Smart Ways To Maintain An Eco Friendly Lawn
Your home cannot be complete without a beautiful backyard where you can relax in the summer as you watch your kids playing around. Most people see healthy lawns on the internet and in other places and then think that achieving one is a very complicated thing to do. Growing a healthy lawn is one thing but what keeps it healthy and aesthetically pleasing is how you maintain it. In recent years, there have been concerns about the methods we use to maintain our backyards, and it is prudent to opt for the eco-friendly ones that are more beneficial. Here are some smart ways of keeping your grass green and healthy without having to incorporate the use of processed chemicals.
Water Wisely
We all know that water is good for the grass, but this does not mean that you have to flood your yard. Your lawn might not need as much water as you think, and you should be wise when watering it. If you have to do it, ensure that you restrict yourself to watering the grass in the early morning hours when the sun is not yet out. Doing this ensures that the grass retains the water and absorbs a significant amount before the sun comes out. Normally, a lawn needs close to an inch of water every week, and you may use whichever measuring technique you have in place to measure how much of it you need to do. If possible, you could water the first half inch of water first and then allow it to be absorbed into the ground before proceeding with the other half an inch. During the mid-summer, you might notice your grass turning from green to yellow and you should not panic as this is only temporary. All in all, water your lawn less often and ensure that you do it deep when the time comes so that they can develop the deep-lying roots that make them resistant to drought. Visit here for more tips about watering your lawn.
You will always be required to mow your grass from time to time, and you should know how to do it right. The first thing that you need to do regarding this is to ensure that your mower blades are sharp enough. If you notice that the tip of your grass turns to white or yellow after mowing, it might be because your mower blades are not sharp enough. Dull blades do not cut the grass as they tear them up and leave them bruised and exposed to diseases and pest attacks. Aside from that, ensure that you mow your lawn at the right height. Shorter is not always better when it comes to lawn care, and it is advisable to cut the grass at the height of three inches or more. This will help it grow better and become more resistant to weeds and erosion. Grass requires sunlight for growth and the longer the blades, the larger the surface area a single grass plant has to receive the UV radiation and grow faster. Whatever you do, do not cut more than a third of the grass at any particular point. Doing it will stress the grass and make it unhealthy.
Grass Clippings
When mowing your grass, do not make the mistake of cleaning the grass clippings. These are natural leaves, and they can offer your soil nutrients. They can save you the money needed to buy a single round of fertilizer, and you should let them lie around for some time. They will dry up and provide cover to the soil, something that helps in moisture retention since it reduces that soils exposure to the sun significantly.
Reseed Smartly
If your lawn has some patches where the grass cover is not enough, you should reseed these areas and attain a uniform lawn all around your garden. This is mostly done during spring when the conditions are right to support the growth of new grass plants. Do not be tempted to reseed using a grass variety that is not in tandem with the one in your lawn. It is advisable to pick a type that is suited to your location and can survive through the conditions. When doing it, make a point of raking up any grass debris in that area to allow the seeds to come into contact with the ground for them to germinate.
Opt for Organic Fertilizer
Eco-friendly ways of maintaining a lawn entail avoiding any company processed fertilizer that may affect the environment. Luckily, there are several types of organic fertilizers produced from natural substances, and you need to find one to boost your yards nutrient content. In some cases, it might be advisable to conduct a soil test and check out some of the crucial nutrients that are missing from your soil before deciding which fertilizer to use. You should avoid fertilizer that contains phosphorous at all costs. If you have a lot of yard waste and keep a few animals in your home, you could use their waste to develop a compost manure system and use this to boost your soil’s nutrient content rather than buy organic fertilizer.
Go, Native
When planting new shrubs to complement your lawn, some people are tempted to go with the exotic and good-looking varieties that will make their yard a beautiful place. However, these exotic plants can give you a torrid time trying to maintain them as they may be suited to the climate in which they thrive. It is best to stick to the native plants so that you have an easy time maintaining your yard. Most of the native plants can survive on the water provided by the rain, and you could have a green and healthy garden without spending so much money and time on fertilizer and other enhancers. You can consult with the professionals to make sure you are choosing the proper foliage for your yard.
Some of the smart ways to maintain a lawn in an eco-friendly manner have been highlighted, and you should follow them. The environment is essential, and you should conserve it by going green. You do not have to invest in expensive machinery or expensive fertilizers as you could have a beautiful garden by just engaging in a few smart things.