The Advantages Of Becoming A Nurse Coach With The Nurse Coach Collective

For a lot of people, the process of becoming a nurse isn’t worth it. The selflessness you need to have to be a nurse isn’t for everyone. It also makes it much more of a passion than a job for most that take on the tall task. After all, if you look at the long hours that must be spent on your feet, it’s easy to see why a lot of people might look elsewhere for a career path. Thus, those that stick it out tend to be extremely passionate about helping others. Nurses need to be very committed to helping their patients if they are to make it in the difficult profession. Nurses provide vital assistance to patients in need. It doesn’t matter what specialization they choose, they provide comfort to those that need it the most. They treat patients recovering from surgery, help usher in new life, and even comfort those who may be in their final stages of life.

The issue is, a lot of nurses are quickly becoming disappointed with the way of modern Western medicine. The fact is, a lot of Western medicine is backward. It encourages the treatment of symptoms one is experiencing rather than treating what’s causing the symptoms. The focus on treating symptoms doesn’t go unnoticed by nurses across the country. Nurses are on the front lines so they know how ineffective this entire strategy is. They get very close to their patients, so they know that they aren’t truly providing their patients with what they need to enhance their quality of life. The conventional model requires a drastic transformation. There needs to be a shift towards the treatment of the whole body. A much more holistic approach is needed to ensure a patient improves their health and wellness. This includes helping them improve their quality of sleep, diet, exercise routine, and even their mental health.

This disenchantment has ended up fueling a lot of searching for better alternatives. Nurses are starting to look elsewhere to see if there is a better way to help their patients. They want to make a change for the better that will allow them to fulfill their passion for truly helping others. A lot of nurses have found that becoming a nurse coach offers the opportunity they’ve been missing. After all, they get to leverage all of the skills they have in the medical field yet help their patients truly enhance their quality of life by improving their whole body health instead of just treating symptoms.

This is where the advantages of becoming a nurse coach come into play. A professional nurse coach can help a patient better focus on their physical, spiritual, and mental health. Through nurse coaching, they can help their patients enjoy a better quality of life because they will truly be healthier as a result.

Becoming A Board-Certified Nurse Coach – The Advantages Of Becoming A Nurse Coach

Holistic care isn’t new. However, it’s quickly becoming adopted in the United States as a viable and perhaps superior treatment method. There are already thousands of different nurse coaches scattered across the country. More nurses are leaping every day to become nurse coaches through obtaining their Transformative Nurse Coach Certification from reputable organizations like The Nurse Coach Collective.

To truly enjoy the countless benefits of obtaining a nurse coach certification, you will need to have a current/active and unrestricted license to be a Registered Nurse. You don’t need a specific specialization. All you need is an active and unrestricted license.

You will go through various evidence-based videos that teach you everything along the way. The entire program will take around 7 months to complete. The good thing about it is that you can do everything online. It doesn’t require in-person participation. This means that you can continue to do your job and your regular shifts. This allows you to tackle the learning on your own time and it helps you continue to work as a nurse in the meantime. With the program, you get the benefit of having access to live support calls with helpful and experienced nurse coaches. They can answer any questions you have. Along with this, you also get access to a vibrant nurse coach community where you can bounce ideas off. They can offer you shared experiences and help whenever you need it. This is one of the advantages of becoming a nurse coach with The Nurse Coach Collective.

The Advantages Of Becoming A Nurse Coach

You don’t have any special requirements when it comes to being a nurse coach. That being said, you will benefit from becoming a nationally accredited nurse coach. The American Holistic Nurses Credentialing Corp (AHNCC) is the one that will be offering accreditation for the certification. This helps prove that nurse coaches have obtained the necessary knowledge and skills to prove competency in the subject.

There are over 3 million nurses in the USA alone that are constantly seeking jobs. This can make the marketplace very competitive. By gaining board certification, you can gain a competitive advantage over the competition. This is only one of the advantages of becoming a nurse coach.

The good news is that becoming a nurse coach is going to give you even more benefits than that. As mentioned, the advantages of becoming a nurse coach are seemingly neverending. There are both tangible and intangible benefits. As a nurse coach, not only are you going to be able to make more of a difference in your patient’s lives, but you are also going to fulfill your true passion for nursing because of it. There have been studies that have shown that the recovery rates of patients who receive holistic care are much better than those that only get symptom-based care. Thus, patients that receive care from a trained nurse coach end up improving their quality of life much quicker and more effectively.

The benefits of becoming a nurse coach can be plentiful. The majority of those that leap to become one report they regain the passion they once lost. They also report they are much more satisfied with their job and their work. A qualified nurse coach can enjoy much more freedom in their ability to help their patients recover and better their lives.

If you want to start reigniting your passion for nursing once again, it might be time to leap yourself. Visit us at The Nurse Coach Collective. You can contact us right now and speak with one of our professional nurse coaches to get any pertinent questions answered.