FluxCredit is Your Fresh Start
Americans are in debt and the numbers are rising. While the cost of living is rising everywhere, wages are stagnant. It feels like debt is inevitable. The question is no longer “is debt a reality?” Rather, “what alternatives are there to debt?” One solution offered by a player in the financial industry is FluxCredit.
FluxCredit is introducing #FluxLife to empower you to live your best possible life by reinventing your financial future. Aligning with influencers and athletes to help empower others, #FluxLife provides a unique method that gives people the ability to achieve financial freedom successfully.
It’s a “fresh start” solution designed to help people; it’s an alternative to bankruptcy yet still all-inclusive in scope.
“We all live an active lifestyle and we’re excited to team up with athletes in the NFL and many other sporting organizations that live the Flux lifestyle”, says Travis Siflinger, Brand Technology Officer for FluxCredit.
Travis Siflinger ensures that FluxCredit’s technologies, infrastructure, and financial products are strategically designed, developed, secured, and marketed. Before creating and co-founding FluxCredit with Chief Executive Officer, Jeremy Jacobus, Travis led intellectual property development as well as listening projects with Mondrian of SBE, William Morris Endeavor of WME, Monster Energy, and other leading corporations with a successful product launch for ProMax Nutrition which was followed by an $18M acquisition by Kashi Foods.
The idea for FluxCredit was originated when Siflinger was dealing with a lot of personal debt after a business investment failed. At the time, he was a debt collector at a top agency in America, settling over $50M in debts. “He’s the real financial guru behind the business”, says Siflinger. They came together to build a brand that works in the best interest of their clients.
Where is the debt industry going? “Up, that’s for sure”, says Siflinger, “but FlexCredit is here to clean it up immediately and put the clients in a position to live their best life. Look at it this way. The economy dealt many of our people bad cards and it was hard to find jobs, pay off mortgages, and live the American dream. 60% of Americans are in debt and as things improve, it’s more important than ever to get back in the game and the first step is to have strong credit to flex your buying power”.
There aren’t many options when facing debt burdens. People can’t just “do nothing” while paying excessive interest in an attempt to maintain good credit. They usually take out another loan, usually high interest, to pay off other debts. Instead of solving the problem, it shifts the problem from one creditor to another with bankruptcy to follow. It’s complicated and stays on a credit report for years to come.
FluxCredit is a solution. It’s considered the first choice for many Americans who want to live life on their own terms.
As the financial industry continuously transforms in light of new technology, FluxCredit is destined to revolutionize how Americans deal with inevitable debt.