Know Your Recruiter’s Body Language
They say eyes speak million more words than the mouth could ever. Well, when observed with keen interest, eyes are the only ones that speak. Body language is knowledge as a whole that many researchers have invested their time deciphering.
Body language comes as a vital means of non-verbal communication. One must have good observational skills and an understanding of how this language works to reciprocate into a productive conversation. This skill helps in many ways in a regular business day like, sealing a sales deal by understanding the client’s requirements, reading the room and gathering information about the team’s interest during a meeting, etc.
Here are some tips to help you know the recruiter’s body language in an interview,
The first seven seconds
Anyone has only 7 seconds to make or break an impression while meeting a person for the first time. Make sure to enter the room with confidence and a smile, even though you tremble with nervousness inside – don’t let it show!
Interpret the recruiter’s body language and how they speak. Know if they’re friendly or keeping a safe distance. Acknowledge the gap and remain within the boundaries. There must be a reason that the recruiter wishes to be distant. Try awing them over at another point because if these first moments go for a toss, then the interview might be in jeopardy!
Protip: Body language specialists and other professionals are available to help you better your interview. And you can access them with AI-powered email finder tools. Websites like help you answer the question, “how to find someone’s email“. This highly efficient website also comes with a chrome extension to your Linkedin account and makes it easy to find the profile’s contacts.
The happy signs
No matter how great HR they are or the massive fortune 500 company they’re working for, they are, eventually, only human! And every human gives away some of the signs of satisfaction or dissatisfaction.
If the recruiter is genuinely interested in what you’re speaking, then you see raised eyebrows, head nods, blinking eyes. These are the signs of intrigue or fascination. So whatever you say, make sure they are precise, clear and not gibberish.
The discontent signs
We’ve all been through that one interview where we believed to have given our best and yet didn’t get through. Most of the time, we would only think about what – we thought – we did wrong instead of analysing the recruiter’s reaction.
When the recruiter stares at you blankly, that would mean you’ve lost them. If they put a finger on their mouth, it means they want you to finish soon so they can begin to talk. And, if they fidget with any object or keep tapping, then you need to wrap up the answer ASAP.
Final thoughts
Understanding non-verbal communication is ingrained naturally in every human brain. So, when you attend your next interview – apart from remembering these above points – read the room and believe in your gut instincts.