How Are You Doing with Your New Year’s Resolutions?

Common New Year’s Resolutions 

  • Travel the world: There’s a lot of amazing landmarks to see and food to try all around the world, it’s no wonder why travelling is one of the most common new year’s resolutions for people to make.
  • Losing weight or better mental well being: They say that your mental well being and physical health goes hand in hand. Taking care of both of these factors simultaneously will ensure you have will have both the internal motivation to get through your goals and the physical health to execute the tasks.
  • Learning a new language: There are roughly 6,500 languages spoken all around the world. All these languages make the world a very beautiful place, so wanting to learn 1 or 2 languages this new year will help connect you with even more interesting and diverse people.
  • Be more sustainable: With more and more studies shedding light on the fragility of the environment, living a more sustainable lifestyle is a popular new year’s resolution. You can be more sustainable by incorporating these simple energy efficiency tips into your routine, such as upgrading to a nest thermostat, switching to energy efficient light bulbs, and using blackout curtains. All these tips can help the environment and lower your Vectren Energy bill as well.

 Tips on Making Your Resolutions Stick 

Did you know that less than 10% of resolutions are kept by the end of the year and 25% fail before mid January?  Wanting to better yourself is never a bad thing but what’s just as important is making sure your resolutions stick as part of your lifestyle. Make sure to look at these tips if you want to increase the chances of following through with your New Year’s resolutions:

  • Break up a big goal into smaller manageable ones: With resolutions like wanting to travel the world or a new city, break up the bigger picture into smaller goals. For example, you can break countries or cities you want to travel to by months. If you’re dedicated to exploring a certain city or country, break up landmarks or activities you want to do within the time frame you’re on holiday for. Add a few lists, a bit of prioritization, and allocating resources, you’ll be conquering the world in no time.
  • Remember these resolutions are your own and not anyone else’s: Have you ever noticed why gyms are packed at the beginning of the year and by the time spring comes, it’s only a few handful of people who return regularly? Going to the gym to take care of your health is one thing but losing weight to feel good for other people will minimize the chances of you sticking to this resolution. Make sure to set a goal that motivates your own needs and not for your friends, spouse, or family.
  • Thinking manageable doesn’t mean you’re not thinking big: A common problem when setting your new year’s resolution is that you’re spreading yourself too thin. You can’t cut out every bad habit you’ve built into your lifestyle since you were a kid and you definitely can’t learn 10 languages at a time. Wanting to better yourself by learning new skills and developing your hobbies are commendable, so make sure to break the skill down to manageable steps to achieve your goals.
  • If you fall, dust yourself off: They say it takes at least 3 months to build a habit. Just make sure to keep in mind that skipping the occasional day to prioritise other important responsibilities, finishing a New Year’s resolution late, or even if you miss a goal by 10%, does not equate to your failure.

New Year’s resolutions should be seen as changes to your lifestyle if you want to maximise the likelihood of its success.