Car Seat Safety

The statistics on child death in fatal motor vehicle accidents are staggering. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that in 2015, 663 children under the age of twelve were killed in motor vehicle accidents. Further, more than 121,350 children were injured in 2014.

The agency goes on to report that more than 618,000 children aged 0-12 years rode in a vehicle without being properly restrained at least some of the time. Of those children aged 12 and under who were killed in 2015, 35% of them were not buckled up.

Most families do use car seats and booster seats for their children until they are old enough to wear a typical seat belt. However, there may be some confusion as to how to properly use a car seat. The CDC reports that 46% of car seats and booster seats are used in a way that could reduce their effectiveness.

John Foy, a personal injury attorney at John Foy and Associates in Atlanta, Georgia, says “Using a car seat correctly is the number one way that you can help to ensure your child will come out of an accident unharmed.”

The following tips should help to ensure that your car seat is being used in the manner in which it should be. As always, follow the manufacturer’s instructions when installing the car seat. Keep in mind the following guidelines:

  • Keep your child rear facing for as long as possible. A child facing towards the rear of the vehicle is better protected. The child should remain in a rear-facing car seat until their height and/or weight exceeds the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  • Optimally, a child should remain in a rear-facing car seat until at least 12 months of age. Infant-only rear-facing car seats should only be used facing towards the rear.
  • Convertible and all-in-one car seats typically have higher weight and height guidelines than rear-facing infant seats. This allows your child to stay rear facing for longer.
  • Once your child is at least a year of age, they can begin sitting in a front-facing car seat with a tether.
  • Laws vary from state-to-state regarding having a child in a car seat. For example, in the state of Georgia, a child must remain in a weight and height-appropriate car seat until the age of 8.
  • If you are unsure of how to properly install a car seat, many local police departments will help you place it in your vehicle free of charge.
  • A child should never ride in the front seat until they are at least 12 years of age.

Keep in mind that a car seat should never be used for any other purpose than restraining your child. Using it as a crib or seat outside of the car can impair the effectiveness of the car seat.

Making sure that your child buckles up and is properly restrained can greatly reduce the risk of fatal injury, as much as 71% for infants and 54% for toddlers ages 1 to 4. Follow these guidelines and your child will be much safer in a vehicle.

VA Shuns Medical Marijuana, Leaving Vets without Resources

As both medical and recreational marijuana use become legalized among the states, the federal government has kept their stance regarding its use firm. As a result, the Department of Veterans Affairs health system has had to deny veterans access to marijuana as a medicinal resource. In the federal government’s eyes, marijuana is still illegal.

According to CNBC, the federal government still views marijuana as an illegal drug, despite the growing number of states making it legal. To date, 29 states have broadly legalized the use of medical marijuana, and 8 states and Washington DC have laws that fully legalize recreational marijuana.

As a result of the federal government’s stance, the Department of Veterans Affairs health system won’t recommend cannabis products for patients and, according to the New York Times, it has declined to even study the potential health benefits that cannabis could offer.

When interviewed, a psychologist working at the veterans’ hospital in Palo Alto, Calif., stated that “We have a disconnect in care… The V.A. has funded lots of marijuana studies, but not of therapeutic potential. All the work has been related to problems of use.”

According to Chisholm, Chisholm, and Kilpatrick, obtaining benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs for injuries sustained in the line of duty can be difficult. It often requires a lot of paperwork and doctor’s visits before any benefits will be approved. After going through the process of being approved for treatment, not allowing veterans to pursue all avenues for potential relief can be frustrating.

However, not all is hopeless for vets looking for relief. A bipartisan bill introduced in the House of Representatives this spring would order the department to study the “safety and efficacy of marijuana for treating chronic pain and PTSD.” This would be the first step down the road toward recommending and prescribing medical marijuana for health benefits.

Tim Walz, Democrat of Minnesota, was one of the introducers of the bill. He stated, “You may be a big advocate of medical marijuana, you may feel it has no value. Either way, you should want the evidence to prove it, and there is no better system to do that research than the V.A.”

Despite the opposition to the use of marijuana, the bill seems to have plenty of supporters. Since the bill does not advocate for the use of marijuana but simply research the potential benefits, it is a small step in the direction of approving the use of medical marijuana on a federal level. Much red tape must be dodged before that will happen, however.

According to a department survey, in 2017 nearly 9 percent of veterans reported using cannabis in the last year, and almost half were using it for medical purposes. Many have decided to take the decision out of the hands of the government and pursue treatment on their own. Hopefully, in the near future, the Department of Veterans Affairs will follow with some solid factual research.

