Why International Travel is Essential

Why International Travel is Essential

We go about our lives and sometimes the surroundings of how we live is the only point of view that we have for how to live. A solution to this is to travel the world to see different ways of living. The former Fox News analyst Judge Napolitano believes that international travel is the way to go to learn more and experience more of what life can look like and be like. Napolitano generally speaks positively of travel to help people experience life and to enjoy themselves when every day life gets monotonous the same.

International Travel Can be an Eye Opener

International travel is nice to be able to go on for the eye openers. Travel usually allows us to see a new way of living. Sometimes these eye openers show us how lucky we are in our own lives. This shows us that there are things we take for granted and that we should appreciate more. Another eye opener from travel is we may realize some things about our lives are lacking and need some fixing. Whether in lifestyle or in cuisine we consume. Sometimes the eye openers make us realize there are some problems with how we live and how we can change them.

International Travel Can be Helpful for Relaxation

Every day can be extremely taxing on our bodies over time if we are constantly on the grind. Doing some international traveling allows us to experience some other ways of being and just relax. We sometimes need to just have that time to relax. Sometimes travel is aimed at business or about having a full itinerary. But we all sometimes should take a trip that is aimed at just enjoying ourselves and letting our bodies have time to feel good.

International Travel Can be Educational

International travel is most important because it can be extremely educational. We can learn about culture, history and art and all kinds of things from traveling. We can even learn a lot from traveling locally. Yet it is international travel that really allows people to learn a lot about a different culture and people and whatever else they would like to learn while they are on their travels. You can appreciate and learn about the cuisine and music as well when you travel to another country.
Thanks to the covid pandemic, most people have been unable to experience international travel. So if you’ve been waiting on international travel, then now is the time to start planning a trip since most travel bans are lifting. You may need to be careful about where you go due to the covid pandemic still being active or problematic in some locations and countries having a lot of travel restrictions. But Judge Napolitano believes that now is as good a time as any if you’ve been holding back on traveling and want to finally experience some travel after being stuck at home and social distancing from other people during the covid pandemic situation.

A Guide to Consistent Exercise

A Guide to Consistent Exercise

While most people are aware of the many benefits which come from a regular workout routine, very few people actually manage to break a sweat on a consistent basis. It’s all too tempting to push that snooze button several times in lieu of a morning sweat session. On average, it takes about thirty days until an activity becomes a habit. Exercise is no different. Diego Ruiz Duran has emphasized the importance of consistent physical exercise, in order to maintain good health and overall wellbeing. Here are some tips and routines that anyone can utilize in order to help them get into the habit of engaging in consistent exercise.

Set That Alarm, and Don’t Hit Snooze

As tempting as it can be to hit that snooze button over and over again, do not do it! The most difficult part of getting started are those first few mornings, when the temptation to sleep through those alarms is strongest. When that alarm chimes, make it a point to get out of bed, and plant those feet on the ground. Just standing up and starting on one’s morning routine is usually adequate enough to get into the proper mindset for a quick workout. Diego Ruiz Duran has found that early morning workouts are the best way to jump start any workday with energy and focus.

Start With a Shorter Workout Routine

A classic mistake that many people make is to overexert themselves much too quickly. A two hour weight training and cardio session at the gym is overkill, and is enough to make even the most seasoned gym goer burn out quickly. A gym membership isn’t even necessary to enjoy the benefits of a regular workout routine. A fifteen minute walk around the neighborhood, followed by some light stretching, or body weight exercises, is a fantastic way to fit physical exercise into a daily regimen. Once a new routine has been established, consider adding a few more minutes of activity or resistance training to the regimen.

No Gym? No Problem!

As previously mentioned, a gym membership isn’t necessary when it comes to incorporating physical activity into one’s routine. Simple movements using one’s own body weight are just as effective as fancy weight equipment. Consider doing sets of push-ups, sit-ups, planks, and calve raises in short sets of twelve. A dynamic, sweat inducing workout is possible, without having to drive all the way to an expensive gym.

Consider Sleeping in Workout Gear

One of the most common reasons people give for not incorporating consistent exercise into their routines, is that it seems too tedious to change into workout gear in the morning. One of the easiest ways to maintain that motivation to workout in the morning, is to sleep in workout gear. Once that alarm chimes, all one has to do is get out of bed and grab that morning coffee before getting started.

It can seem daunting when initially trying to start a consistent workout routine. By keeping these tips in mind, and pushing forward through those first few days, one will eventually find themselves looking forward to jumping out of bed, and tackling their morning workout.

