Athlete Fatigue? You May Have Celiac Disease!

Working out makes everyone tired, but long periods of fatigue could be a sign of a more serious issue. If you enjoy athletics or fitness of any kind and are more tired than normal, you might be suffering from Celiac disease.

This disease causes negative reactions to gluten.  It is more common than you might think. One in every 100 Americans has it, but many go undiagnosed or are diagnosed late.

If you have a family history of Celiac disease, you are more likely to have it. It is important to speak to a doctor if you have any symptoms indicating you might have the disease.

There are many symptoms that could point to Celiac disease; most go unnoticed. It is also common to only experience one symptom at a time which does not always lead to a diagnosis.  It is hard for doctors to diagnose Celiac disease without a little help.

It’s important to know the signs of Celiac disease if it is to be treated before causing lasting damage to your organs.

  The only known way to reduce the symptoms is to completely cut gluten from the diet.

Common symptoms

There are several symptoms you might want to watch for if you suspect you might have Celiac disease. Some are more obvious than others, but all could point to the same diagnosis.

Stomach pain

Any pain in the abdominal region is typically abnormal. If you are experiencing constant digestive discomfort and serious bellyaches, this could be a sign of Celiac disease.

Ingesting foods with a high amount of gluten and feeling ill shortly after is a good sign that you should cut gluten from your diet.

Stomach pains often go hand in hand with bloating and cramping when it comes to a Celiac patient’s response to gluten.


Frequent headaches are no fun for anyone. They can make the passing of days long and painful and your sleep very uncomfortable.

Headaches are common after stressful days, but if you have other aches and pains in addition to frequent headaches, cutting out gluten might solve the problem.

Although having a headache is typically not a sign of a serious illness, it can be when it is present alongside other abnormal sensations.

Diarrhea and Nausea

Stomach upset in the form of either nausea or diarrhea is a common symptom of many illnesses or drug interactions. In combination with serious stomach pains and bloating, this could point to Celiac disease.

Frequent trips to the restroom or irregular bowel movements are both associated with Celiac.


Feeling tired is normal, but feeling fatigued can really put a damper on your life. You might have no motivation to get out of bed and constantly feel like you need a nap.

Between 60% and 82% of people with Celiac or other gluten intolerance conditions experience fatigue. That’s well over half of Celiacs, meaning your fatigue could be a sign of the disease.

Fatigue as a symptom makes Celiac disease hard to catch because it isn’t easy to differentiate from just feeling tired after a long day.

When in doubt, talk to a doctor about all discomforts you are experiencing as a help to diagnose the causes sooner rather than later.

Did you know these were symptoms too?

Many Celiacs suffer from common symptoms like headaches or nausea, but few realize that other serious issues could also indicate the presence of Celiac disease.


Having healthy blood is vital to a healthy body. When the contents of your blood are compromised, more issues are likely to occur.

Celiac disease can cause anemia and, in combination, the two can cause a world of suffering. Your stomach will be upset, you will feel tired, and could experience chest pain and serious dizziness.

Check with your doctor to determine whether your signs of anemia could be related to Celiac disease.

Anxiety or depression

Celiac disease could also be the cause of some mental health issues, like anxiety and depression.

You may have been diagnosed with one of these mental illnesses, but the underlying cause might be Celiac.

Many don’t realize that poor mental health in addition to abnormal body aches or fatigue might not be just a mental health concern.


The skin can also be affected. Rashes that are itchy and uncomfortable sometimes accompany Celiac disease.

The most serious form of rash that can appear as a result of Celiac disease is known as dermatitis herpetiformis. This causes burning blisters in different areas on the body that eventually scab over.

If you notice a painful, unsightly rash beginning to form, it could be a sign of Celiac disease, experienced by some patients.

Fragile bones

When any organs in the body are affected by a disease, other body systems could be affected as well. Most people don’t realize that osteoporosis can appear when Celiac is present.

Brittle and weak bones might be a sign of Celiac disease in the body. This can be dangerous, because it can lead to fractured bones.

Athletic performance with Celiac disease

Any intense athletic activity could make the Celiac disease worse if you aren’t on a gluten-free diet.

The increased heart rate and higher blood pressure from athletics could cause inflammation in the digestive system.

Serious damage to the small intestine and other internal organs is more likely to occur.

Not treating Celiac disease and continuing to work hard will likely cause a more rapid decline in health because the body is suffering more frequently and at a higher rate with the added strain of athletic activity.

How to find out whether you have Celiac disease

Not knowing whether you have Celiac disease can be very dangerous. Don’t let the symptoms affect you more than they have to if they can be alleviated.

If you wish to learn whether you have Celiac disease, the imawareTM at-home test is a promising option. This quick test recognizes certain biomarkers in the body that indicate whether you have the disease.

Deter worse health issues by talking to a doctor about the possibility of Celiac disease. It could make a positive difference in your life.