Understanding the Differences of Gas Versus Electric Appliances

When you buy home appliances or HVAC systems, you generally have a choice of gas or electric. From hot water heaters to stoves to dryers, each has either a gas or an electric option. There are two questions people have about the different. Which is more efficient, and which one will save you money in the long run?

Taking a look at various gas and electric appliances, one can easily begin to see the pros and the cons of each. Top Shelf Appliance has gathered up the pros and cons of gas and electric appliances. With this information, it will be easier to choose the option that best fits your budget and your lifestyle.

General Considerations

Which is safer? Gas or electric? Both have potential safety hazards. With gas appliances, you need to make sure that your home is properly ventilated and you might want to invest in a carbon monoxide detector. Electric appliances should be installed and maintained by trained professionals to ensure that everything is done correctly to minimize the risks of electric shock and fire.

Which is greener? Gas definitely wins in this category, particularly when it comes to gas dryers, which use 30% less energy than their electric counterparts.

Gas Vs Electric Dryers

The average American family does 400 loads of laundry per year. That’s a lot of dryer loads! The Consumer Energy Center says that a dryer accounts for roughly 6% of a household’s average energy consumption.

While line drying in the fresh air certainly is the greenest and most cost-effective way of drying clothes, it is not necessarily always an option. Weather can hinder this method and some neighborhood associations have banned line drying entirely.

An energy efficient dryer is a person’s best bet to getting those clothes dried. While gas dryers cost more for the initial purchase, natural gas is typically more cost-effective than electricity, depending on where a person lives. Depending on location, the cost difference works out to electric dryers costing about 32-41 cents per load and 15-33 cents for an gas dryer.

Gas Vs Electric Stoves

Here, the upfront costs are reversed from dryers. Electric stoves tend to have a larger initial purchase cost than gas stoves, but the difference is minimal. It’s in the utility rates where things differ. Like with dryers, it depends on where a person lives, but gas stoves generally cost between 10% to 30% less than electric ones to operate.

When it comes to performance, this is where gas stoves shine. Gas stoves react more quickly to temperature changes than their electric counterparts. Electric stoves take time to cool down when the temperature is lowered or it is turned off. After that, the differences come down to personal taste and cooking preferences.

Another huge consideration is how a home is wired – switching to accommodate all gas or electric appliances may require major renovations which need to be factored into your budget.

When it comes to the debate about gas or electric, one must consider their lifestyle, budget, and preferences. These tips should help you make the choice that’s best for you.

Easy Home Décor Projects You Can DIY This Weekend

More and more people these days are taking on DIY projects. Danny Lipford of Today’s Homeowner and a member of the Home Projects Council (HPC) noted that the reason behind that isn’t just for saving a lot of money, but it’s because of the sense of accomplishment. In a survey conducted by the Home Projects Council, a little over half of the intermediately-skilled respondents stated they took on the work because it was cheaper than hiring a pro, while a third stated that simply enjoyed doing the projects.

No matter what the reason, there’s little doubt that DIY home décor projects are a great way to get creative, and it doesn’t have to be a major undertaking. There are many easy home décor projects you can DIY in a weekend of less.

Invisible Bookends

If you hate clutter and love the minimized look, invisible bookends are a no brainer. They’re so minimalist, you can’t even see them, and they’re super easy to make, as abeautifulmess.com explains.

For two bookends, you’ll need:

  •         2 books with 1” spines
  •         2 thin metal bookends
  •         A wood board in a dimension to fit your books
  •         Super glue
  •         Clamps
  •         Craft blade or razor blade


To make things easier, find a book depth that corresponds with standard widths to avoid the need to cut your lumber. You may want to bring a book with you to your home improvement/hardware store or lumber yard.