The Future of Law and Order

Many factors determine the future of law and order. Some change from one time to another as society changes, while others are rooted in culture, age, and demographics. As each year goes by, we look at crime trends and examine what can better protect our communities. Diego Ruiz Duran, a successful defense attorney in Mexico, hopes the future of law and order is peaceful and happy.

The biggest driver of crime is a tightening of gun laws across the country. After more than a dozen mass shooting incidents over the past several years, it is clear that it is easier to pick a victim now rather than later. As recently as ten or fifteen years ago, it was easier to pass a background check if a person had a gun. Now that the National Instant Background Check System or NICS has been replaced with the FBI’s NGI, criminals use cover names and false identification to obtain firearms.

Crime is on the rise in all cities and counties across the country. One key to stopping this is to focus on reducing overall crime. This reduction can be accomplished by preventing senseless crimes like street crimes and drug crimes. It can also mean more effective enforcement of existing laws and stiffer penalties for crimes that occur off of the street.

Community Policing involves engaging the community and working with the police force in several ways. For example, a neighborhood watch program will intercede when criminal activity occurs outside the home. Neighbors will report suspicious activities, and they will actively patrol their neighborhood in hopes of catching criminals. They will help to keep the streets safe, and they will report it to the police. This information gives the police an advantage when searching for perpetrators of violent crimes that often occur during daytime hours.

Another aspect of Community Policing deals with victims of domestic violence. Domestic violence is becoming more common, and some of the victims are young girls and women. A task force that includes both police officers and volunteers from the community can be instrumental in bringing charges against those who prey on these innocent young women. The team can also help ensure that safety concerns are addressed to help make the streets safer for these women.

Although The Profit and Loss Rule suggests that profits and losses should separate the most successful businesses from those that are not, there is no reason why the LOS should not also be enforced when it comes to law enforcement officers. Law enforcement officers protect the public and help to keep order. That is priceless and should not be allowed to go to waste. However, it is the decrease in other types of crime that is disturbing. Thefts, burglaries, and assaults are all up, leading to more distrust of law enforcement officers.

A robust and influential organization is needed to carry out its mission. In this case, the FBI is very apparent in keeping its promise to protect the American people. The organization has successfully stopped many high-profile bank heists and even helped apprehend perpetrators of the September 11th attacks.

If the FBI is going to continue to lead the way, it will have to bring in tools and tactics from other branches of the Government. In essence, The Future of Law and Order is not about protecting the criminal but about protecting the American people from criminals. Law enforcement officers already have enough to do and should not be burdened unnecessarily. Diego Ruiz Duran also hopes criminals are arrested humanely and justifiably.

Making Use of Your Network Connections

If you are going to find the best network marketing company, it will use your network connections. If you go about networking with others the wrong way, you can do more harm than good. Networking is a good thing and should be encouraged in every situation, but it can negatively impact your results if you do not comprehend how to use it efficiently. You want to develop good relationships with people, but you also want to make sure that they feel like you value them enough as a friend to share this business with you. Professionals like Helen Lee Schifter understand the importance of maintaining and increasing a network.

To do this, you first should determine what types of people you already know. There are some people that you already know, and there are some that you want to meet. Take up the time to become acquainted with each of these people. It can help you decide who you are most likely to connect with and how you want to network with them. When you know people, you can use this knowledge to strengthen your bonds with them. Once you have developed a relationship with someone, you do not want to lose that person. 

Networking is an essential part of running yourFor example; if you are in the internet marketing business, you do not want to work with an internet marketer from the medical profession. This would limit you and keep you from being successful. This is why it is essential to research the various professions to see which ones you might want to connect with.

When you are thinking about creating network connections, remember that you need to be sincere when doing this. Do not lie about your background or about what you do because you want to build relationships. However, you do not want to talk negatively either.

Network connections can be challenging to make, so you want to make sure that you follow up on those connections you make. Ask friends and family members whom they think are good contacts for you. If you have access to someone in your local community, ask them if they know anyone who might be a good fit. If not, you can always take it to a networking event and try to meet someone. This way, you can easily network with people in your local community who are already established and are not trying to sell themselves to you.

You want to have several people in your local community who are either connections to you or are already established. You also want to have at least one person within your community trying to market for you. If you go to events like parties, fundraisers, or other networking events, you may want to bring some business cards with you to give out to people. When you give out the cards, you want to make sure that you leave a contact number to call the next time you see the person.

