Tips On Teaching Your Child How To Use A Laptop

In the 1990s, children in the US and Europe who knew how to use a desktop computer were seen as lucky to have access to such a skill. Now, in 2022, it is almost seen as essential for young children to be able to use computers.

The world is increasingly dependent on technology, but luckily, children learn these skills very quickly if they are introduced correctly. Rather than waiting for the skills to be taught at school, why not take the initiative yourself and help them learn the basics at home?

How do you do so? Read on for some simple tips.

Make Sure The Mouse Fits

When a child is first introduced to a computer, whether it is a desktop or one of the popular ThinkPads, you should always aim to have a mouse attached to the computer. 

This is for a couple of reasons. A mouse is easier for a child to use to move the cursor around the screen. Also, unless you have invested in a specialized touchpad, your child will likely be using more than one finger to try and move the mouse. This can cause confusion in some touchpads and can prompt the cursor to jump around the screen. 

Make sure that the mouse you use fits in the child’s hand and that they do not have to strain their fingers to click the top part of the mouse.

Make Icons Larger

When you are an adult who uses screens all day, you can forget how small the writing on a laptop screen is, as well as the icons. So, when it comes to teaching a child how to navigate their way around the home screen, it can be worth clicking on the settings section to make the icons larger. 

This will help them identify the icons more easily when they are reduced to the normal size and can help them link an icon to the name of an app or program without needing to strain their eyes.

Talk Them Through It

Patience is key for teaching children a new skill, so be sure to talk them through it step by step, and do not lose your patience. Learning how to use a computer can be very tricky, especially for younger children, so aim to set them simple tasks at first, such as opening a Word file, typing their name, and saving it. Then, for each skill they accomplish, reward them. 

Allow Them To Experiment

When your child has the basics down, allow them to experiment with the computer. This can be via something as simple as allowing them to write in a word document or create a drawing on a paint document. Giving them the freedom to explore and create helps build their technical skills and can also boost kids’ confidence as they become more comfortable with technology and see their progress.

Of course, always ensure that you are keeping a watchful eye on them and ensure that they do not go online without you watching.

Install Games

Games can make learning how to use a laptop fun, and there are thousands available online. There is something for children of all ages and abilities to download for free and play. So, search for a suitable game with them, install it and watch their IT skills blossom.