  1.    Use a razor blade or a sharp craft blade to cut the contents of the book from its spine.
  2.    Wrap the spine around the board to mark where you’ll need to cut. Leave about a 1/8” gap at the top more a more realistic effect.
  3.    Cut the board to the length marked. You may be able to have the cuts made at the place the lumber was purchased, otherwise you’ll need to use a saw at home.
  4.    Cover the metal bookends and the lumber with a moderate amount of super glue, carefully avoiding the edges so it doesn’t seep out.
  5.    Use your clamps to press it all together while the glue sets. Use some scrap lumber to provide a buffer between the clamps and the book to avoid indents being left.

Seashell Candles

If you happen to live near a beach, items such as seashells, driftwood and the like can make for a fabulous decorative piece. Even if you don’t but simply want to enjoy the beach look, this project can easily be accomplished with shells purchased online. Looking through the condos for sale in Miami, many feature huge impact windows for bringing the outdoors in, and strategically placed candle seashells can really bring it all together.

All you need for this DIY project is some good-sized seashells, hot glue, candle wax and candle wicks.


  1.    Wash the seashells and then thoroughly dry.
  2.    Add a dot of hot glue to the inside of each seashell in order to hold the wick.
  3.    Place your candle wax into a metal pot, and then place the pot into a larger pot filled with boiling water to melt the wax.
  4.    Pour the melted wax into each shell, making sure the wick is straight.
  5.    Place your candle seashells on your mantle, shelves, end tables and/or other spots throughout your home; light and enjoy.

Chalkboard Vases

If you happen to have some empty wine bottles around, they can be used to make all sorts of fun DIY projects, including vases. We’re not talking just sticking some flowers in and calling it a vase. Instead, pick up some chalkboard paint, available on Amazon and most home improvement stores. It will convert glass into a usable chalkboard to make a personalized vase. Just spray it onto a bottle and add a drawing or a message, like “peace,” “love” “friendship” or what have you –it can be changed as often as you like.

How to Reduce Home Maintenance Costs

The ongoing expenses for home maintenance can get lost in the budget among more prominent payments like mortgage, insurance, debt reduction and household bills, but in the course of multiple years, those hidden expenses can really add up. Here are some ways to reduce those costs.


First, the most basic and effective strategy is to identify your largest maintenance expense and reduce that single expenditure. Depending on the age, construction, location, and contents of your home, this could be something like the electrical, plumbing, roof, siding, flooring or appliances. Here are some average costs.


Hot water heaters can burst or stop working without warning, and you’re looking at $300 – $900 for a new one, plus $250 for installation. Drafty windows will end up costing you in heating and cooling bills, so they’ll need to be replaced at an average cost of about $400 apiece. Speaking of heating and cooling, repairing the typical HVAC system costs about $300, while a replacement can run $5,000. Finally, replacing exterior siding can reach $8000 or more for materials alone, plus installation and disposal charges that can easily bring it into the five-figure range.


Second, get some budget planning software or make up a system for tracking your expenditures over time. It’s important to track each expense because they add up over the course of many years.


Let’s say your ranch style home has a troublesome roof due to bad original construction, a large surface area, harsh weather and some troublesome overhanging trees that promote moss growth. So in 2018, you have the old roof torn off and a new asphalt shingle roof installed. The materials cost $4,000 and the professional roofers charged $10,000. You hardly miss the fact that $14,000 is a lot of money, but you tell yourself that roofs last many years. That’s true, but by the time 2030 comes around, without tracking your long-term expenses, you will have long forgotten that huge bill for the new roof. However, your asphalt shingle roof will only last about 20 years. That adds up to $700 per year, and in 2030, you’ll need a new one in only 8 years.


Third, keep an eye on the condition of your house and surroundings. Inspect your roof with a pair of binoculars for loose shingles, moss or puddles. Make sure the grading of the soil surrounding your home slopes away at least six inches per 10 feet. Check for cracks in your foundation and recheck for movement of those cracks over the following months using an indelible marker.


As a final point, when you perform maintenance or repairs, do the job right. Use quality materials and, if you can afford it, hire a licensed contractor to do the work.


