Innovative Technology from Quincy Jones Makes Learning Piano Fun

piano keys

The language of music can be spoken by anyone, whether a professional musician or someone just beginning to learn to play the piano. Hans Christian Andersen, the famous author of children’s fairy tales, once said, “Where words fail, music speaks.” Rock star Marilyn Manson put it a little differently: “Music is the strongest form of magic.”


The Many Benefits of Playing the Piano

Today’s technology makes it possible to learn to play piano and play almost anywhere, extending the potential benefits of piano playing to anyone with a computer and a keyboard.


1) Being able to play the piano increases self-confidence.

2) Depression and loneliness can be lessened while playing a piano.

3) Today’s innovative piano learning software makes it easy for anyone to develop a musical talent. Self-discipline and creativity develop in children and adults, necessary for success in any endeavor.

4) Playing a piano requires focus, reducing stress and lowering blood pressure. Playing for even a few minutes is beneficial.

5) Playing and creating music stimulates the brain, increasing cognitive development.

6) Piano playing develops both fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination.


Portable Keyboards Changed the Game for Pianists

Most musical instruments are small enough to be easily carried from place to place, unlike pianos. Previously, many pianists had to limit their playing to churches, bars, auditoriums or wherever else a piano could be found. The introduction of portable keyboards now makes it possible to play a piano just about anywhere. Practice and playing time is at the musician’s discretion, not limited to the availability of a “real” piano.


Go Online and Learn to Play the Piano,

Deciding to learn to play piano online is much less expensive and much more convenient than taking private lessons locally. Many students taking online piano lessons progress faster because they control their sessions, repeating a troublesome part until they nail it and playing whenever they choose. This doesn’t change the fact that it takes just as much dedication to become skilled, but the entire process is easier.


Playground Sessions – Quincy Jones and David Sides

David SidesQuincy Jones wanted to extend his love of making music to all people, ultimately resulting in Playground Sessions online piano lessons, an innovative way to learn piano by playing your favorite songs. David Sides is a multi-talented YouTube musical sensation with more than 175 million views, successful albums and performances worldwide. He loves to teach, making music theory concepts understandable, demonstrating how to play the chosen song and then inviting the student to play along with him.


The piano software from Quincy Jones gamifies learning to play piano and makes learning fun. Students learn to play the songs they love, including rock, pop, traditional and classical pieces. As the student’s playing advances, they move from rookie to intermediate and advanced levels. Playground Sessions’ video tutorials, practice sessions and easy-to-read charts let students know how they’re progressing and where more practice is needed.


Anyone who has ever wished that they could play the piano can learn, privately and at their own pace. Enjoy all of the benefits of playing the piano for yourself and enjoy them for a lifetime.


An Exploration of the Fibreoptic Revolution

During the last couple of decades the world of computers and technology has been developing at an incredibly fast rate, with nearly all devices getting exponentially faster, smaller and more powerful. One of the most important breakthroughs we made was in communication and online data transfer; today, it is possible for virtually anyone connected to the worldwide web to download or upload any piece of information they want at unprecedented speeds, thanks to the innovation we refer to as fibreoptic cable. As a matter of fact, it is safe to say that the advent of fibreop technology sparked what can be best described as a revolution in communications, and what follows is an exploration of how this breakthrough has paid off for mankind.

A Brief Glance at Fibreoptic Technology

To explain it as simply as possible, fibreoptic technology allows for the transfer of light through both long and short distances with the help of a series of transparent fibres. In other words, this means that it is capable of transmitting information at the speed of light. Regardless of where it is installed or for what purpose, a fibreop system is built out of three components.

First, there is the core, and it is the innermost part of the cable. Depending on the situation, the core is either assembled from plastic or glass and is responsible for carrying the light signal. Right outside of the core you will find the next component, the cladding. It is responsible for keeping the light signal inside the core and is made from a material with a low refractive index. Finally, the last component making up the fibreop cable is the jacket; made from polymer or glass, it is the cable’s line of defense against any environmental hazards it may encounter.

How the Fibreoptic Cable Functions

Because the cladding always has a lower refractive index than the core, the light signal travels by bouncing off the cladding at angles greater than 90 degrees, ensuring there is absolutely no loss of energy, even if the fibre happens to be curved. This mechanism allows the data to travel at great speeds without slowing down or being lost in the process.

As far as the splicing process goes (connecting one fibre end to another) there are two different methods one can use. The first one is referred to as a mechanical splice for it is made with the help of a mechanical sleeve which aligns two cleaved fibre ends. The second process is known as fusion splice, and it is performed with the help of heat.

The Benefits of Fibreoptic Technology

And so now that the fibreop technology itself has been explored, it is time to look at the features which make it such an important breakthrough in communications technology. To begin with, fibre cables are always very flexible, which is quite advantageous for commercial buildings where there are countless twists and turns to contend with.

The second advantage of the fibreoptic cable has already been mentioned earlier: its ability to transmit information at the speed of light. This means that you can easily achieve download and upload speeds of over 40 gigabytes per second, have a high-quality television cable connection with no interruptions, and even hold crystal-clear long-distance conversations over the phone. To explain it in other terms, this is the fastest and most reliable data transfer method that we have been able to come up with, and in terms of speed and quality it simply blows all the other alternatives out of the water.

Last, but definitely not least, fibreop cable is by far cheaper than the regular electric copper cables due to the widespread availability of the parts needed in its construction. That’s right, in addition to being much better, fibreoptic technology is also cheaper than what we are currently using.

Of course, nothing in this life is perfect, and fibreoptic technology does have one small flaw: if the wires are installed too deep underground gravity and the weight of earth will cause them to slowly bend downwards over time. This means that in order to maintain the cable under such conditions, rare but regular maintenance work will be required.

Final Words on Fibreop

With everything being said and done, it can easily be stated that despite its small flaw, fibreoptic technology is definitely here to stay and is the next big thing in the world of communications. It is more effective, reliable, simpler and cheaper than all the options we have had up until now, and if the progress keeps on going at this rate, we’ll probably develop teleportation technology next.