By following these steps, you will find that using your network connections will be easier for you and your business. The more you can do to market yourself, the better chance you will get someone who is a good fit for your business. Networking is an essential part of operating your business. Take advantage of everything that you can do online to help your business grow. Helen Lee Schifter has taken advantage of her network and contacts.

Why Colors Are Vital For Effective Graphic Design Solutions

It is not uncommon for companies and brands to use color on their websites, especially when advertising or their products. Choosing the best color is vital if you aim to create a lasting effect on your clients and resonate whenever your brand comes to mind. It is imperative to contract an expert in graphic design to help you select the best color for your brand and one that sparks life to your campaigns and evokes positive emotions and behaviors. Many factors influence the selection of color about your organization and brand, such as culture, feelings, and upbringing. The perfect shade plays a vital role in determining how clients react to your product, from calmness, hunger, or excitement, depending on your products or services.

What different colors say about your brand?

Consulting a professional graphic designer is vital towards selecting an appropriate color that speaks volumes about what you specialize in and helps you avoid stains that send mixed messages. Every color has a connotative meaning and emotion attached to it, which can be used correctly and a disadvantage if done improperly. For example, red is the color for businesses that deal with products and services that provide clients with passionate emotions, comfort, excitement, and confidence. However, if incorrectly used, red could send the message of danger or anger, which is bad for business.

Businesses that offer services and products such as chocolates, love-themed cards, clothing, or beauty-enhancing products like perfumes should opt for the pink color or other shades of the paint. The pink color is often associated with romance and love, according to most cultures. Though people consider pink to be feminine, it can be a perfect choice for a feminine product, from clothing to ointments.

The blue color is often associated with law enforcement because of its ability to portray stability, safety, calmness, and serenity. If your brand is focused on promoting tranquility and peace, blue or blue shades are a perfect solution for you. However, blue could also indicate icy feelings of sadness and loneliness, which could be a downside to businesses not intending to relay such messages in their products and services.

Graphic design is not just the selection of random colors that look pleasant and putting them together. It is vital to understand what message a color relays to avoid sending mixed messages to your clients or prospective customers. Strategic use of color can be the difference between the success and failure of a campaign since most people relate differently to different colors.

It is essential to consult a graphic design expert so that your color selection does not coincide with your products or service intentions. A graphic designer can also assess competitor brands to effectively customize a solution that does not conflict with rival brands in an already competitive industry.

Politics of Business

The politics of business has become more complicated in today’s climate. More corporations are using their money to lobby government policymakers at the federal, state, and local levels. Most corporations will have to remove their conservative ideals and align themselves with the left-wing to pass legislation. Alexander Djerassi has seen the best and worst of politics in business. A corporation with an overtly liberal stance on social issues such as gay marriage will be challenged by its employees. It might lose business because of its stance on social issues.

Negative politics can be highly destructive for a business. When a company tries to serve both the employee and owner, it creates hostility and resentment. This hostility is not healthy for a business and helps no one. Positive politics can help maintain productivity and help build a healthy work environment. Positive politics can also help a business owner retain his employees.

The first principle of business is that a business must serve the customer. It is illogical to think that a business can do business with its employees if it does not approve of social conscience or socially conscious employees. Many companies have replaced their advertising with “green” advertising. This type of advertising promotes environmental responsibility for the company while simultaneously increasing the bottom line. The values of socially conscious employees can help both the owner and the employee.

The second principle of business is never to forget who owns the business and to leave the politics to the customers. When a company becomes too involved with the politics of the community, it loses its unique branding. It seems like the corporation is part of all the problems in the world rather than an entrepreneur who is solving his problems. It is illogical to think that a business should seek to protect itself from government regulation if it can easily accomplish through voluntary action what it could quickly achieve without regulation. A business owner who is skilled in politics can use that skill to help his business succeed. A business owner should also be careful in what he speaks about concerning politics.

The third principle of business is that if a business serves the public, then that business will be successful. In other words, a business needs to appeal to the general public to stay successful. By carefully catering to the public, a business can increase customer loyalty and increase customer satisfaction. A business that successfully appeals to the public always receives positive word-of-mouth advertising that helps it grow.

The fourth principle of business is that people are afraid of the loss of their freedom. The owner can hire people who will act as agents of the business. The owner also has the power to refuse to work with people who have certain behaviors that interfere with the freedom of others. A business that is run in this manner will continue functioning even when the owner is not there. Alexander Djerassi understands that if a job has policies against business politics, individuals will still use it.