How to Identify Dampness in Your Home

Do you feel that odd chill in your house or a musty smell that just won’t go away?

The issue could be that dampness has crept up your living space. Damp may not be clear to the eyes when it starts occurring. You may not be able to locate either the problem or its source until it’s too obvious and well, a little too late.

Humidity can cause serious problems which are unfortunately not restricted to your property alone. It can cause serious health issues through contamination and the releasing of toxic organic substances via both air and waterways.

But, there are some obvious signs that could help you identify. Some of the tell-tale signs of damping or ‘the damp’ are discussed below:

  1. Peeling, curling, or blistering paint

Flaking or curling wall paint is the foremost and most obvious indicator of damp in your house. You have to know that blistering and peeling off wall paints will generally start appearing on your ceiling first. You may notice brown stains and black specks of mold on the affected areas.

  1. Dark and damp patches on the walls

One of the easiest ways of locating damp in the walls is to touch and feel the area that has gone visibly discolored with a dry, powdery substance left caking on the surface. The crumbling material is the dissolving soluble salts sucked up from the ground and bricks.

  1. Fungus and mold

A severe and definite outcome of damp is the occurrence of molds and mildew in the affected areas. If you notice black specks on the discolored areas or even greyish outgrowths, know them to be mold and fungi.

This means that rot has set in the dampened areas. Not only are these disgusting to have around in your living space, but they are one of the significant contaminators in your house that can release toxic spores in the air and water. Do consider instant remedy and repair when you notice these.

  1. That damp smell

Even if you do not notice the obvious signs of damp, you’ll detect a malodor in your living space if damp has set in the house. This is due to the rotting wooden structures and mildew that cause the rot. If you do get the stink, do not overlook it, since you might have just the time to prevent some significant damage from taking place in the near future.

  1. The rust and the crumbles

Other noticeable signs of water damage are rusting of the metallic fixtures adjacent to the dampened areas and the eventual crumbling away of the wooden or even concrete structures. These are large scale damages which should not be overlooked in any case.

Dampness is one of the most common menaces that results from water damage. Know that leaky pipes and faulty drainage system should never be overlooked if you want to stay inhabitable and hygienic conditions.

Assure your family’s and your own well-being.

Though it is always wise to have an active approach towards this common issue, it is only reasonable to be unable to manage it all on your own.

One of the best in this field is the renowned , a moisture control and damage repair company. They can identify and assess the kind of damage caused by damp in your house and offer reliable solutions to the problem. Check them out for further information bout dampness and humidity in your home.


Fatalities Cause Powdered Caffeine Supplements to Be Banned by FDA

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently determined that selling high concentrations of caffeine to consumers in bulk is illegal as the supplement poses a high risk when the recommended dose is exceeded.


Two fatalities have been reported in individuals who were otherwise in good health, even though warning letters were sent to numerous suppliers of powdered caffeine in recent years. The cautions included information about the danger of the products and noted that consumers were being placed at an unnecessary risk. Since warning letters did little to protect consumers, the products have now been banned.


The pure caffeine powder and concentrated supplements were available in bulk with thousands of servings in every package. “The dangers of these products arise through user error – people seek an energy increase and mix doses that are too high,” cautioned Lawrence B. Green, attorney, and co-founder of Berger and Green. Online retailers and dietary supplement stores will now have to take the dangerous and illegal products off their shelves.


Actually, just one teaspoon of caffeine in its pure form can be fatal to the majority of adults, and less could be fatal to children. There is a high likelihood of misuse when consumers have to measure a small and specific serving.


The typical suggested safe amount of pure caffeine is no more than 200 mg, which is the equivalent of 1/16 powdered teaspoon or 2.5 liquid teaspoons. Most people likely wouldn’t have the correct instruments to measure the dose correctly; and if they do, mistakes, like packing the powder too firmly or adding a heaping scoop rather than a level scoop, could double a dose.


Premeasured packets of caffeine are not expected to be a safety hazard in the same way, as there is no measuring involved. Capsules or tablets of caffeine are also not nearly as dangerous as the bulk powder form.


This news should not be cause for concern, as consumers should not have difficulty obtaining products that have nontoxic amounts of caffeine. However, even with nontoxic caffeine amounts consumers need to be cautious.


Many individuals don’t recognize how much caffeine they have had over the course of a day. Someone could have an espresso upon waking up, a Red Bull with lunch, and more later without realizing it. Excessive doses of caffeine could be unsafe for anyone, but the dangers can increase for those who digest caffeine slower than others or for people who have heart irregularities.