Take the garage door, for instance. “Your garage door is the largest piece of equipment in your home with several moving parts and may be used several times a day. Over time and if not properly serviced and maintained, your door will eventually give you problems,” says Garrett Waldrop of National Garage Door, a garage door repair company in Atlanta. Anything less than top quality work will end up costing you more in the long run.


Keeping Your Car Clean, Cool and Professional All Summer Long

Summer is here, and that means it’s time for adventure. Whether it’s camping, going to the beach, or just playing in the park, summer is the time for you and your family to get outside and enjoy life in nature. This is the time you love spending quality time with your family. There’s just one thing that doesn’t love summer, and that’s your car. Even if you don’t often go off-roading in the mud and rain (although we recommend it), your car won’t escape this summer without getting sand or mud all over the floor and probably the outside as well.


When you show up for a business meeting after a weekend camping in the woods, you want your car to look just as cleaned up and professional as you do. A dirty car covered in sand and cluttered with toys doesn’t exactly make the best impression. But that doesn’t mean you have to stay home! Here are a few easy ways to keep your car looking great even as you make the most of your summer.


Make Time for Washing

You may feel like you’re too busy to take an afternoon to wash your car in the driveway or consider waxing it, but you’re always going to be busy. If keeping your car clean is important, you need to make the time to take care of it. If you’re going on a lot of trips or off-roading at all, you might want to wash it at least briefly every week. This means setting time aside to wash the outside with soap and water, vacuum the inside and washing the soft surfaces inside the car too.


If you really don’t have the time you can take your car to a car wash as well. The quick car washes sometimes use abrasive chemicals that may wear down your car over time or degrade the paint, but more professional car washes also have lots of helpful chemicals and waxes that you might not have. And whether it’s at a car wash or at home, waxing your car can be incredibly worthwhile. “Waxing your car may just seem like a time-consuming way to make it look nice and shiny,” says Matt D’Souza, vice president of sales operations for Washify. “But that layer of wax can fill in scratches, protect the paint, and even make the next car wash quicker and easier.”


Don’t Put Things Off

One of the most important things you can do to keep up the appearance of your car this summer is to respond to issues immediately. When a kid spills a drink in the backseat, don’t wait to respond and clean it up. Every time you get back from a trip, clean up everything and get it all out of the car before you sit down and relax. You’ll already be tired when you get home, but that effort will make sure you don’t forget things later.

Smart Ways To Maintain An Eco Friendly Lawn

Your home cannot be complete without a beautiful backyard where you can relax in the summer as you watch your kids playing around. Most people see healthy lawns on the internet and in other places and then think that achieving one is a very complicated thing to do. Growing a healthy lawn is one thing but what keeps it healthy and aesthetically pleasing is how you maintain it. In recent years, there have been concerns about the methods we use to maintain our backyards, and it is prudent to opt for the eco-friendly ones that are more beneficial. Here are some smart ways of keeping your grass green and healthy without having to incorporate the use of processed chemicals.

Water Wisely

We all know that water is good for the grass, but this does not mean that you have to flood your yard. Your lawn might not need as much water as you think, and you should be wise when watering it. If you have to do it, ensure that you restrict yourself to watering the grass in the early morning hours when the sun is not yet out. Doing this ensures that the grass retains the water and absorbs a significant amount before the sun comes out. Normally, a lawn needs close to an inch of water every week, and you may use whichever measuring technique you have in place to measure how much of it you need to do. If possible, you could water the first half inch of water first and then allow it to be absorbed into the ground before proceeding with the other half an inch. During the mid-summer, you might notice your grass turning from green to yellow and you should not panic as this is only temporary. All in all, water your lawn less often and ensure that you do it deep when the time comes so that they can develop the deep-lying roots that make them resistant to drought. Visit here for more tips about watering your lawn.


