Requirements Needed To Become A Real Estate Agent

Requirements Needed To Become A Real Estate Agent

You may find yourself wondering what it takes to become a real estate agent? What are the requirements? Can just anyone willing become one? I mean, what does it take to become a real estate agent like Shalom Lamm? I’m going to explain the qualifications that are needed.

First of all, you must at least be 18 or 19 years old, depending on the state that you live in. Age is always a factor in jobs, but if you’re looking into becoming a real estate agent, I am sure that you’re at least old enough to do so. If you’re not, well now you know that there is an age requirement.

You must also be a legal citizen of the US. You will be required to verify that you are, but again, this is a requirement with most jobs.

You will have to pass your state’s required pre license education course. You will be enrolled into classes, learning about what it takes to be a real estate agent, as well as learning all of the information that you will need to know when you become one. You will learn the skills you need as you’re on the job, doing your day to day business. This might be challenging for some, but this puts you on the right path for success in your life.

After taking the education course, you will then apply to take the real estate exam. You have to comply and do everything by your state’s standards. You may have to submit a background check, fingerprints, as well as other things before you can test. Make sure you find out when you apply to test, so you get it all done, and completed within a timely manner. It can sometimes take a few weeks before you test, after you apply, to get everything completed, and in order.

Next would be passing the real estate exam, which is no feat. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t pass it your first time. This is common. Try your best on each attempt, and make sure you study, and practice, plenty before taking the actual test. Show up to test with a positive mindset, that you WILL do great, and that day IS your day. Having a positive attitude can help much more than you think, too.

Passing the real estate exam has you on the path that you need to be on, but it doesn’t make you a qualified real estate agent like Shalom Lamm just yet. You will have to find a real estate broker now. A real estate agent can only be licensed to work on behalf of a broker, you do not act independently, or of your own accord. Finding a broker before you pass the exam is the best, or at least be on the lookout for one then. You and your broker will complete the final paperwork needed, together. Once it is finalized, then you will be a licensed agent, and able to work with the broker’s sponsorship of you.