Becoming dependent on this supplement may not be the best choice for your health either, as caffeine is a stimulant that directly affects the central nervous system. Going too heavy on the caffeine can produce more alertness, but it can also increase irritability, blood pressure, dizziness, nervousness, and even muscle convulsions.


Don’t fret if you’re a normal coffee drinker. Caffeine has been studied carefully and has been found to be safe in recommended doses. Have a cup or two, but don’t overdo it.

Recognizing the Signs of Addiction

Whether you or a family member struggle with addiction or addictive behavior, it’s important to know addiction when you see it. Addiction can alter the course of a life forever. Luckily, with some education, you can learn symptoms and possible courses of treatment to ensure that addiction does not get the best of you and your loved ones.

Types of Addictions

Addiction is a brain disease that manifests in the compulsive use and abuse of drugs, alcohol, food, or behaviors. It can cause health, financial, and relationship problems, and in some cases can even lead to an early and untimely death. Although an addict may fully understand the negative effects of their addiction, they are usually unable to stop on their own. Addictions result from the need to feel good, feel better, do better, or as a significant consequence of curiosity or peer pressure. People can become addicted to a number of substances and actions, including:

  • Alcohol
  • Tobacco
  • Hard drugs (ex. cocaine, methamphetamines, heroin)
  • Prescription drugs (ex. painkillers, sleeping pills)
  • Sugar
  • Caffeine
  • Pornography
  • Stealing
  • Overeating
  • Gambling
  • Cutting
  • Shopping

Some of these addictions may come as a surprise to you. But that is why addiction needs to be addressed. It can be so easy to rely on something to help you feel happy, and anyone can be affected. It is important to see the signs of addiction early before it becomes enormous or life-threatening.

Signs and Symptoms

The warning signs of addiction may be staring you in the face. Or perhaps not–addicts sometimes cover up their addiction from their loved ones, coworkers, and peers. It is essential, however, not to brush off any of the signs you may notice in yourself or in another person. The following are some indicators of an addiction:

  • Poor performance/attendance at school/work
  • Surrounding oneself with a new group of friends, or isolation
  • Lying and deceptive or secretive behavior
  • Significant weight changes
  • Drastic changes in financial situation–usually losses
  • Sleeping far more or far less
  • Lack of motivation
  • Quitting hobbies or activities
  • Physical ailments (ex. nausea, vomiting, trembling, sensitivity to light)

Many of these signs combined could mean addiction is already underway. The most important action is to confront the person struggling with addiction. It’s best, however, to gather your thoughts first, as an addict may write off your suspicions and good intentions if your arguments are not organized. You will want to have real proof of the addictive behavior you notice. Keeping a journal of strange phone calls or bank withdrawals made is a good place to start. It will not be easy, but intervention is a crucial step in the healing process, for both the addict and those around them. Once you have brought the addiction to light, you will need to get treatment underway as soon as possible.

Forms of Treatment

Levels of treatment vary depending on the severity of the addiction. It is a chronic condition–a short-term treatment will not suffice to permanently change addictive behavior. Treatment requires plenty of time and monitoring. On the mildest end, therapy can be an affordable and time-flexible option for those seeking addiction treatment. On the more extreme end are 24/7 live-in rehabilitation centers such as Florida treatment centers. Treatments typically involve some type of psychotherapy, and the introduction of coping mechanisms to replace the addictive behavior.

Withdrawal can be the most challenging stage of treatment, as the addict learns to live without their addiction. At this stage, it is necessary to watch out for suicidal behaviors. Having direct access to an addiction hotline can help save a life. This is a free and confidential service that is provided 24/7 and gives addicts or their loved ones support. It supplies resources and help during the beginning stages of addiction to kickstart a change in behavior. With links to health insurance for rehabilitation, calling an addiction hotline is a step toward treatment and recovery.

Addiction is messy and difficult to manage for everyone affected by it. Compassion and therapeutic treatment may be the strongest warriors in the battle against addiction. Don’t wait–get the help you need today.

Impacts of Herbicide Toxicity on our Health

It is alarming how few studies have been conducted regarding potential impacts of herbicide toxicity on both
human health and the environment. “Herbicides typically receive less criticism and publicity than pesticides do” says Rose Burberry-Martin from Chisholm, Chisholm, and Kilpatrick LTD.  Possibly because of the incorrect perception that herbicides have less of an opportunity to come into contact with our families and food. While herbicides are intended to kill undesired plants to give nutritional crops the chance to grow, herbicides can unfortunately have inadvertent consequences of damaging living organisms that are not plants. The unfortunate facts are that herbicides impact humans and wildlife negatively as well as natural habitats and plants.