You will always be required to mow your grass from time to time, and you should know how to do it right. The first thing that you need to do regarding this is to ensure that your mower blades are sharp enough. If you notice that the tip of your grass turns to white or yellow after mowing, it might be because your mower blades are not sharp enough. Dull blades do not cut the grass as they tear them up and leave them bruised and exposed to diseases and pest attacks. Aside from that, ensure that you mow your lawn at the right height. Shorter is not always better when it comes to lawn care, and it is advisable to cut the grass at the height of three inches or more. This will help it grow better and become more resistant to weeds and erosion. Grass requires sunlight for growth and the longer the blades, the larger the surface area a single grass plant has to receive the UV radiation and grow faster. Whatever you do, do not cut more than a third of the grass at any particular point. Doing it will stress the grass and make it unhealthy.

Grass Clippings

When mowing your grass, do not make the mistake of cleaning the grass clippings. These are natural leaves, and they can offer your soil nutrients. They can save you the money needed to buy a single round of fertilizer, and you should let them lie around for some time. They will dry up and provide cover to the soil, something that helps in moisture retention since it reduces that soils exposure to the sun significantly.

Reseed Smartly

If your lawn has some patches where the grass cover is not enough, you should reseed these areas and attain a uniform lawn all around your garden. This is mostly done during spring when the conditions are right to support the growth of new grass plants. Do not be tempted to reseed using a grass variety that is not in tandem with the one in your lawn. It is advisable to pick a type that is suited to your location and can survive through the conditions. When doing it, make a point of raking up any grass debris in that area to allow the seeds to come into contact with the ground for them to germinate.

Opt for Organic Fertilizer

Eco-friendly ways of maintaining a lawn entail avoiding any company processed fertilizer that may affect the environment. Luckily, there are several types of organic fertilizers produced from natural substances, and you need to find one to boost your yards nutrient content. In some cases, it might be advisable to conduct a soil test and check out some of the crucial nutrients that are missing from your soil before deciding which fertilizer to use. You should avoid fertilizer that contains phosphorous at all costs. If you have a lot of yard waste and keep a few animals in your home, you could use their waste to develop a compost manure system and use this to boost your soil’s nutrient content rather than buy organic fertilizer.

Go, Native

When planting new shrubs to complement your lawn, some people are tempted to go with the exotic and good-looking varieties that will make their yard a beautiful place. However, these exotic plants can give you a torrid time trying to maintain them as they may be suited to the climate in which they thrive. It is best to stick to the native plants so that you have an easy time maintaining your yard. Most of the native plants can survive on the water provided by the rain, and you could have a green and healthy garden without spending so much money and time on fertilizer and other enhancers. You can consult with the professionals Discoverziehler.com to make sure you are choosing the proper foliage for your yard.

Some of the smart ways to maintain a lawn in an eco-friendly manner have been highlighted, and you should follow them. The environment is essential, and you should conserve it by going green. You do not have to invest in expensive machinery or expensive fertilizers as you could have a beautiful garden by just engaging in a few smart things.

How to save money on an HVAC system

Because homeowners spend, on average, 50% of their utility bills on cooling and heating, it’s important to have efficient systems in place for both. For cooling, older air conditioning systems are usually inefficient, which leads to higher energy bills.

Keep in mind that you’ve already made a smart choice by having an HVAC system, as there are many advantages to having a system rather than using individual air conditioning units. The major benefits are:

  • They are energy efficient and provide better airflow through the premises.
  • They are less noisy than older air conditioning units.
  • Because they’re less bulky, they can be positioned out of the way
  • They are controlled by thermostats
  • Ductwork can be shared with heating system ducts

 Whether you need to buy a new HVAC system or replace your old one, though, you are looking at a major household expense. Costs range from $2000 to $12,000 and upwards, depending upon SEER (energy efficiency) rating and options. The average cost, including installation, is $5,250. Investing in an HVAC system can eat up your savings or require financing. Though heating, cooling, and ventilation are all necessities, there are things you can do to save what could be a significant amount of a new system or replacement costs.


Types of Central Air Conditioners

The two main types of central air conditioning units are:

  • Packaged unit – With this type of central air, the compressor, evaporator, and condenser are located outdoors. Installation is easier, and the unit doesn’t use up any indoor space
  • Split system – Unlike the packaged unit, only the compressor and condenser are located outdoors, while the evaporator is installed indoors. Split system central air conditioners are very energy efficient, with SEER ratings between 13 and 23.


