Thinking About Crowdfunding? Ideazon Shares What You Need To Know To Survive 2020
If you’re an entrepreneur, odds are, you’ve either crowdfunded a project before, or you’re thinking about crowdfunding one. In 2019 alone, there were nearly 6.5 billion crowdfunding campaigns launched worldwide. With a market this big, there’s plenty of potential, but there’s also increased competition for funding dollars. Ideazon is an expert crowdfunding agency, helping entrepreneurs successfully launch and fund their ventures. Today, they’re sharing what you need to know, to survive crowdfunding in 2020.
Have a game plan from the get-go
When you choose to crowdfund a project, you’re turning to the masses. What this means is that your ideas are very public. In order to successfully fund your venture, you want to make sure you know what you’re doing, and that you have a game plan, before you jump in with both feet. If you’re unsure of your crowdfunding plan, it’s very possible that you could make a critical error. Ideazon offers guidance for entrepreneurs, to help them come up with a comprehensive crowdfunding strategy.
Know how to leverage social media
Using crowdfunding platforms effectively is only part of the challenge when it comes to crowdfunding. Another massive component has to do with leveraging social media. Social media and crowdfunding are intertwined and go hand-in-hand. Knowing how to successfully market your campaign on social media gives you unlimited potential for success. With social media, it’s possible to go viral within minutes. Knowing how to work with social media is key when it comes to crowdfunding campaigns. That’s why Ideazon offers Facebook Marketing and Social Media Promotion to the entrepreneurs they work with.
Research and hit your target audience
When it comes to advertising for your crowdfunding campaign, you want to make sure you’re reaching the relevant people. That’s why it’s crucial to research your target audience. Who are you speaking to, who is your product for? If the right eyes see your venture, they’re much more willing to invest. But researching your target audience is only part of the challenge. Know how to hit it as well. Again, it’s crucial the right people see what you’re doing, because they’re the ones who will reach into their pockets and invest.
Make sure you have high quality images and videos
Because crowdfunding is embedded in the digital world, and in social media, it’s crucial to have high quality images and videos of your project. These digital assets need to be clear, eye catching, and really showcase your project, in order for you to reach your maximum funding potential. To create these digital assets, it’s usually best to turn to professionals. For example, Ideazon offers their entrepreneurs full Kickstarter Video Production, meaning that they produce videos of the highest quality for their crowdfunding campaigns.
About Ideazon
Ideazon is a crowdfunding agency helping entrepreneurs launch successful crowdfunding campaigns. They were recently featured in Yahoo! Finance, and often share helpful tips, like how to take your business to the next level, and why crowdfunding may not work for your project. You can learn more about how Ideazon works, and reach out for a free consultation on Ideazon’s website.