Interesting statistics on marriage and cohabitation in the US

At some point in their younger years, nearly everyone imagines themselves in a happy marriage with children. Maybe they want to model their parents, maybe they want to model other families they see. However, those attitudes often change on the way to adulthood and for some time after. 

It’s becoming increasingly common and accepted for non-married couples to live together. Some cohabitating partners even decide that marriage isn’t necessary in a loving relationship. As the idea of the nuclear family continues to crumble, here are some interesting statistics on marriage and cohabitation in the U.S. 

More Adults are Cohabiting 

Of those ranging in age from 18 to 44, 59% have lived unmarried with a partner at some point in their lives while half of them have never been married. Another 38% of that 59% have lived with various partners. 

Compared to the previous census, those who have been married at some point are on the decline. It’s more common now for couples to skip the wedding bells and simply enjoy cohabitation. That doesn’t mean marriages are ending, but attitudes towards it are changing. 

Cohabitation Acceptance

As attitudes towards marriage change, so do opinions on cohabitation. Only 14% of Americans think cohabitation before marriage is unacceptable, compared to 69% who think it’s perfectly okay. Another 16% are fine with it so long as the couple plans to marry. 

Younger adults are more likely to have a positive opinion on cohabitation. Roughly 78% of those under 30 think it’s fine, while only 63% of those 65 and older are on board. Overall attitudes still support marriage, however, with 53% of Americans seeing benefits in long-term couples who eventually tie the knot. 

There’s More Trust in Marriage

It isn’t uncommon for relationships that come to a grinding halt to experience legal trouble, like relying on this Stange Law Firm child custody attorney in Bloomington. Trust is often at the crux of a relationship on the rails. So, who is better off in the long run?

As it turns out, Americans are more trusting when they’re in a marriage instead of cohabitating. The numbers are 53% to 41%, which isn’t an incredibly large gap. Satisfaction and communication skills, on average, are also higher for those with wedding bands. 

The Money Factor

For many cohabitating couples, especially in a down economy, living together simply makes the most financial sense. Roughly four-in-ten adults admit to this, with 38% citing finances and another 37% citing convenience as the primary reason behind their cohabitation. 

Most cohabitators who are not engaged also cited money as the reason behind delaying marriage or removing it from the table altogether. Either money is tight, they are unsure if their partner is financially ready, or they don’t believe they are financially ready themselves. 

Legal Rights

Roughly 65% of adults think cohabitators should be able to enter legal agreements that give them the same rights as married couples. Conservatives are nearly evenly split on the debate, while 77% of liberal-minded voters are in favor. 

Should this agreement ever come to pass, it has the potential to greatly add couples financially. There would also be more rights in court, especially when dealing with a family lawyer in OC over custody. As of now, there are no motions or bills in the works. 

Love Rules All

Love and companionship remain the primary motivators behind any partnership. Of the married, 90% said love was the primary factor while 66% said companionship. For those cohabitating, the numbers were 73% and 61%.