are showing tough love. This can mentally and financially drain a family so cutting off contact with the addict could be essential. Every case is different but addictions tend to worsen so get help for your family member as soon as possible.

Wrongful Death Cause By Outside People Or Organization

A wrongful death can occur at the negligence of another person or company. Finding a Mississippi wrongful death attorney or one in your area can help start the healing process. Losing a family member is hard enough but at the hands of another it can create hostility in a family asking the question about what they could have done. The best thing that a family can do is seek professional help so the blame game stops and healing can begin.

Divorce Of A Matriarch And Patriarch

Divorce of grandparents can be one of the most devastating things possible as this might require the family to split holidays. This could mean one party gets to keep the home most of the family grew up in while the other doesn’t. It could also mean the home is gone forever due to both parties wanting to sell or not being able to afford the home on their own. Recovering from this is going to take time as there has to be a sit down as family holidays are not just important to the children but the grandchildren as well. Swallowing pride can be hard but appealing to the sense of family can bring the matriarch and patriarch back to the same table if only for a few hours.

Loss Of Job Leading To True Financial Hardship  

A loss of job can be devastating to a family as it could lead to losing the house as well as a lot of tension in a marriage. Marriages often cite financial issues as one of the reasons for splitting due to the stress that this causes. Blaming each other is not going to help though it is natural to do. Freelance work can help keep a family afloat as well as a never too proud to work approach. There are plenty of jobs available it is just that many people think they are above certain roles.

As you can see there are make or break type scenarios for a family that can sever ties or make the family stronger. It is all about how everyone in the family reacts and make sure to keep a positive attitude.

Divorce Is An Option: How You Can Get Through It As Painless As Possible

Divorce is a reality for so many couples but this does not mean that you shouldn’t try to save the marriage. The truth is that some marriages are not worth saving as they did not have a strong base in the first place. People that have rushed into marriages or married due to having a child are not doomed but they do not have as strong of a background as people that worked on their relationship long-term. The following are tips to help you get through this tough time in life in as painless as possible.

Create A Nest Egg

At times, one partner tries to use finances to exert influencer over their ex during the divorce. Putting away money to rent an apartment during the divorce can allow you to avoid your ex while starting a new life. A PO box is a great idea as well as the last thing anyone wants is their current spouse to find divorce papers while combing through the mail. A partner that might suspect this is going to be watching the mail like a hawk so ensure this is not an issue by getting an affordable PO box.

When Children Are Involved Their Best Interests Are Priority

When children are involved in a divorce finding a great lawyer like that at the Law Offices of Damian Nolan is essential. The last thing any parent wants is to lose custody of their children to a spouse you know can be abusive or will not maintain their care to your standard. Trying to “win” the divorce when children are involved is not what should be done but rather what will be best for their future.

Ask For Work From Home Days When You Have Meetings With Your Lawyer

Work from home days can allow a person to meet with their divorce lawyer with raising the suspicions of their partner. In extreme cases this is essential as an abusive spouse might try to exert force on their partner. Not all divorces end amicably so try to avoid the conflict until you have served them divorce papers. Once you have made up your mind there is no amount of begging or pleading that can make up for what has been done in the past. Remember that great marriages do not end in divorce and take comfort in that fact.

Take Time To Invest Time In Exercise And Healthy Living

Distracting yourself in a time like that of divorce proceedings needs to be done or else you can drive yourself crazy. Meditating is important as this can allow you to confirm your choice instead of constantly second-guessing it. Exercise is a great way to relieve stress whether you are doing cardio or taking up an intense workout like that of a kickboxing class. Eating healthy and not coping with large amounts of alcohol will allow you to feel great as well as keep your mental health intact.

Divorce is going to be difficult but use the above tips to lessen the pain and other uncomfortable situations. Your life will change, make sure it changes for the better.