We’ve already discussed how a new system can be a significant investment, so here are a few ways you can save:

Check product reviews

If you’re wondering if the brand name products are the best out there, you can check online reviews from Consumer Reports, Angie’s List, and other reliable websites to inform yourself before deciding on a unit. Doing some research upfront should lessen the chance of paying more for repair costs and maintenance check-ups later.

Check contractor reviews

It’s also a good practice to check Better Business Bureau ratings before picking a contractor. You can also check Yelp or Angie’s List for reviews, which might lead you to cross some contractors off your list or be reassured about your choices, depending on their reviews.  Keep in mind that what looks like a great deal may cost you more down the line.  

Consider the installation cost

There are two costs when you replace or install a new air conditioning unit: the price of the unit, and the price of the installation.

Though you might be able to save money by comparison shopping for your A/C unit, it never makes sense to skimp on your installation costs. A high-quality, professional installation can make certain that the air conditioner is well-suited for your home before all the hard work is done.

Think about size

Many factors should be considered before choosing an air conditioner. These include how many floors or levels your home has, the square footage, and the amount of insulation.

A too-large unit will cycle on and off frequently, which wastes money on your energy bill. A too-small unit won’t be able to cool your entire home on the hottest days.

Ask for the warranty

According to HomeAdvisor, “any newly installed air conditioning unit will come with a manufacturer’s warranty.” Warranties differ depending on the manufacturer: they range anywhere from 5 to 15 years, with 10 years being typical warranty length. Your warranty will cover unit parts of the A/C unit and parts associated with the HVAC system.

The labor for A/C unit repair and additional work will also be covered If you choose to invest in a contractor’s warranty. Extended warranties, while usually more expensive than regularly scheduled maintenance visits, cover the cost of replacement parts and repairs by a third party. They usually have strict guidelines.

Look for rebates

Many states and HVAC manufacturers offer rebates to help offset the cost of a brand-new system, particularly those that are higher efficiency. Some states have hundreds of opportunities for tax credits, incentives and grant money, as well as loans, subject to approval. DSIRE, or the Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency®, is the best resource for information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Keep in mind that purchasing a new HVAC system can also save you money through tax deductions.

Don’t jump at the first estimate or the lowest price

It’s never a good idea to take the first estimate. A large household expense like an HVAC system merits more careful consideration.  Consumers need to think about the long-term–the 12 to 15 years that the unit should last–when purchasing a new air conditioning unit. A high-efficiency system that adds an extra $800 to your costs could save you $300 a year on energy bills.

Other Ways a New Air Conditioning System Can Save You Money

A new air conditioning system can save you money in other ways. These include:

  • Lower maintenance costs – Because newer air conditioning units are better constructed than their older counterparts, they wear better and will need less maintenance.
  • Control system – If you opt for control strategies in your unit, the system will activate only within the parameters you choose and otherwise be idle, which will lower costs.

Another advantage to installing a new system or replacing your existing one is that today’s air conditioners use Puron which–unlike Freon–is energy efficient and environmentally friendly.

5 Stargazing tips for summer skywatching

During summer most lovers of nature and the outdoors mostly take the opportunity to go stargazing. Due to the fact that most people grew up stargazing during vacations by staying out and watching the skies at night, many of them understand and love watching the stars even when they are older.   

Skywatching during summer gives a clear sight of the skies and astronomical nature of the stars. Filling the skies with a dazzling look of a long stretch of stars across the sky, are numerous constellations and asterisms that form an alluring pattern.

Check the timings

Pick out a good stargazing place and take note of the best time to stargaze. The best time to stargaze is when there is no moon or during or the gibbous or crescent phase of the moon. This is because the moon produces bright light which blocks you from clearly seeing the skies.

For those that don’t mind the cold weather, clear winter nights provide a wonderful time since there is no humidity in the air. In the evenings during summertime, there is a lot of blurry views making it difficult to sky watch.

