Mental Health and Work

Mental Health and Work

The Relationship between Mental Health and Employment Insights from Real Estate Expert Kevin McLennan

With today’s fast-paced and demanding workplace environment, mental health and employment are of great concern. Real estate expert Kevin McLennan sheds light on this relationship, offering valuable insight into how work impacts mental well-being.

1. The Impact of Job Stress on Mental Health

Job-related stress is an all too familiar affliction that impacts individuals from various industries. According to McLennan, meeting deadlines, handling demanding tasks, and maintaining a work/life balance are often enough to put an individual under immense strain leading to anxiety, burnout, and depression due to constant stress.

2. Work Environment and Mental Well-being

McLennan emphasizes the significance of an individual’s work environment for their mental well-being. A supportive workplace culture that fosters open communication, teamwork, and work-life balance is crucial in creating an atmosphere conducive to mental resilience while decreasing risks related to mental health issues.

3. Job Satisfaction and Mental Health

The expert emphasizes the relationship between job satisfaction and mental well-being. When individuals find fulfillment and happiness in their work, they’re more likely to experience positive mental wellness. By contrast, insufficient job satisfaction may cause frustration and unhappiness and ultimately negatively affect mental health.

4. Role of Work-Life Balance

According to McLennan, maintaining a proper work-life balance is critical to mental well-being. By setting clear boundaries between professional and personal lives, individuals can avoid overwork and chronic stressors that hinder recovery from fatigue or chronic disease. Achieving this balance allows individuals time for rejuvenation activities such as self-care or spending quality time with loved ones that positively impact mental wellness.

5. Supportive Workplace Policies

According to McLennan, organizations prioritizing employee mental health put supportive policies like flexible working hours, mental health resources, and wellness programs. They were showing their dedication and creating a healthier workplace culture.

6. Impact of Job Insecurity

Job insecurity can harm mental health. Kevin McLennan notes that concerns about job loss, instability in employment, or constant restructuring can cause anxiety and stress among employees. Therefore, organizations must provide clear communication and support during uncertain times not to negatively affect employees’ mental well-being.

7. The Importance of Social Support

Social support plays an essential role in maintaining mental well-being. McLennan emphasizes the significance of supportive colleagues, managers, and mentors within the workplace as key sources of emotional assistance and stress reduction for improved overall well-being.

8. Mental Health Awareness and Stigma

The expert emphasizes the significance of mental health awareness and combating stigma within the workplace. Engaging employees in open discussions about mental wellness awareness while creating a non-judgmental environment are effective strategies to decrease stigmas and encourage individuals to seek help when necessary.


According to Kevin McLennan, the relationship between mental health and employment is complex and significant. He highlights its impact on job stress, work environment, job satisfaction, work-life balance, supportive workplace policies, job insecurity and social support network. Each factor that impacts one’s mental well-being at work can be integral to leading healthier and more fulfilling professional lives. Prioritizing mental wellness at work allows individuals to lead healthier, more fulfilling professional lives.

How Warm Weather Improves Mental Health

How Warm Weather Improves Mental Health

You have probably heard that the heat can damage your mental health. But is that true?

How can a good day’s worth of sun and sand impact our moods? We talked to Dr. Jordan Sudberg, a pain management specialist at the Rhythm & Movement Therapy Center, who has conducted his research on this topic — he found that sunshine and warm weather in general boosts moods significantly.

Here’s what else he had to say: “Warm temperature increases levels of endorphins in your brain which leads to natural euphoria. It’s called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) which is depression associated with shortening of daylight hours that can be treated with light therapy or antidepressants. The brain releases endorphins in the presence of sunlight and serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter associated with positive mood.”

Other health benefits of warm weather

Dr. Sudberg also notes that warm weather can boost your physical health if you use sunscreen and don’t overdo it. “Outside temperature influences your body’s temperature on the inside,” he says, “and if you are too cold or hot, it strains the body. Plus, sunlight is directly linked to vitamin D production in your skin, which helps regulate mood.”

How to get the most happiness from warm weather

How can you take advantage of this free therapy? Dr. Sudberg suggests a few ways: “Just spending time outside in fresh air can be therapeutic.

Before you pack up your winter sweaters and move to a tropical island, Dr. Sudberg advises some caution. He says people who live in places with a more drastic change in seasons should follow their doctor’s advice when handling seasonal changes. Even though warm temperatures can lift spirits, it’s also important to remember that extreme heat has physical health risks. He recommends: “It is vital to stay hydrated and keep your body out of the sun, wear a hat and sunglasses. The best way to stay cool is through walking, jogging, swimming, or jumping in a pool.”

Dr. Sudberg says that if you have a mental illness or take antidepressants, going outside in extreme temperatures can be especially dangerous. He advises people to stay hydrated, limit their time outdoors, and closely monitor the weather reports. If you know you’re at risk of getting overheated or dehydrated, he recommends staying indoors all together during the hottest parts of the day.

