Humility is a Leadership Trait
Humility is a Leadership Trait
A sense of humility is essential to leadership because it authenticates a person’s humanity. Humility is a quality that enables people to see themselves as they are and not more than they are. A humble leader can listen and empathize with those they lead. Empathizing with others creates the foundation for being an effective leader because it builds trust. When a sense of humility is coupled with strong personal values, there is integrity in the actions of a leader. Here are reasons why humility is a highly desired leadership trait.
1. Leads to Better Listening
The ability to listen is a quality that all good leaders possess. It is proven that those considered to be good listeners are better able to lead their followers. For the best results, leaders should be in tune with those they lead, which is a sign of good leadership. A humble leader can listen and empathize with those they instruct.
2. Bonding and Trust
According to former arbitrage trader Helen Lee Schifter, a sense of humility is critical for leaders. She says that her humble nature enabled her to bond with and trust her followers. A leader who maintains control and influence over those under their guidance will be someone who can be charged because they can constantly listen, understand, and share the same values as those being led.
3. Imparting Wisdom
Humility is a quality that empowers leaders of all backgrounds to see leadership as a privilege. A humble leader will view leadership as an honor and will not take it lightly. Those humble can impart valuable lessons to those they lead through their actions in turn, which is rarely done. For example, every leader should be able to point out how the leader made mistakes before assuming that role.
4. Increased Collaboration
Those humble and have a strong sense of humility will be able to lead united teams. Listening and empathizing will allow leaders to bring out the best in others. Helen Lee Schifter says that as a leader, she listened to her followers’ discouragement and fears and went on to work with them. As a result, leaders united their followers toward certain ends. Those humble are willing to work together even if they come from different backgrounds, which is vital for an organization’s success.
5. Sense of Purpose
Humility is a trait that motivates leaders to have a sense of purpose. Those who have humility do not take leadership roles for granted but rather acknowledge the responsibility that comes with the job. A humble leader will be able to lead with purpose, enabling them to inspire followers and make a difference in the lives of those being taught. This sense of purpose has motivated leaders to communicate better with their followers, establish trust, and engage in many other activities that lead toward achieving organizational goals.
Humility is a leadership trait that can positively impact an organization. Leaders with a strong sense of humility will be able to appreciate their role as leaders and lead with purpose.