Attending Business Conferences

Attending Business Conferences

Running a business can be challenging. One has a lot on their plate, making decisions based on profit and loss and figuring out which strategies are working and which are not. That’s why keeping up with the changing market is essential to stay relevant and doing as much business as possible. One also has to attend conferences, conventions, or other business-related events to socialize with other people in one’s field of work, even for gardeners like Raphael Avraham Sternberg. Here are some benefits of attending business conferences.

1. Networking

Business conferences are where people gather to share information about various topics related to their field of work. These aren’t necessarily academic or scientific-related conferences. They can also be for business-people and entrepreneurs looking for new opportunities in their specific industry. People from different industries or even from other regions usually join these business events, so one can meet experts from other fields and learn new things they can apply when running their own business.

2. Meeting the Best Influencers

One of the best benefits of participating in a business conference is meeting the best people and influential figures in one’s field. People who have been doing this for years will share information about their work and what they’re doing so that they can use it to improve their business. They’ll also be able to give advice on what works and what doesn’t, which can help one make better decisions when starting or running a company.

3. Understanding Competitors

It allows one to learn more about their competitors. If there are similar organizations, one can learn more about them and how they do business. One may also know what strategies they’re using so that they can formulate their marketing strategies against others so that the competition doesn’t step on them.

4. Getting a New Perspective

Business conferences are also a great place to learn how other businesses from different industries do it. One might find out that they’re getting more customers, so one has a lot to learn from them to improve their business. If their marketing strategies and strategies for sales are better, then there’s no need to worry, one can still improve on these things so their business can stay competitive in the market.

5. Bettering One’s Skills

According to Raphael Avraham Sternberg, attending a business conference allows one to develop new skills that may help in the long run. One can learn valuable lessons and discover essential things they can apply to their work, making it easier for them to improve. Better skills mean one can do a better job running their business.

6. Providing New Services

Business conferences are often held to provide services that may help one’s business improve. There will be experts who can provide information about how to do certain things. These are things to know in order to grow and prosper the business.

Business conferences are crucial for industry professionals as they allow them to learn from experts and other industry leaders. Business conferences can be a significant factor in the success of one’s business as they can improve one’s skills, network with other people in the industry, and find out what other successful businesses are doing right.

Tips on Dealing With Speaking Jitters

If you want your business to be recognized in a crowded field that is saturated with hundreds of new startups each day, then you are going to need to learn the art of public speaking. It’s no secret that many CEO’s and thought-leaders are turning to the stages of TED or attending major conferences in their industry to give a presentation so they can position themselves as an authority.

However, many entrepreneurs will not seek this opportunity because they are deathly afraid of giving a public speech. In fact, 75% of the public are afraid of speaking in public mostly because they don’t want to make a mistake or be seen as incompetent. We recently interviewed Chris Johnson of the professional speaking website and asked him about this and here is what he had to share with us:

To the average person, says Johnson, “Apart from poisonous snakes, making public speeches is the most frightening thing in the world.”

Johnson confesses that he remains nervous even after having made hundreds of speeches and presentations. However, he is not quite as nervous as he used to be. He says: “The only people who don’t seem to be nervous, in my experience, are those who are the most tremendous bores.”

Hints From Johnson on Clinching a Sales Presentation

Nerves are not only common, they are natural. As a matter of fact, nerves appear to improve the quality of presentations. Nerves are a manifestation of the fact that the presenter cares. And because he cares, he tries harder.

So how can the presenter learn to live with his nerves and minimize the stress? Johnson describes three ways:

  1. “First, remember that no client comes in hoping to see a poor presentation of lousy work. He is looking forward to seeing a good presentation of excellent work. So he is not to be feared.
  2. Second, unquestionably the best way to combat nerves: be better prepared. Whenever I am going to make a presentation I have rehearsed in my mind several times how it is going to go. I even go to the extent of visualizing the audience’s reaction (which is always enthusiastic!).
  3. And third, get mentally prepared and do whatever you can to create a positive mindset. I enjoy reading positive and quotes from websites like Motivation Ping as I find that they put me in the right frame of mind before giving my presentation.

I have anticipated all the things that might go wrong. I have considered what I will do if the audience turns out to be difficult in some way. I will have reflected on the type of people that are going to attend. I will have mastered my material.

 Finally, I find it useful to spend a little time – maybe only three or four minutes – on my own, to compose myself.”

Treat the Creative Work with the Respect it Deserves

Nerves are bad for the creative work too. Johnson says that the presenter must not “rattle” his way through a piece of work. After all, it’s the creative work that tends to get clients excited. It is the physical manifestation of everything they have paid out and will pay out money for. Therefore, the creative work must get it its due.

If creative work is good, then it can stand a fair degree of explanation as to why. If the ad executive who is making the presentation cannot explain why, then maybe he hasn’t thought things through properly; or, even worse, the work just doesn’t make sense.

How to Deal with Presentation Nerves

Although it is natural to be nervous before a presentation, it is a good sign as the nervous presenter tries harder to succeed. Chris Johnson shares two tips on how to conquer presentation nerves.

The first one is to remember that the client is not some kind of monster. He is only eager to see some great creative work since he is paying for it.

Secondly, the presenter should be fully rehearsed and prepared.