Carry a spray and binoculars

The nearest star is around 93 million miles away and it keeps on changing, making it essential to have binoculars for a closer look. Binoculars with large objective lenses are the best to use since they are comfortable enough for kids to use and also magnify perfectly. Alternatively, you can mount the binoculars on a tripod for extra support. Some areas have lots of bugs and it is wise to carry along a bug spray or repellant to reduce chances of getting bug bites.

Carry a sunblock

Skywatching involves more than just watching the stars at night. It can also include watching the sun. The sun tends to release strong rays which can be harmful to your eyes, especially when viewing it from a higher location such as on top of a mountain. Wear protective eyewear such as goggles for protection against the sun’s UV rays.

Carry backup, wear

While it doesn’t always rain during summer, sometimes it might. Carry some protection in case it rains to avoid getting wet as well as dampening your sky watching gear. Purchase a protective cover for your equipment to protect it from dust. You can also carry extra clothes in case it gets cold at night which includes a pant, jacket, and a blanket. The blanket can be spread on the ground when lying on your back to get a clear view of the sky.

Stargaze while on the water

Summertime involves relaxation and a lot of time is normally spent on the water. Whether it’s on a boat or cruise ship, you can carry binoculars with you and stargaze from aboard the boat. Do not at any point carry a telescope since it will not balance on a boat and it also doesn’t give a clear view. Alongside the water’s reflection stargazing will give you a brilliant look.

With just a few equipment and astronomy protective gears, your summer vacations can be turned into the most brilliant and unforgettable moments. Have fun and enjoy every minute you spend stargazing.

Fun Summer Activities

The abundance of time and choices that accompany the onset of summer can leave some of us feeling overwhelmed. It can be tricky to balance the wants and needs of your family or friends with so many places and activities available out there. The bottom line is that there is no reason for you to have a boring summer, and with careful planning, everyone can feel reset when autumn rolls back around. Consider traveling, installing a pool, making your own backyard fun, looking locally, and volunteering to create variety in a summer itinerary. There are plenty of options out there for you, and don’t forget to take your family and friends along for the ride!

Travel Fun

Consider traveling as an adventurous summertime option. Flying is always a fast option but planning out a road trip to your destination means sugary snacks and jamming out to your favorite tunes. Finding a new place to explore expands your world and a road trip provides tons of fun along the way. A different city offers a variety of new activities that you don’t usually have the opportunity to experience. Take advantage of this by finding what is unique about the area and see how it can fit your group. For example, an activity like surfing lessons in Waikiki can be done solo, in a group, or with your family at different levels of experience. Don’t be afraid to ask locals or do online research on what is popular and what is not as well known to make the most of a trip far from home. Find fun food places to sample local cuisine. From airfare to gas prices to entrance fees, traveling and attempting new activities can be expensive. Use websites that find the cheapest airfare for your travel dates, and find deals for those group outings. Saving money along the way will help you in the long run.

Install a Pool

If you’re looking to stay much closer to home but still have a great time this summer, consider installing a pool in your backyard. This option can provide so much fun for summers to come. With so many options, like above or inground swimming pool construction, it should be easy to find the best fit for your backyard situation. A bigger pool welcomes more family and friends to hop in and join the fun. Add-ons like a fun slide or diving board also add to the entertainment value that this summer addition can give you. This close-to-home option has a higher up-front cost but pays for itself in at-home and outdoor fresh air entertainment. A pool is the perfect venue to have a cookout for your Fourth of July or birthday party for your children. The theme is always summer fun, and a pool is the best way to beat the heat. Set up for the perfect summertime get-together with plenty of treats and exciting games to please the crowd. Parties and celebrations are always a blast, but a lazy afternoon to swim is perfect for a more low-key day.