NFTs and the Future of Ownership: Fintech Beat’s Conversation with Nic Carter and Amy Luo

“Any time in which a question about financial technology involves a response relating to Hegelian dialectics you just know this is going to be a truly out-of-this-world conversation,” Dr. Chris Brummer joked, finding his bearings at the start of an episode-length investigation to not only explain the concept of non-fungible tokens or “NFTs,” but to also prepare for a dive deep into the pros and cons of this new blockchain-based collectible resource. Analogies, in short, are inescapable.  What does it even mean for a blockchain-based currency to be non-fungible? What does having a permanent “serial number” on blockchains like Etherium associated with a piece of art, a video, or even a tweet mean for ownership? Brought on the podcast to take on this hot-button topic were Nic Carter, partner of Castle Island Ventures, and Amy Luo of Centre.io, a consortium of industry players designed to help the US Dollar coin (USDC). 

Nic Carter is a partner at Castle Island Ventures and the co-founder and board chairman of blockchain data aggregator Coin Metrics, which was established in 2017. On his own highly popular podcast, “On the Brink,” he and his co-host Matthew Walsh interview leading experts in the industry of cryptocurrency and fintech to explore the political, ethical, and economic impacts of public blockchains. Prior to his time at Castle Island Ventures, Carter was the first crypto asset analyst at Fidelity Investments. He earned his bachelor’s degree in philosophy from the University of St. Andrews, and his master’s in finance and investment from the University of Edinburgh.

Amy Luo is the general counsel for Centre.io, which has developed the USD Coin, a stablecoin from Circle and Coinbase that is “issued by regulated and licensed financial institutions that maintain full reserves of the equivalent fiat currency.” Prior to her position as general counsel for Centre, Luo acted as senior counsel for Coinbase, where she was responsible for Institutional Sales/Coverage, Business Development, and Stablecoin legal, regulatory, and policy matters. She attended Yonsei University and the Schulich School of Business, and earned her JD from the Boston University School of Law.

Dr. Chris Brummer, too, has long had an eye on the latest developments in financial technology as a professor in Washington, DC, where he lives with his wife Rachel Loko. He is the faculty director of Georgetown’s Institute of International Economic Law, where his work has centered on innovation and financial regulation.  On his podcast, Fintech Beat, Dr. Brummer expands on his research, and interviews experts and insiders in financial technology to explore the “intersection of policy, finance, and tech” for the benefit of potential investors and enthusiasts alike. He is also the founder and host of the DC Fintech Week Conference, a weekend of panels and discussions in the nation’s capital with the goal of democratizing information about the future of financial technology. His paper, “What Do the Data Reveal About (the absence of Black) Financial Regulators?” was published by Brookings last year and is a testament to his intersectional approach to financial technology and regulation, incorporating race, class, and demographics, and concerns about representation into his body of work. He has had the distinction of serving on transition team for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, and has advised regulators, including ESMA on the future of innovation. He was recently added to Fannie Mae’s  in February of 2021.

NFTs are only a term of art, and difficult to pin down even among experts. But the technology defining them is straightforward.  

“It’s a serialized piece of information that exists in a public blockchain context,” Carter says after comparing them to bitcoin, the fungible currency, “It’s a way to take a serial number which uniquely addresses some item, some data, some piece of content, and insert it onto public Blockchain rails[…] so it is innately financialized and can be traded on a peer-to-peer network.” In the short term, as Nic Carter explains, that means that NFTs are currently being used as a way to ensure, if not complete exclusivity, then at least a more controlled way to claim ownership of otherwise eminently fungible digital media such as digital art, game assets, or tweets.

Amy Luo of Centre.io is focused on the long-term as she imagines the future of NFTs: “In the future, almost all data on web free will be in a form of NFTs. Not just in the form of digital goods we see today but shopping lists, medical history. In the future we aren’t going to be talking about what an NFT is or isn’t but whether you’re receiving or transmitting.” While the implications of that may seem scary, the goal, as Luo points out, is freedom of information. The ability for an individual to take ownership of the information they disseminate of social media or through patient portals is galvanizing when you consider how much data is freely given away to brokers through websites like Facebook and Twitter. 

