3 Ways To Warm Yourself Up When You’re Stuck Out In The Cold
If you’ve ever felt chilled to the bone, you know how hard it can be to get back to a comfortable temperature after this has happened. Especially if you’re still having to stay in the cold, be it because you’re eating outside during the cooler months, attending an outdoor sporting event, or just spending time outside of your own accord, it’s wise to know what you can do to get warm and keep yourself warm. And if you happen to just find yourself outside in the cold after something like your car breaking down or someone else unforeseen, knowing what to do to stay warm can save your life.
To help you figure out what to do in either of these situations, here are three ways to warm yourself up when you’re stuck out in the cold.
Bring A Heater With You
For the times when you know you’re going to be out in the cold, preparing yourself beforehand can help you ensure that you don’t get too cold.
If you have one available to you, one of the best ways that you can keep yourself warm is to bring a heater with you. When sitting outside at a restaurant or other establishment, there’s a good chance that heaters will be provided by you. Then, it’s just up to you to find a way to sit near them. And for the times when you know you’ll be spending time outside and you know that it will be cold, bringing a small heater with you can help to ensure that you have a heat source close and that you don’t get too cold.
Find Something Hot To Eat Or Drink
If taking a heater with you isn’t an option for you, then you’ll need to find some other way that you can heat your body up when it gets cold.
A great option for people who are needing to sit still in the cold is to find something hot to eat or drink. While this option won’t usually increase your actual body temperature, it will help you to feel warmer. Especially because your mouth is one of the most sensitive parts of your body when it comes to temperature, if you’re able to eat or drink something hot, it can help you warm you up from the inside out.
Get Your Body Moving
In the event that you don’t have to stay in one place or keep still when you’re outside in the cold, another great option is to get your body moving to help you generate some of your own body heat.
Regardless of your level of physical fitness, almost everyone can do things like arm swings, shoulder shrugs, leg swings, squats, or jumping jacks to help get your muscles moving and your heart pumping a bit more. And as you’re able to do this, you’ll start to feel your body start heating up well, too.
If you worry about being stuck out in the cold and want to be able to find a way to get and stay warm, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you in doing this.