Backyard Fun

Other options for fun that is close to home include setting up activities that can fit into your backyard. Be prepared for DIY crafts that your wallet will be happy about. If your family or group of friends want to watch a popular movie, you can create the coolest outdoor viewing experience for them. Use a projector and set up a screen using a white sheet. Provide the snacks and check your audio to complete the big-screen event. You don’t have to go far to enjoy camping. Your backyard is just far away enough to bask in the starry night sky while still enjoying the pleasures of indoor plumbing. In the morning, have some water fun in the sun with games like a water balloon or water gun fight. Don’t be afraid to cool off in a silly way.


Local Attractions

Don’t forget about local attractions in your own city or state that you might tend to overlook. These inexpensive options can still be loads of fun. Act like a tourist in your own hometown and visit or revisit locales for summer fun. For example, a tourist attraction in Halifax, PA could be the go-to place to visit even as a local. There’s no reason to ignore these. Even local eateries with foods that are unique to your area could be worth checking out again through the eyes of a newcomer. If you are joined by your family or group of friends, get their suggestions for different places. Attempt to be as inclusive as possible by accounting for any disability or discomfort of your family or group. Try places like sensory friendly activities in Lansing, MI to better meet the needs of those around you. These activities will ensure that everyone in the group enjoys themselves to the best of their abilities.



A fun and cost-free option for the extra free time that you or your family might have in the summer is volunteering. Teach the kids while reminding yourself of the importance of paying forward all the good in your life by helping those who are less fortunate. Find an organization or rotate between multiple groups that need volunteers. This can be in a variety of settings from a nursing home, a local soup kitchen, or an animal shelter. This bonding activity will help you newly appreciate your own lives. Donating time that would have been otherwise spent lounging around adds value that you can’t find anywhere else. Other options that have educational value are helping at a national park, your local library, or a museum. These sorts of publicly-funded places often need help organizing materials or setting up for events.

Whichever options you are able to work into your summer will be sure to provide an abundance of memories and fun photos to look back on for years to come. Overwhelming as they may seem, there is no shortage of possibilities for your sunny days. Establishing a budget, especially for the costlier activities that include travel, is important in order to make a successful and frugal trip. Maintaining an understanding of the bigger picture by lending time to others is also an important life lesson that can be a part of your summer. Supporting your local attractions with renewed purpose will establish a fun summer tradition.

Benefits of installing Solar on your house

Scientists have bee warning the population that global warming is starting to become is very serious problem for the entire plant.

The effects include rising temperature levels which is bringing very serious implications to the planet including rising sea levels, more constant droughts and even natural species of animals to die of redapt to the heating climate.

This all sounds very negative and it’s easy to just want to switch off to the facts and pretend that it doesn’t exist and to just keep living with our heads in the sand but the problem with this is if we keep travelling down this path the world and most of the animals on it including humans are going to face possible instruction.

So what can we I do?

Firstly realizing that this is a serious problem and it’s not going to go away just be ignoring it is the first step. The second major steps is to start living more sustainably and taking immediate action.

Most people know that doing things such as recycling and minimising the amount of plastics we both buy and use on a day to day basis is a great start. But what are some of the major changes we can make to lessen our carbon footprint?
One of the biggest ways we can help the planet is use less energy. We spend most of the hours in the day in our homes and they are using energy twenty four hours seven days a week. Think about appliances that are running all day everyday like fridges and freezers or even smaller appliances that are constantly on charge like shavers or electric toothbrushes.

Why is Solar such a good option

Solar is sure way to lessen the amount of harmful pollutants that are pumped out into the atmosphere. Most energy companies burn either coal or natural gases to produce energy which has a great impact on the environment in a very negative way.

Solar power is derived from the sun straight to your power board. Solar uses less than one tenth of the C02 emissions that natural gas uses and produces less than one fiftieth of emissions than coal does. This is an absolutely huge metric and will undoubtedly have a great impact on the planet if most people, or even everyone switched to solar energy.

So what are the steps to getting solar installed on your roof. If you have tradesman skills such as roofing you could install the panels yourself, make sure you sure to be safe and use the right roofer equipment.  This will save you a considerable amount of money if you shop around and buy the panels yourself. If you are not comfortable with trade skills we recommend that you call professionals and have them deal with the job.