He also recommends that people who live in warmer climates limit their time outdoors during the hottest parts of the day and keep themselves hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

And if you’re taking medication: “Double check with your psychiatrist or pharmacist before going to a warm destination,” he says. Antidepressants, in particular, can make people more sensitive to the sun, even if they don’t necessarily increase your chances of getting a sunburn.
Overall, Dr. Jordan Sudberg says that warm weather makes people happier because of its benefits to physical health. He summarizes: “When it is hot, we are happy because our bodies are at peak performance. Our skin looks great when it’s warm. Our hearts beat faster when our body temperature increases, giving us more oxygen.”

How Can Benefit Your Mental Health

The world is a stressful place today. There is a global pandemic, the country has times of turmoil, and there are times of uncertainty. There are some things that a person can do to help with their mental health and help them stay sane throughout these times. Prayer is one of the best things a person can do for their mental health and mental stability. According to Father George Rutler, prayer is one of the best forms of meditation for the mind and the body.

Keep the Faith

A person needs to keep faith that things will turn out in their favor. While there are an illness and other issues that are happening a person needs to keep faith that times will change and things will get better. Prayer is one way to do this. Even through challenging times a person can rely on their higher power to make things right.


While it is easy to see what people do not have and feel like everything is going wrong, praying gives a person a chance to look at what they do have and what they are thankful for. While people may not have the luxuries they used to have there is still a lot to be thankful for. Most people still have their homes and food on the table. There are little things in life that often get overlooked. Praying is a way to bring them back and make a person think about all that they are fortunate to have.


Praying is one of the best ways to engage in meditation. When a person prays they are calm, they are focusing on something peaceful and relaxing. Meditation will allow a person to be at peace even if they only pray for a couple of minutes. Taking some time each day to pray will help a person relax and they will feel less stress in their life.

Sense of Purpose

People are busy now and it seems they never have a moment for themselves. Prayer will change this. Prayer will go back to allowing a person to know their purpose. When they pray a person will think about all the roles they play during the day and which ones are the most important. A person may be a caregiver, parent, or play another role. Praying will allow them to know what roles are important and separate themselves from the other stressors that are having an impact on their life.


When a person feels like they have no hope, prayer can give them some coping skills that they need. They will think about how they can get past this time or hardness and everything will be okay.

When a person is looking to relax they should pray. There are many physical and mental benefits to prayer. A person can think about all that is good in their life and relax knowing that a higher power is watching over them and taking care of them.

How Exercise Improves My Mental Health

5 Mental Benefits of Exercises

We all know that exercises have many physical benefits, which include weight control, reduced risk of diabetes, lowering blood pressure, among many others. But have you ever thought about the mental benefits of exercises? Unknown to many, physical exercises eases depression symptoms, sharpens your memory, among many other benefits. The following five benefits of physical exercises will give you the motivation to hit the gym. Read on!

1.Eases Anxiety and Depression Feelings

It is proven scientifically that exercising boosts moods and eases the symptoms of depression and anxiety. When you are exercising, your body releases a feel-good hormone known as endorphin, which produces feelings of euphoria and happiness. Alexander Djerassi recommends starting with moderate exercise to remain positive as it also improves anxiety and depression. Even doctors recommend exercising before turning for medication.

2. It Decreases Stress

Do you want something that can make you happier? Try exercising as it reduces the stress level. It is proven scientifically that increased heart rate reverses stress-induced brain damage since exercising stimulates neurohormones, which improve cognition and boosts mood. These hormones improve thinking in the brain area clouded by stress, making you feel good. Exercises make your body central and nervous system communicate with each other, and therefore, your body will be able to respond positively to stress.

3. Exercises Lead to Better Sleep

Do you have trouble getting sleep at night? Exercise can be a cure when you exercise, your body temperature increases, which has a calming effect on your mind. Also, you may be having poor sleeping patterns because your mind is not relaxed. Therefore, it improves your sleep by ensuring that your mind is relaxed and that you are having more shuteye. Our bodies have a natural inbuilt clock-like system that controls when we feel tired and alert. Exercises regulate this system and therefore ensure that we have a better quality of sleep.

4. Exercises Boost Brain

There are several proven ways through which exercising boosts the power of the brain. Well, it strengthens brain memory and builds its intelligence. Several scientific studies have proved that physical exercises create new brain cells that empower the brain to perform better. The created brain cell also prevents memory loss and cognitive decline since it strengthens the hippocampus part of the brain that supports learning and keeps the memory. Thus, exercising boosts creativity and increases mental energy.

5. Exercises Build Stronger Resilience
It is normal for people to be faced with emotional and mental challenges in life. Thus, what do you do when faced with these challenges? The sure thing is to engage in physical exercises as it is proved to help build resilience and cope in a healthy way. Those who ignore exercises resort to alcohol and drugs and negative behaviors, making the symptoms even worse over time. Alexander Djerassi recommends that people take the healthy approach, and start exercising.