Benefits of College

Going to college can be a very heightened experience. Many attend university, like Diego Ruiz Duran , because they want to further their education. Simply put, college is very common now as more and more jobs require it in the application process. It’s where students can get a world-renowned experience and open doors to many major corporations.

Networks are one of the main reasons people attend university. With a large number of alumni, the job market is never very vacant. It’s clear that alumni and school relations help open doors for many students. In addition, by applying for internships on campus or globally, students can get a much more in-depth experience of the ‘real world’.College is also wonderful because it adds value to an individual. When a person gets a degree, they are considered a person of high knowledge and satisfaction. Diego Ruiz Duran attended The University of Oxford. Depending on where a person goes, is what experience they will attain after graduation.

Benefits of Going to University of Oxford

The University of Oxford is a very prestigious school. Located in England, it is one of the most prestigious universities in the world. It has a very low acceptance rate because only the smartest individuals can get an offer from such a school. One of those people is Diego Ruiz Duran. Many years of work and stellar education get people a chance of attending The University of Oxford. 

One of the biggest benefits of going to Oxford is the high level of the education one will get. It’s very competitive but that is why some of the smartest individuals land a spot there. There is a job market and usually a job waiting just for students from Oxford. It certainly is beneficial to go to an Ivy League school. The research that comes from these schools is usually groundbreaking and helps shape the future. The University of Oxford has some of the top scientists in the world. They are even trying to figure out a cure for COVID-19. Diego Ruiz Duran recommends applying to The University of Oxford. It is a beautiful institution and the facilitators are the top educators of the world.

Is Peer Review Overrated

Many think that peer-reviewing literature is overrated because it’s time-consuming. In fact, those who don’t approve of peer pressure are usually the ones who don’t take criticism well. Editors such as Ken Kurson urge students and writers to peer edit their work. Gaining insights from other points of view can be very beneficial to someone’s work.

Some ways to gain momentum on peer review is by doing writing in parts. When doing so, it allows those editing enough time to look over the work and comment on it. No peer reviewer should never directly make edits without permission. This can be very disruptive to the flow of writing. In major journalism companies and news outlets, peer revision is a necessary step in order to be published. Peer reviewing will never be overrated or unneeded. It’s extremely beneficial to both parties involved. Learning how to edit a paper will only enhance abilities to catch personal mistakes down the road. It’s also a great way to collaborate on ideas that can push both writers to be better and more significant. Ken Kurson says it takes time to develop a peer revision routine, but in the end, it’s all worth it.