The Future of Law and Order

Many factors determine the future of law and order. Some change from one time to another as society changes, while others are rooted in culture, age, and demographics. As each year goes by, we look at crime trends and examine what can better protect our communities. Diego Ruiz Duran, a successful defense attorney in Mexico, hopes the future of law and order is peaceful and happy.

The biggest driver of crime is a tightening of gun laws across the country. After more than a dozen mass shooting incidents over the past several years, it is clear that it is easier to pick a victim now rather than later. As recently as ten or fifteen years ago, it was easier to pass a background check if a person had a gun. Now that the National Instant Background Check System or NICS has been replaced with the FBI’s NGI, criminals use cover names and false identification to obtain firearms.

Crime is on the rise in all cities and counties across the country. One key to stopping this is to focus on reducing overall crime. This reduction can be accomplished by preventing senseless crimes like street crimes and drug crimes. It can also mean more effective enforcement of existing laws and stiffer penalties for crimes that occur off of the street.

Community Policing involves engaging the community and working with the police force in several ways. For example, a neighborhood watch program will intercede when criminal activity occurs outside the home. Neighbors will report suspicious activities, and they will actively patrol their neighborhood in hopes of catching criminals. They will help to keep the streets safe, and they will report it to the police. This information gives the police an advantage when searching for perpetrators of violent crimes that often occur during daytime hours.

Another aspect of Community Policing deals with victims of domestic violence. Domestic violence is becoming more common, and some of the victims are young girls and women. A task force that includes both police officers and volunteers from the community can be instrumental in bringing charges against those who prey on these innocent young women. The team can also help ensure that safety concerns are addressed to help make the streets safer for these women.

Although The Profit and Loss Rule suggests that profits and losses should separate the most successful businesses from those that are not, there is no reason why the LOS should not also be enforced when it comes to law enforcement officers. Law enforcement officers protect the public and help to keep order. That is priceless and should not be allowed to go to waste. However, it is the decrease in other types of crime that is disturbing. Thefts, burglaries, and assaults are all up, leading to more distrust of law enforcement officers.

A robust and influential organization is needed to carry out its mission. In this case, the FBI is very apparent in keeping its promise to protect the American people. The organization has successfully stopped many high-profile bank heists and even helped apprehend perpetrators of the September 11th attacks.

If the FBI is going to continue to lead the way, it will have to bring in tools and tactics from other branches of the Government. In essence, The Future of Law and Order is not about protecting the criminal but about protecting the American people from criminals. Law enforcement officers already have enough to do and should not be burdened unnecessarily. Diego Ruiz Duran also hopes criminals are arrested humanely and justifiably.

Planning for Your Children’s Future  

Think about the impact a father has on their child’s development? Studies show that children are impacted immensely by the action or in-actions of their fathers. The studies also show that the actions whether good or bad can have extended effects on a child that manifest in adulthood.

 Findings from decades of research show that the father-child relationship is of great importance and significance. While adults might share the view that a father can be secondary in a child’s upbringing, children don’t share this view. As far as children are concerned, their dad’s care and affection are non-discretionary.

There is a Catholic priest that was once famously quoted saying that,” give me a child, and in 7 years I will give you a man”. Here, the priest is trying to say that the ways taught to a child till they reach the age of 7 will stay with the child into adulthood. It is, therefore, evident that children are like sponges. Parents, guardians, and caretakers should understand that kids tend to absorb everything from their surroundings. These could be mannerisms and vocabulary.

Fatherhood should have more parenting and less of playing catch. Dads also need to be proactive in their kid’s life. Being a role model is important. Parents who have healthy habits pass down those traits to their children. Cory Harow has a career in the field of medicine that he takes seriously like his professional career. The MD believes that parents should also teach their children how to function within society.

In addition to having a career in the field of emergency medicine, the proud father of four also served in the Israeli Defense Force. While the two professions are different, some of the basic core values that they teach are identical. The career in the army and emergency medicine instilled dedication, discipline, and empathy. Harow explains that these traits should be taught to children so that they can develop into fully functional adults.

We live in a technologically advanced world. These days, even children almost have unrestricted online access—something some people find unhealthy. Harow understands that the impact technology can have on a child, and this is why he allows his kids to access technology, but with limited screen time. The former military officer believes that doing this helps children to understand that technology is a tool, but not an extension of themselves.
Cory Harow knows that University education is important in safeguarding his children’s future. Besides taking his kids to the best schools, the father of four is also saving up for his kid’s college tuition with the hopes of securing admissions to leading institutions of higher education. University education is very important, and Harow believes that it is an important stepping stone to better career prospects. With a university education, the doctor is confident that kids will be on the right track to success.