3 Tricks To Help You Break A Bad Habit
Everyone develops bad habits. However, once you’re ready to break this bad habit, it can be a lot harder than you’d like to admit feeling like you’ve regained control and start living the life that you really want. Luckily, science has uncovered all kinds of ways that people can hack their habits to break away from the bad ones and start turning them into good ones.
To help you see how this can be possible for you, here are three tricks to help you break a bad habit.
Find Ways To Exert Self-Control
While many habits can’t be fought off simply by self-control, the more you’re able to control yourself and flex those self-control muscles, the easier it will be for you to do this with your bad habits as well.
The more you get used to resisting things that your body may want but that your mind doesn’t, even with seemingly small things, the more experience you’ll gain in a mind-over-matter mentality. And for all bad habits, allowing your mind to be in control is vital. Otherwise, you could succumb to any and all of the urges that your body might think it wants, regardless of how much your mind or motivations may think otherwise, simply from hearing, tasting, or smelling something that triggers you and makes you want to fall back into those bad habits that you’ve been trying to hard to kick.
Allow Yourself To Be Disillusioned
For some people, they have developed habits over years and years of habitual behaviors. And while these habits might have served a purpose in the past or have been beneficial somehow, if you’re still feeling the need to do these things when you’re old enough to be in a senior living community, it might be time to rethink just how helpful or hurtful some of these habits are.
As you participate in the habits that you’re wanting to stop, think about what’s happening in your body and your mind as you bring that habit to conclusion. Are you enjoying it? Or did it leave you feeling worse than before? Once you start to get disillusioned about your habits, it becomes easier to want to stop doing them in the first place.
Recognize What Triggers You
For habits that people don’t like or don’t want to do anymore, one of the reasons why it can be hard to shake them is because they’re conditioned themselves to these habits based on certain triggers. So, when those triggers happen, your mind automatically wants to fall back into that habit.
To stop this in the process, try to recognize what some of your triggers are and interrupt yourself before you get into that bad habit cycle. Even pausing for a moment to think about what you’re feeling and what you’re wanting to do can help you slowly but surely break that habit.
If you have some bad habits that you’d like to stop doing, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you learn how this can actually be done, aside from just gutting it out.