When it comes to the ability of NFTs to create scarcity and value in digital art, Dr. Brummer is quick to observe the values of the analog version. “Ebooks are great and you can search quickly, but if you’re like me, there’s nothing like a real book: the texture, the feel, even the smell.” While Nic Carter argues that the value of a non-fungible token over a piece of physical art is the lack of degradation, he’s also quick to admit that the tokens don’t constitute the same kind of ownership. “You’re not buying the original piece. You don’t have any rights associated with that. You’re just buying a fixed vintage with some association from the artist.” This isn’t to say artists can’t make the deal more enticing by throwing in IP rights as well, but that’s a separate service not included within the promise of an NFT. Knowing all of this and knowing that these are still uncharted waters, Dr. Brummer moves on to investigate what the value of NFTs is.

Amy Luo argues that NFTs can be bought for personal enjoyment and fulfillment but also as a form of investment. Like Bitcoin, the value of the non-fungible tokens is entirely consumer driven, so the question then becomes: what can be done to ensure purchasers’ return on investment? Amy Luo gives the example of a musician creating a song and dividing it into 100 discreet NFTs. It’s entirely dependent on how the song, as a product and investment, is marketed by the artist and how much of an understanding the public has on the value of the song. Both experts in the conversation with Dr. Brummer admit that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a major effect on crypto and NFTs just because of the sheer number of people who have taken up trading, collecting, and amateur investment through websites like Coinbase. “It’s the most mainstream corner of the crypto market,” Nic Carter admits when asked about the future viability of NFTs, “I do expect it to be an enduring feature of the market.” Amy Luo brings up the bubble of both crypto and NFTs, but also believes that NFTs are not just here to stay, but haven’t even hit their stride yet. “This is the recipe printing phase of the internet. Once we get over this hump we’re going to see some crazy innovation happen.” 

For financial regulators, the world of crypto continues to be the wild-west of IP and ownership laws, with some early adopters of non-fungible tokens already losing access to what they have bought, tens of thousands of dollars effectively disappearing overnight. According to Dr. Brummer, regulatory questions abound, too, due to the myriad legal and theoretical questions that crypto generates.  Indeed, for Brummer, they’re worth serious thought, and even personal introspection.  The opportunities for ownership of information that Amy Luo espoused seem great, but the risk and volatility of NFTs as investments and even collectables can be considerable too, and deserve a rigorous policy conversation. 

To hear the full episode on NFTs, go to Apple Podcasts or Spotify.  To learn more about Dr. Chris Brummer’s research, click here

Facts About Cleaning Anilox Rolls

To increase the lifespan and improve the performance of your anilox rolls, you must clean them every time you use them. Otherwise, the ink can dry inside the cells, which decreases the print quality and forces you to replace the rolls sooner. While cleaning the roll may sound easy, it can be quite challenging. Here is some more about anilox cleaners and how to use them properly. 

Use a Good Cleaner

Several different cleaner options are available, ranging from water to chemicals. One good option is to use an alcohol-based cleaner. The next best option is to use a chemical cleaner. Chemical cleaners are available as both liquids and powders that you mix with water. 

Set Yourself Up for Success

Before you begin cleaning your anilox rolls, you need to make sure you set yourself up for success. The first step is to gather your cleaning liquids. Ensure they are within the appropriate pH range for your anilox material. Otherwise, you can damage the roll. Additionally, make sure the cleaner you have is environmentally friendly and not a harsh chemical. This can help you protect the environment and your anilox rolls. The last step is to gather the brush you need to apply the cleaner. Steel brushes are most common for ceramic rolls, and brass brushes are perfect for metals. 

Use the Proper Technique

The first thing you need to do is apply the cleaner to the roll and let it soak. Then, take your brush and clean the surface. Do this with a circular motion and firm pressure. Keep the roll wet while you are performing this step. 

After cleaning, rinse the roll with hot water. Wipe it dry with a roll wiper or other type of lint-free cloth. Check the roll for cleanliness and repeat if necessary. Once it is clean, be sure to wipe all of the excess water from the surface. Make sure you wipe away any moisture that has gotten into the crevices of your roll. Then, allow the roll to air dry the rest of the way while in a vertical position. Complete the process by storing the roll in a safe location after it has dried. 

You need to clean your anilox rolls if you want them to last. While this may sound like an easy task, doing the wrong thing can do more damage to your rolls. Following the tips in this guide is a great way to start cleaning your rolls. 

I Found My Love for Poetry in Tears of Change

Even if You’re Not a Poetry Person, You’re Going to Love It!

I never saw myself as a poetry person. No, wait! That’s a lie. In school, I would use my journal to scribble small pieces of poetry (or at least, my attempt at that). But over time, I forgot about it because I didn’t think it meant anything. Now, years later, I’m inundated with so many book recommendations from friends who read and love poetry that I had to give it a fair shot.

