Benefits of Going to Church

According to Father George Rutler, every individual needs to go to a place where they can pray to God in peace. To him, this place could only be in church. The church is a place of calm and joy, and that means it is medicine to the many pains and afflictions that people go through on earth. It is where any Christian gets biblical answers on some issues they go through every day.
What Are the Benefits of Going to Church for Catholics?
1. It Builds a Stronger Connection with God
Going to church and mainly attending the Holy mass allows every catholic to partake of the Lord’s table. This act helps a believer understand that God is with them and in them at all times. The wine reminds every believer of the blood that Jesus shed on the cross for them.
2. It Helps a Believer Obtain the Mind of Christ
Going to church on an often basis helps a catholic understand the teachings of Christ. Jesus taught on keeping the mindset on what is above higher things. He also advised believers not to be conformed to the ways of the world. This means that every Catholic who finds time to go to church gets the like-mindedness of Christ and learns to live in His ways.
3. It Helps Believers Learn to Submit to the Will of God
The church is a place where there is divine help and intervention. Man, on the other hand, quickly falls short of the glory of God. Going to church, therefore, brings back the thoughts and obedience of man to God. God requires people to immerse themselves in His word and keep their thoughts pure. There is no better place to learn Christ’s teaching than in the church.
4. It Brings Peace and Guidance
According to Father George Rutler, it is only in a holy mass that you get to share peace with everyone without minding whether you know them or not. All believers get the opportunity to spread peace in Christ’s way. God’s word and the teachings of other leaders who have been in the faith for a long-time help guide believers. For example, Fathers have significantly been of help to many marriages since they offer counseling and spiritual guidance to couples. On the other hand, sisters remain an inspiration to young girls who want to serve God entirely.
5. It Helps Build the Community
A church helps bring the community together. It allows people to give and others to receive. The church does not only build peace among believers but also encourage people to be their brother’s keeper. Churches organize events such as church missions, sports, cleanups, and other activities, which helps the community develop as one strong team.
Bottom Line
The church is one of the most important things for a believer’s survival. There are uncountable benefits that come with it, such that the above-stated benefits are, but a few. Church helps people reconnect to their shared belief and improve on their spiritualism.