4 Health Risks That May Come From Using Marijuana
In October 2018, marijuana use became legal in Canada under the Federal Cannabis Act. Consequently, Canada joined Uruguay as the only two countries worldwide that have legalized this drug for medicinal and recreational purposes. More than 3.4 million Canadians aged 15 years and above used marijuana in 2011. The number of users is higher today than it was at that time. Therefore, many Canadians celebrated this Act. However, the celebrants had forgotten that marijuana use has adverse effects on the human body. Here are 4 health risks that may come from using marijuana.
- The Risk of Developing Alzheimer’s disease
Alzheimer is a form of dementia where the person who has it loses his ability to talk coherently. The individual loses part of his memory as well. These symptoms develop over time. Unfortunately, marijuana use accelerates their development. More specifically, studies have shown that marijuana use reduces blood flow to the brain. This reduced blood flow affects the hippocampus more than it does any other organ in the brain. It is worth noting that scientists associate this organ with the storage of long-term memory. The increased vulnerability of the hippocampus because of marijuana use leads to memory impairment, which is a principal symptom of Alzheimer’s disease.
- Weakened Heart Muscles/Cardiomyopathy
Cardiomyopathy refers to a set of diseases affecting the heart muscle. Different forms of it exist including hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and dilated cardiomyopathy. In the first case, the heart muscles become rigid while in the second case they weaken. Marijuana uses increases a person’s chances of developing dilated cardiomyopathy. Hemant Goyal of Mercer University also found that marijuana use leads to other cardiovascular disorders such as ventricular tachycardia and myocardial infarction. In his 2017 study, Goyal found that acute marijuana use causes an increase in systolic blood pressure and orthostatic hypotension. He also reported that this use increases the risk of ischemic stroke, especially in young people.
- The Risk of Developing Periodontal Disease
Periodontal disease refers to inflammatory conditions affecting the tissues that surround a person’s teeth. This disease leads to swollen gums. They can become red as well in addition to bleeding in some cases. Studies have shown that long-term use of marijuana causes this disease. More specifically, people who have used marijuana for 20 years or more are likely to have it. Many people start using this drug in their late teens so these symptoms usually arise when they reach 38 years. JAMA Psychiatry published these findings on June 1, 2016, after an extensive study by Madeline Meier of Arizona State University.
- Reduced Level of Bone Density/Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis occurs when the body loses too much bone or makes too little of it. Consequently, a person’s bones become too weak and eventually, they easily break from falls. In serious cases, even minor bumps or sneezing might cause serious injuries. Various studies published in the American Journal of Medicine have shown that positive correlations exist between marijuana use and osteoporosis. More specifically, marijuana users experience a higher level of reduction in bone density than nonusers do. Consequently, heavy marijuana users are more likely to experience bone fractures in their lives than most people are. That is especially true in the later stages of life. The only way of preventing some of these adverse effects is by moderating your use of marijuana including death bubba.