Even so, up until most recently, I hadn’t picked up a single book of poems. It wasn’t until I watched a book reading by an author and instantly fell in love with the form. Debbie Monteggia, the author of “Tears of Change,” read two of her most-liked poems, both so touching! They made a home in my heart.

Debbie’s poem brought back those old memories, and it hit me. Those squiggles weren’t “nothing.” They were the most fluid expressions of my deepest feelings, freewheel dreams, and pure child-like imagination. “Tears of Change,” as I learned, was Debbie’s way of channeling her thoughts and feelings to cope with anxiety. She hopes her poems resonate with the readers and inspire them in more ways than one. The verses that stuck with me are “A Child of God,” “Friendship,” and “A Mother’s Love.”

As you can tell, Debbie’s book sure has made a significant impression on me.Although my journey is different from hers, so many of her poems struck a mutual chord. They hit a little too close to home. You don’t need to be experiencing the same things as the poet to feel those emotions after reading these delicate yet impactful words. For me, the poems that stuck with me were “A Child of God,” “Friendship,” and “A Mother’s Love.”

As you go through the poems, you’re likely to feel the full range of emotions that you experienced in a while. The theme may be drawn from our day-to-day life, but the poem will help you appreciate things in a whole new light. You’ll learn to acknowledge them, be grateful for, and love them with all your heart.

I guess that’s the beauty of poetry. It tugs at the strings of your heart, creating nothing less than a sweet melody. Even if it’s sometimes drenched in tears–washing your sorrows away. Poetry also reminds us to pause and admire our surroundings, our relationships, our blessings that we may take for granted ever so often. It evokes a calm, soothing realization of the present and appreciation for the past. It prompts us to get in touch with our innermost selves to bring out the best of what we have to offer to the world around us.

“Tears of Change” by Debbie Monteggia delivers joy, tears, comfort, and so much more. But most of all, it inspires people like me and you to appreciate the gifts we’ve received. And encourages us to think of our life as the greatest gifts of all!

For anyone who loves poetry, this book is a must-read. Those of you who’re like me, unsure of your liking for poems, please give “Tears of Change” a chance. Who knows, you too might end up loving it. I highly recommend you get your copy today. You can thank me later.

The Value of Family Traditions

Shalom Lamm is an American entrepreneur and philanthropist who has been in the business world for over three decades. He is currently the CEO of the nonprofit organization Operation Benjamin . His family traditions are very important to him and he shares them here with us. He was raised Jewish and celebrates all festivals, such as Passover or Hanukkah, which are also traditional holidays throughout the year.

Besides being a successful entrepreneur, he is also a philanthropist. He was born to a family that practiced The grand traditions of celebrating Passover or Hanukkah as well as other traditions like lighting candles on Friday nights to commemorate Shabbat (a sacred day) became very sentimental and precious to him. He lights candles on Friday nights to commemorate Shabbat. He’s a very religious man and he has strong family values. He celebrates all of the holidays that come with being part of this faith. The traditions he shares with his family are something that should be shared with everyone because they’re so special!

Mr. Lamm has shared some family traditions that are very sentimental and precious, such as taking walks in nature together every Sunday morning before breakfast while listening to music from Israel – his homeland-or reading books about Jews who have made great contributions to humanity throughout history. The memories created through these simple yet meaningful activities last long after they’re over because they were done intentionally and consciously by him. He makes every effort to keep the traditions alive since he knows they will have a long-lasting and unforgettable influence on his family’s life. Every family has its own set of traditions that are passed down from generation to generation. The holidays are the perfect time for reflection and reminiscing about all those precious moments with loved ones. The story of the Hanukkah family traditions is a reminder to all that it takes time and effort for children to remember something, but when they do-it becomes unforgettable. Lamm believes that familys from every aspect of life will enjoy the sentimental value of traditions. It brings people closer together and creates unforgettable memories. In addition, it helps build quality and long lasting relationships with the people you share them with. Shalom Lamm strongly encourages people who do not already celebrate family traditions to do so if they can because it really is an amazing part of life and family. 

In conclusion, there are many reasons why traditions can be important to families, such as they are to Shalom Lamm. First and foremost they provide a sense of belonging which is so essential in the development of a child’s identity. Secondly, it provides a means for family members to bond with one another through shared memories. Also, having these rituals helps us feel grounded when our lives may otherwise seem out-of-control or chaotic. Lastly, traditions give us something that we look forward to all year long because they’re always happening during specific times each year–they help make life more valuable and predictable!