A main concern regarding herbicide safety that has not been emphasized much previously is the insufficient
testing procedures. While the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) mandates that while the active ingredient
must be tested, the inactive ingredients do not necessarily have to be. The EPA does not typically test chemical
mixtures (for example, a herbicide and pesticide or more than one herbicide), which are actually more
dangerous than one type of chemical used alone.


Herbicides mirror the hormones of the plant, and have many negative effects on the natural environment. These
chemicals harm freshwater crustaceans and the fish that rely on their nutrition; it is not unlikely that the human
body could be impacted similarly. Chemical farming, specifically the use of herbicides, has noticeably distorted
the habitats across America and Europe.


Studies have proven how exposure to herbicides can cause the risk of lymphoma to be increased. Swedish
research has demonstrated that there is a correlation with phenoxy herbicides and an increased chance of soft-
tissue tumors taking place. Kentucky counties were studied ecologically and found that the production of corn
crops, water contamination, pesticide use, and triazine herbicides have been linked to an increased risk of breast
cancer for women who were exposed to triazine herbicide.


The toxicity of herbicides could even be associated with the causation of birth defects. Geological areas that
grow great quantities of wheat were shown to cause a 60-90% increased risk of birth defects. Herbicides could
even have a negative effect on female fertility. Even simply applying or mixing herbicides to a garden two years
prior to trying to conceive was a commonality among women who were infertile.


Clearly, contact with these herbicides is a risk to our health and should be avoided when at all possible. As
consumers, we are being exposed to herbicide chemicals that may or may not have been tested, and to what
extent of testing these chemicals go through may not have been congruent with consumer safety. While there
are of course alternative purchasing options for people wishing to eat cleaner, organic food typically has higher
price points, which may not always make the switch from herbicides possible for all consumers. As consumers, it
is possible to commit to natural alternatives to avoid herbicide toxicity by supporting natural farmer’s markets,
organic produce in health food stores, and by growing vegetables at home.

Five of the Best Treatments for Acne-Prone Skin

Did you know that over 85% of people age between the ages of 14 and 24 suffer from at least a bout of minor acne, while this common skin problem affects an estimated 50 million Americans? Acne is a skin condition which can have severe physiological effects on your self-confidence and personal image. If you’re currently dealing with inflamed skin then you’re not alone, and luckily there are several top-notch treatments around that help to reduce and banish this skin issue for good.

Topical Benzoyl Peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide is used in drug-store and over the counter topical treatments for a range of mild skin issues. They often are mixed in creams, lotions or medicated bars which are applied directly onto the problem areas. Topical benzoyl peroxide has high success rates in helping to reduce inflamed skin, but it can sometimes cause skin to dry out and crack after prolonged use.

Topical Antibiotics

Topical antibiotics are creams and lotions that are also designed to be applied directly on to the skin. They are often combined with benzoyl peroxide to create an effective and higher strength treatment which helps to limit bacterial infections on the skin. As with other topical treatments, topical antibiotics can cause the skin to dry out.

Oral Antibiotics

Oral antibiotics are often prescribed for those with more serious skin conditions that don’t seem to be responding to topical treatments. Oral antibiotics have to be taken regularly and can take a while to kick in. The three most common antibiotics use to treat skin issues orally are doxycycline, tetracycline, and minocycline. While they are more effective than topical treatments, they also come with more potential side effects including nausea and headaches.

Birth Control Pills

Another option for females who have skin problems which are related to hormonal imbalances is to take birth control pills. A doctors offer advice on what type to take, and then prescribe you a course of treatments. Birth control pills help to maintain estrogen and in turn reduce skin inflammation for females. Birth control pills used as a treatments for skin problems are not recommended for smokers and for anybody suffering with migraines or blood-clotting issues.

Laser Treatments

One of the more modern treatments on the block uses laser beams to help kill bacteria on the skin. The treatment is non-evasive, and has shown promising results for people with mild to severe skin inflammation issues. Side effects include a possible reddening of the skin after the treatment, but this normally calms down after a few hours.

Skin problem can be caused by a range of factors, including hormones, oil production levels, menstruation and side effects from existing medication. If your acne is affecting your life, and drug-store treatments just aren’t cutting it, then don’t be afraid to go and see your doctor who will be able to prescribe medication or refer you to a dermatologist.