The Most In Demand Jobs Come 2014

With the global economy on the rise-once-again, many-individuals-are-wondering-what jobs will be in demand in the years to come.
Getting a college-degree is important, but-you-want to ensure that you’ll be able to get started in a career with that degree rather than joining the ranks-of-many-graduates who are not able to find a job. This article takes you through the most in demand jobs 2014 and beyond.
Career in medicine
The medical-field will-almost-always be replete with jobs, particularly today, when baby boomers are reaching the age where they need extra care.
Since most jobs in this field are lucrative, too, there is absolutely no reason why you shouldn’t pursue a career in medicine.
And-since-there-are-many-different-jobs-available in the field, you can settle on that which best suits you. For instance, you may be:
Physician’s Assistant (PA)
If you are a PA, you will do almost everything a doctor does with surgery being the only exception.
Becoming a PA will require a bachelor’s degree followed by a 2 year-physician’s assistant program.
Registered Nurse (RN)
Registered nurses are also in high demand (especially if you are male)
As-an-RN, you could be engaging in anything from assisting with child-birth, treating emergency-room-patients to caring for the elderly.
An associate, bachelors & masters degree can all make you a registered nurse.
Career with technology
Technological advancements that the world has witnessed in the past century show no signs of stopping.
There are numerous technology jobs available, & the school & training needed is basically much less than training-required by-most-medical-jobs-offering-equivalent-salaries.
Video game designer (VGD)
Another-career thats becoming-more-in demand is that-of-a-video-game-designer.
As technology constantly grows and develops, more & more qualified experts are sought by leading game design studios so as to respond to the increased demand.
The annual salary of a VGD is approximately 65,000 dollars.
Computer software engineer (CSE)
You may be interested in becoming a software expert if you into technology.
The Bureau of-Labor-Statistics (BLS) projects that there will be a 50% rise in demand for this job come 2014.
The annual salary for a CSE is 75,000 dollars, which is magnificent bearing in mind that you only need a bachelor’s degree for this job.
Like technology, science is also growing.
Now-is-the-perfect time to work in science related field since the society has a better-grasp on how things work & how they like never before.
Science is the avenue you want to be if you envisage yourself as being with capacity to impact the world.
Combining medicine, science & technology, biomedical-engineers make a relatively huge impact on the world since they are tasked with using science & technology to further-medical-research and advance doctors with remedies to common & rare afflictions and ailments.
They deal primarily with water (both above and below it).
You will spend much of your time outdoors & around the water.
Your work will assist with government & ecological projects.
So-if-you wanted-to-know what-jobs-will be in demand 2014, you now have a better-idea of what’s in store.
From helping mothers give birth to studying water & even creating-whole-new-worlds, there’s plenty of excitement-in-store for individuals looking to commence a-new-career-in-the-coming-months & years.
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This article certainly highlights the need for people to get degrees in areas of business that can provide them with real jobs. So many of us are told repeatedly throughout our schooling that we need to follow our “passion.” Passion doesn’t pay the bills very often. Many of these jobs are blue-collar as well, which is a part of the market that is suffering right now.
Health care is definitely the place to be as the Western population begins to age.