You don’t have to own the property to have solar installed on the house you live in. Adding solar actually ads value to your house so if you approach the landlord and tell them you would be interested in extending the lease for the house if you could both make an agreement to have solar installed they may well be open to suggestion. After All both parties, the tenant and the landlord, are benefiting from this.

If you also own a rental properties or several rental properties this is a great way to have a positive impact on the environment. Installing solar on these houses will give the tenants a lower energy bill and overall uses less carbon emissions on the environment.

5 Ways to Avoid Awkward Silences on Your First Date

The first date is at once the most exciting and most terrifying step in the dating process. On one hand, you could be starting a new era of your life ― one filled with love and connection to a person who truly understands you. On the other hand, a first date is almost certainly going to be a big awkward.

Fortunately, with some preparation, you can mitigate the worst of the unease. Here are a few ways to cut silences short and get comfortable on any first date.

1. Have a Plan

Most people cannot claim improvisation as a strength, so the more you can plan ahead of time, the more comfortable you will be during your date. At least the day before your outing, you should know exactly what the two of you will do together and exactly where you will do it. You might even plan other aspects of the date, like your outfit or your topics of conversation (see below). Then, when the first date comes, you will be thoroughly prepared to overcome any awkward challenges.

Having a plan serves an even greater purpose than mitigating any first-date awkwardness: It shows that you have initiative and forethought, which are subtly sexy traits most people want in their mates. Still, it is considerate to inform your date about your plans in case he or she isn’t keen on certain activities.

2. Learn Some Icebreakers

Getting to know a complete stranger is stressful ― how can you possibly understand another human being? Do you start with softball questions about his or her job and hobbies, or do you go straight to learning his or her life values and future plans?

Most experts advise against delving too deeply into potentially traumatic or controversial topics on the first date, which means you should stay away from issues like politics or past indiscretions. You should also avoid snore-inducing lines of conversation, like recent dreams or minor health problems. Instead, you can peruse icebreaker lists to find inspiration for your first-date chatter. These will help you and your date reveal important information in a lighthearted and comfortable way.

3. Pay Attention to Body Language

A famous study found that people communicate primarily non-verbally: More than 93 percent of a person’s thoughts and opinions are conveyed through his or her body language and tone of voice rather than the content of his or her sentences. Therefore, it is crucial that you pay attention to your date’s non-verbal cues to understand what he or she is saying. You will be better equipped to steer the date away from any looming awkwardness, especially unwanted physical interaction.

It is important to watch your own body language as well as your date’s. Sometimes, you might encourage the wrong opinion with subconscious actions or behavior, and being careful about your expression and limb placement will help your date understand you, as well.

4. Get Active

The simple act of sitting across from your date is actually one of the hardest ways to achieve first-date success. When you are limited to the dinner and drinks on your table, you and your date will likely run out of conversation topics fast.

A much easier date ― and usually a much more memorable one ― gets you both up and interacting with the world around. Not only do active dates provide a built-in distraction during lulls in conversation, but they allow you to hide your nervous, fidgeting fingers. Here are some suggestions for lively first dates:

  • Attend a local arts or food festival
  • Walk around the park
  • Hike an easygoing mountain trail
  • Bike around your favorite neighborhood
  • Play a round of golf (or mini-golf)

5. Sink Into It

Ultimately, unless you and your date were made for one another, you will experience a bit of awkwardness on your first outing together. However, a tiny amount of discomfort isn’t a good reason to end the date early. Those mutual feelings of self-consciousness arise from positive emotions, like excitement and attraction, which means nervousness is a good sign: It shows you want to make a good impression.

While it is definitely a good idea to have a plan and to keep your date engaged, it can also be useful to allow a little awkwardness on your date. When a silence starts, you should try to feel comfortable in it by feeling the sensations in your body, noting your breath, and sinking into the tension. Perhaps your date will find your coolness in the face of awkwardness even more attractive.