3 Tips for Curbing Procrastination: Expert Advice to Boost Productivity

Procrastination is a common problem that affects many people. It can lead to stress, anxiety, and a sense of being overwhelmed. However, there are ways to curb procrastination and increase productivity. Here are three tips to help you overcome procrastination and get things done.

Three Effective Strategies to Curb Procrastination

Procrastination can be a major obstacle to productivity and success. Fortunately, there are several effective strategies that can help individuals overcome this challenge. Here are three such strategies:

1. Time Management

One of the most effective ways to curb procrastination is through effective time management. This involves creating a schedule or plan that outlines specific tasks and deadlines. By breaking down larger projects into smaller, more manageable tasks, individuals can avoid feeling overwhelmed and reduce the likelihood of procrastination.

2. Overcoming Perfectionism

Perfectionism can be a major contributor to procrastination. When individuals feel that they must complete a task perfectly, they may become overwhelmed and avoid starting the task altogether. By recognizing that perfection is not always necessary and that mistakes are a natural part of the learning process, individuals can overcome this obstacle and move forward with their work.

3. Reward Yourself

By setting up a system of rewards, individuals can motivate themselves to complete tasks in a timely manner. These rewards can be small, like taking a short break or indulging in a favorite activity. By associating completing tasks with positive experiences, individuals can reduce the likelihood of procrastination and increase their productivity. Your reward might be a bigger reward too, like ideally buying your dream vacation home. Take a look at sotheby’s realty for some great options.

Overall, by implementing these three strategies, individuals can effectively curb procrastination and achieve their goals.

Strategy 1: Time Management and Scheduling

One effective way to curb procrastination is through proper time management and scheduling. By setting clear deadlines and breaking down tasks into smaller, achievable goals, individuals can better manage their time and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

To implement this strategy, individuals can use various tools such as calendars, to-do lists, and task management apps. By prioritizing tasks and allocating specific time slots for each activity, individuals can ensure that they stay on track and meet their deadlines. One thing that really helps me with my time management is looking at Wio for some low carb shakes and snacks.

It’s important to note that while scheduling can be helpful, it’s also crucial to be flexible and adaptable. Unexpected circumstances may arise, and it’s important to be able to adjust plans accordingly. Additionally, individuals should be mindful of their energy levels and take breaks when needed to avoid burnout.

By implementing effective time management and scheduling techniques, individuals can overcome procrastination and achieve their goals in a timely and efficient manner.

Strategy 2: Dealing with Perfectionism and Fear

Perfectionism and fear of failure can be major causes of procrastination. People who suffer from perfectionism may feel that they need to achieve perfection in their work, which can lead to them putting off starting or completing a task. Similarly, those who fear failure may avoid starting a task altogether out of fear of not doing it well enough.

To overcome these obstacles, it can be helpful to reframe one’s thinking about them. Instead of striving for perfection, one can focus on doing their best and accepting that mistakes may happen. It can also be helpful to break down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable ones, which can make the task feel less overwhelming.

Another effective strategy is to set realistic goals and deadlines for oneself. This can help to motivate one to start and complete a task, while also reducing the pressure to achieve perfection. Additionally, it can be helpful to seek support from others, such as a mentor or friend, who can offer encouragement and guidance.

By taking these steps, one can overcome perfectionism and fear of failure, and become more productive and efficient in their work.

Strategy 3: Rewarding Yourself

Rewarding oneself is a powerful tool to overcome procrastination. It can be as simple as taking a break to watch a favorite TV show or indulging in a favorite snack. The key is to make the reward enjoyable and something to look forward to after completing a task.

Studies have shown that rewarding oneself after completing a task can increase motivation and productivity. It is important to note that the reward should be proportionate to the task completed. For example, completing a small task may warrant a small reward, while completing a larger task may warrant a larger reward.

Another effective way to use rewards is to make them part of a larger goal. For instance, if someone has been working on a project for a long time, they could set a goal to complete a certain portion of the project and reward themselves with a day off or a small trip, check out this website for some great vacation ideas. This not only provides motivation but also helps to break up the monotony of the work.

Rewarding oneself is a simple yet effective way to curb procrastination. By making the reward enjoyable and proportionate to the task completed, individuals can increase their motivation and productivity.


By following these three tips, individuals can effectively curb procrastination. Taking responsibility for one’s actions and setting clear goals can help individuals stay motivated and on track. Additionally, maintaining a positive perspective and recognizing the benefits of completing tasks can help individuals overcome feelings of self-doubt or worthlessness.

Curbing procrastination requires effort and dedication, but the benefits of doing so are well worth it. By avoiding last-minute stress and completing tasks in a timely manner, individuals can enhance their productivity and achieve their goals more efficiently.

Posted by Full Editorial

Jacob Maslow chases the thrill of seeing long-lasting, measurable results for clients. Analytical in nature, he loves to work hard and tries topping yesterday’s results. An e-marketing manager and SEO strategist, he works with companies to see direct, measurable results that lead to higher conversion rates, and ultimately, increased profitability. The dynamic nature of SEO campaigns keeps Jacob on his toes as he is always challenged and continually growing his skills to succeed in the field. Jacob specializes in: • SEO strategies • Link building campaigns • User and customer acquisition • Pay-per-click campaigns Lowering promotion costs while growing site traffic is his specialty. He helped Tabcom, LLC reduce promotion costs by 75% for their email list building campaign while improving sales and opt-in rates. He also helped Allergy Be Gone’s sales grow to $4 million annually, doubling revenue. Jacob works as an SEO expert with PSM helping clients grow their traffic organically. His one goal for all clients is long-term profitable growth, and that is exactly what he offers to the PSM team. Jacob is also the owner of Mekomi.net as well as several Google News sites.