Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix Announced

We know that Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix is already out and after a few weeks Square Enix has announced Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix. This is indeed great news for Kingdom Hearts fans. Bringing back the adventures of Sora in full HD is going to be a treat. We saw that in Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 remix. We experienced a more detailed game thanks to a higher resolution. Kingdom Hearts has been a huge and successful franchise through the years and bringing Kingdom Hearts 2, Kingdom Hearts Re: coded, and Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep is really a love letter to the fans of the series.

Square Enix has a lot in their minds and I’m glad that they are moving in this direction. Making HD games for past Kingdom Hearts game is a very good idea. This would also boost sales for Square Enix, so this is a win-win situation. There are millions of fans of the Kingdom Hearts franchise all over the world. I’m sure that they will love this idea and for those who haven’t played the game yet, this is their chance to do so, and perhaps become new fans of the series as well.

Playing Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 remix and Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 remix will be a fun way to prepare for Kingdom Hearts 3. Having all the games together played in HD is going to be a great experience overall. If you love Final Fantasy and Disney then you will surely love the series. Tetsuya Nomura certainly knows how to make quality games. I’m glad he’s going to be the director for Final Fantasy XV. Many of us are excited for that game to. It also shows the brilliance of Tetsuya Nomura when it comes to fun gameplay.

Kingdom Hearts has a fun and superb gameplay mechanics. I’m talking about from Kingdom Hearts to Kingdom Hearts 2. He improved the controls and gameplay from Kingdom Hearts to Kingdom Hearts 2. The narrative is also well told, if you love Disney’s presentation and aesthetic then these games will certainly keep you entertained. Everybody’s excited as we will see Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix soon. It’s scheduled to be released on 2014 exclusive to the Playstation 3.